When everyone in QG won the victory of Xiaolongtuan again and went home satisfied to repair their equipment, the expressions on the faces of the three commentators in the commentary booth were already full of smiles.

“Brothers, don’t look at the fact that the QG team can only gain a little advantage in each round of team battles, but under the circumstances that the advantages accumulate, QG’s advantage is actually already very big now!”

“It may not be worth mentioning to lead by three heads, but other aspects are still worth mentioning.”

“Defense towers, now 3 to 1, all the towers of SSG have been pushed down by QG, ​​and in the next game, their wild field vision will be completely controlled by the QG team!”

“The little dragon even got three 20 minutes ago, one wind dragon and two earth dragons. In the next battle between the big dragon and the fourth little dragon, he will have a bigger advantage!”

“However, the only regret is that the fourth little dragon is no longer an earth dragon, but has become a fire dragon. If the third is still an earth dragon, then the speed at which the QG team pushes Ta Nalong will be so fast that it will fly!”

Wawa was very excited and said, “Although this game has been going so far, it is not certain that the QG team will definitely win the game, but judging from the current steady state of the QG team, they will definitely continue to make zero mistakes and continue to follow-up.” Contest!

“That’s right. It would be nice if the fourth little dragon was also an earth dragon. However, the fire dragon is actually quite good. It can increase the attack power of the heroes, and it will be useful in team battles when you get it.”

Miller also said excitedly that the game was originally going to rely on team battles to win the game. If the second dragon just now was a fire dragon, maybe Uzi would not even give CoreJJ the chance to swallow Brother Crown. It kills!

“Right now, the pressure on the SSG team is quite high.”

“First of all, there is an obvious lag in equipment. Secondly, because the vision of the wild area cannot be achieved, the resources of the wild area will be plundered wildly by the QG people, further compressing their development space.”

“What’s even more frightening is that once 20 minutes have passed, if the SSG team has insufficient or no vision in the dragon area, QG will definitely be able to take down the dragon quickly with the blessing of the two earth dragons!”

“Once this big dragon is taken down, SSG’s defense will be even more difficult. If it is directly broken all the way to the high ground, the follow-up impact will be even greater!”

Miller continued to analyze that he seemed to be thinking about the battle strategy for the SSG team, but he was actually thinking about the next battle plan for the QG team.

As long as the QG team follows this strategy, it will be difficult for them to lose the crucial third game!

“The next step depends on the execution of the QG players. There is only less than a minute left before the dragon is refreshed. If the QG team can find an opportunity to steal the dragon, then the victory is really not far away! ”

Remember to add briefly at the end, and then cast your gaze directly on the screen, looking forward to more good things happening next!

Outside the game, countless LPL spectators are excited and can’t wait to hope that the QG team can end this game as soon as possible, so as to win the first world championship belonging to LPL!

But in the game, everyone in QG was quite calm and not in a hurry.

“Brothers, stabilize your mentality, guard against arrogance and impetuosity.”

After updating the equipment, Uzi walked out of the spring, and at the same time told the team members.

“We already have a great advantage in this round, but it’s not impossible for the opponent to fight. We must be careful in the next round, and don’t get caught too many opportunities.”

“As long as we stabilize our development, even if we reach the late stage, we will surely win!”

Uzi solemnly told his teammates that he is really close to himself, QG, and the first LPL world champion, but he still can’t be in a hurry!

After all, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and you will give the opponent a chance if you are in a hurry. Once they are overthrown by SSG, this will definitely have a huge impact on their confidence!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Dog, the situation just now will never happen again.”

Scout immediately responded that although the third dragon just now could be easily captured, it was precisely because of his early death that the teammates successfully managed a wave, but in the final analysis, he was caught because of his careless positioning.

“it is good.”

“Next, the opponent should try to kill me at all costs. I will be careful. Go and kill the double C on the opponent, and we will win.”

“Snake Girl didn’t dodge. As long as she kills him once, SSG will never make a comeback!”

Uzi reminded his teammates again.

At this time, although his Uzi has developedIt’s very scary, and has already got 7 heads, but the development of the opposite Crown Snake Girl is also terrifying, and has already got five heads. Once he gets a big one, Snake Girl’s AOE output in team battles is absolutely necessary Scarier than VN!

This point, everyone in QG is naturally clear, so they have also done enough to target it in the follow-up production.

The second piece of equipment of the Sofm team went directly to the green armor, and the second piece of Uzi’s VN also directly touched the mercury ribbon. Although it cost 1300 yuan to get this thing, it has no effect on the output end, but its self-protection ability is Enhanced a lot.

Whether it’s Snake Girl’s ult, Olaf’s Q, or Bobby’s E, as long as he rushes over, he can instantly undo the quicksilver, and then achieve a counterattack!

“Dalong is about to spawn, let’s find a chance to fight.”

Uzi once again issued a new combat order, and after going out with his teammates, he ran straight to the middle, and then dispersed into the SSG blue zone, and began to set up the vision of the wild area.

At the same time, Holy Gun’s troll continued to lead the line in the bottom lane with TP, and in the middle lane, Uzi and Scout both occupied the middle lane and pushed the lane.

As for going on the road, no one will take care of it for the time being.

“Brother Holy Gun, you are leading the way to death. If they catch you, we will move the dragon!”

The reason for such a division is naturally to prepare for the next big dragon.

At this moment, when Holy Gun’s troll came out to Greedy Hydra and started to do black cuts for the second part, Cuvee’s Poppy couldn’t control him at all, so he could only stand in the second tower of the bottom lane and wait for the troll. The magic will send the soldiers over.

In the middle lane, Uzi is not the main force for clearing the line, but Scout’s clockwork is.

After obtaining the Fa Chuan Xie and Mo Luo Lei’s Secret Code, Scout found a useless big stick for his own clockwork. With one QW, he could directly beat a wave of soldiers.

On the other hand, on the SSG team, although Brother Crown’s Snake Girl and Chidi Lunzi’s mother have strong line-clearing abilities, they still don’t push the position too far.

After all, during the last wave of team battles, Sofm’s horsemen’s ult hadn’t improved, but it has improved now, and it is very likely that they will come to the tower and force it directly!

As a result, the middle and bottom lines in Summoner’s Canyon started to advance in a turn-based manner again.

As time passed, the time slowly came to 19 minutes and 40 seconds, and there were only 20 seconds left before the big dragon refreshed!

At this time, Uzi suddenly disappeared in the middle, but Xiaoming Niutou did not leave.

More than 10 seconds later, Uzi’s VN appeared alone on the top lane to lead the line and brought the pawn line to the first tower position of SSG’s top lane, and then began to retreat.

In the eyes of everyone in SSG, this is a very normal developmental operation.

But in fact, in the eyes of all viewers from God’s perspective, they can clearly see that when Uzi left the road and walked towards the river, Sofm’s men and Xiao Ming’s bull head had already reached the Dalong Pit ahead of time , and started to deal with the newborn Baron Nash!

“The QG team is trying to steal the dragon!”

Seeing this scene, the three commentators were shocked. They never expected that the QG team would be so bold!

But the first time, the SSG team really didn’t respond!

Down the road, Brother Holy Gun was still hammering Cuvee.

In the middle, Scout continued to push the line relying on his own equipment advantage, but he didn’t dare to go too deep, after all, the head of An was always hanging around.

Here on the road, because the red square pawn line is already heading towards the second tower on the top road, Chidi and CoreJJ had to switch to the top road to clear the pawn line.

The five members of the SSG team didn’t realize that the three members of the QG team who had disappeared from their field of vision hadn’t gone home at all, but were stealing dragons when the vision of the blue zone and the Dalongkeng were completely dark!


When Chidi finally cleared a wave of soldiers, he looked at the dark blue area, and shone a blue eye on the blue BUFF grass. After making sure that there was no one in the grass, he felt relieved and prepared to go through the blue area. The district walked towards the middle road.

And just when Chidi and CoreJJ walked to the crossroads in the blue zone, the vigilance of professional players suddenly made them realize that something was wrong!

Ding ding ding!

In an instant, several yellow question mark pins were at the Dalong Pit.

It wasn’t until this time that the rest of the SSG staff suddenly realized that Uzi and QG Nosuke had been out of sight for a long time!

“See if they are stealing dragons!”

Although this idea is outrageous, after all, the time is only in the early 20 minutes. If there are only three people to fight Baron, the speed will definitely be very slow, and the hero will be seriously injured.

But if you think about it, it’s not impossible, because the ADC that outputs Baron Nash is a VN with three-ring damage!

“They seem to have reacted.”

Seeing that the Crown Snake Girl was moving towards the blue zone, Scout immediately reminded her.

Immediately afterwards, Olaf, who also saw Head An, followed behind the Snake Girl, and walked towards the blue zone together.

On the other hand, the three of Uzi and the others have only hit two-thirds of Baron Nash’s blood volume at this time!

Although there is only one-third of the HP remaining before taking down the big dragon, judging from the speed at which everyone in SSG is on their way, they are very likely to hit a precise point again!

“Brother Holy Gun, get ready to fight!”

Uzi continues to export the big dragon, from the timeJudging, it should be enough, but at that time, Sofm and Xiao Ming, who have been alternately resisting the damage of the dragon, will have unhealthy blood volume!

So, if everyone in SSG, especially An Zhangmen and Brother Huang Guan, are not allowed to approach, that would be the best!


Seeing the SSG Snake Girl and Olaf walk to the grass in front of the three wolves on the right, Brother Saint Gun snorted coldly, took two steps back, found a safe place, and pressed TP directly!

The target is not the grass where the SSG Nakano two are at this time, but the grass in the river right in front of the blue BUFF!

At the same time, Scout did not continue to clear the troops in the middle, and walked towards the river, preparing to cooperate with Brother Holy Gun to complete the interception of Head An and Brother Crown.

And at this moment, as the blue-eyed CD on the body of Crown Brother Snake recovered and fell directly into the dragon pit, everyone in the SSG team finally saw the QG trio who were really stealing the dragon. With a quarter left, the big dragon will be stolen in five seconds at most!


In such a situation, everyone in SSG naturally did not dare to neglect. Chidi and CoreJJ hurried to the river, trying to interfere with the three of QG and buy time for the teammates’ support.


Just when CoreJJ arrived at the river, a real eye fell to illuminate the situation of the big dragon in the dragon pit, and at the same time, Cuvee Bobby’s TP was also brazenly pressed!

Two minutes ago, a wave of small dragon team battles just ended!

At this moment, the big dragon team battle is about to start again!

But the situation is different, although all the heroes’ ultimate moves have improved, but in terms of summoner skills, everyone is on CD!

In other words, if the next wave of team battles really break out, the test will be on everyone’s skills and operations!

At this moment when Qian Jue was about to launch, the QG team took the lead in launching the attack!

When the SSG and Nakano walked towards the river, they could actually see the TP whirlwind that the holy gun brother teleported to the ground.

However, in order to rush to the Dragon Pit, Olaf, who was in charge of the security, still walked towards the grass without hesitation, and at the same time, a fake eye fell first.


In order to prevent Brother Holy Gun from releasing his skills after landing, Brother Crown and Snake Girl laid down the ground in advance.

But the problem is that Brother Holy Gun’s troll can no longer release his skills, but the Scout clockwork behind him has no scruples at all!

Command! Protect!

The E skill was instantly attached to the troll.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Holy Gun walked directly between the two of them.

Command! Shockwave!

The next moment, the clockwork’s big move was blatantly pressed, and with a bang, it pulled Snake Girl and Olaf to the troll’s side, causing quite terrifying damage!


The head of An naturally knew that this was because the two of QG’s upper middle and middle school didn’t want him to go to the Dalongkeng, but at this time, he naturally couldn’t stay here because of a moment of anger, so he directly activated the big move and released the first big move in the air instantly. Control the effect, then screamed and ran towards the river.

But at this moment, the Holy Gun troll, who had already walked out of the Snake Girl’s Mansion, directly erected the E skill Ice Pillar at the pass when he could cast spells, and directly sent Olaf who had activated his ultimate move to sprint. Blocked on the spot!

The position of this pillar is extremely tricky. Although its size is absolutely unable to occupy the entire pass, when it is erected in the middle, the passages left on both sides cannot allow Olaf to pass through at all!


Don’t mention how annoyed Master An was in his heart at this moment!

If he had brought flash in this round instead of sprinting, he would definitely not be in such an embarrassing situation now!

As for Brother Crown, in the last wave of team battles, there was no way to get past this scourge immediately, and he could only watch Scout clockwork towards the dragon pit to support him, and he went with Anzhangmen. First vent your anger on the holy gun brother troll.

On the side of the Great Dragon Pit, Baron Nash’s blood volume is finally about to bottom out.

At the same time, although Cuvee hadn’t landed yet, Chidi and CoreJJ had already walked to the middle of the river, and threw a whirling blade at the big dragon, trying to try their luck to snatch the big dragon.

But Sofm naturally wouldn’t give Chidi such an opportunity. After seeing the dragon’s blood volume below the punishment line, he handed over the punishment steadily… After all, Olaf, who is in charge of An, is still thousands of miles away at this time In addition, there is no chance to fight against myself for punishment!

QG.Sofm killed Baron Nash!

Dalong, who stole for nearly half a minute, was finally taken down by the QG team.

But the price paid was that the blood volume of Xiaoming Niutou had been reduced to less than half, and the blood volume of the Sofm men and horses had returned to more than half because of the punishment just now.

But even so, when Poppy Cuvee landed on the ground, the Sofm team rushed up without hesitation!

After all, they don’t have any flash skills to leave the dragon pit at all. Even if they don’t fight back, they will be trapped in the dragon pit.


Destroy Charge!

Shadow Impact!

Without further ado, the Sofm team rushed directly towards the three of SSG.

The ultimate moment!

At the same time, Uzi also immediately pressed the VN big move to prepare for the battle!

Be firm!

Xiao Ming also activated his big move ahead of time, and then strode towards the SSG duo.

Such a terrifying situation immediately made Chidi CoreJJ’s heart tighten,Tam hurriedly swallowed the wheel mother, and immediately pressed the cleanse to walk towards the blue BUFF at the moment of being ridiculed. After all, the Scout clockwork had already rushed over from the other side.

But under such circumstances, CoreJJ finally made a mistake.

When the Sofm team kicked him back to Xiaoming Niutou, he spit out Chidi Wheel Mom with “quick eyes and quick hands”.

And after going back and forth, Chidi Wheel’s mother just didn’t move at the same place!

Savage collision!

The earth shattered!

Seeing this, Xiao Ming was ecstatic, immediately caught up with the skills, and hammered the wheel mother away!

Immediately afterwards, Uzi’s output immediately caught up, and he and his teammates set fire to Chidi in an instant, causing Chidi’s health bar to drop rapidly!

But even though the three of QG have already got together, for Cuvee, it is an excellent opportunity to amplify their moves.

But at this moment, he hesitated!

Because Uzi’s E skill has always been in his hand, if he swings it again, he will still be shot immediately!

And just as Cuvee was hesitating, Mother Chidi Lunzi had already died!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Ruler!


QG.Uzi is already super god!

The game time was 20 minutes and 35 seconds. Uzi finally won the eighth head of the game, officially super god!

In the wild area, when the pillar of the Holy Gun and the troll finally disappeared, and the head of An and Guan Guan finally had the opportunity to reach the river, Chidi was already killed. In addition, the dragon had been captured by QG, ​​so the two immediately gave up With the idea of ​​continuing to fight, he directly withdrew and sold the players.

Although Brother Saint Gun tried his best to keep him, but a troll like him doesn’t have the ability after all. He could only watch helplessly after the two left, and then went back to meet his teammates.

As for the remaining Tam and Bobby in the river, they basically gave up struggling. After all, in this kind of situation, the two of them had no way of escaping!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Cuvee!


So, under the circumstances that the players were deliberately making heads, Uzi successfully won the triple kill, directly hitting his own record in this field to 10-0-3!

(Thanks to “Sean who loves windmills” for his support of 200 reminder tickets!!!)

(Thanks for the monthly ticket support from “Falling Leaves Turned Out to be Stars”!!!).

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