The top pawn line is not particularly good for QG, but it is not too bad. It is located 100 yards from the center line slightly closer to the blue side.

If Xiao Ming is by his side, this pawn line is quite comfortable for Uzi.A position where you can advance, attack, retreat, and defend.

But at this time, Xiao Ming has just reached the circular grass in the upper river, even with five-speed shoes, it will take a while to get to him.

At this time, Uzi keenly sensed a hint of danger, took a small step back, and first put a fake eye in the first grass, and after making sure that there was no one there, went to the middle grass to put a real eye.

Still no one!

After two trials, Uzi finally relaxed his vigilance a little bit, but when he was about to step forward to make up the knife, a sudden change occurred!

“Aha! I just hid!”

The next moment, a wretched mouse’s head suddenly appeared from below, and a stinky venom bomb was thrown directly at Lucian’s body, giving him a deceleration effect.

“Not good! Help me!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Uzi hurriedly slid back, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a blue whirlwind light up in the grass behind him.

Even at this moment, with the full firepower of the mouse’s big move, Meiko Bron W landed on the mouse, and in almost an instant, the net of heaven and earth was set up!

But QG’s response was not slow!

Even though it was a little late, and even though he had reached the second tower in the bottom lane, Brother Holy Gun immediately TPed to the soldier in the top lane, ready to rescue him.

At the same time, Uzi also fully demonstrated the strength of what is called the world’s top ADC, and started to fight back without panic!

AA, sliding step, big move!

In an instant, not only did uzi not return to his own tower, but he moved a certain distance towards the blue side, and even took advantage of Lucian’s super high explosion to beat the mouse to the brim!

Although this was not the way home, it prevented myself from being knocked out by Braum in the first place, and at the same time bought time for my teammates!

“Hold on!”

At this moment, the voices of Xiao Ming and Sofm sounded at the same time. Although the two were still very far away from uzi, they still rushed up the road without giving up.

The two top laners landed one after the other at this moment, but Ike of Holy Gun was closer to Deft’s mouse, and directly called all his skills to the mouse, forcing Deft to retreat again and again, wanting to complete the rendezvous with the factory manager who rushed over .

Although Uzi was quickly chased to death by Bron and contributed QG’s second head, but because of the blood volume of the mouse, it was already maimed by Lucian, and because of the damage and explosion of Ike’s three rings, Deft’s head also Handed over to Brother Holy Gun!

EDG.Meiko killed QG.Uzi!

QG.Flandre killed EDG.Deft!

When the two armies confront each other, the AD dies first, and in an instant, both ADCs are killed.

But the battle didn’t stop there!

Braum is here!

Meiko, who finally got to the right position, threw his big move towards Brother Holy Gun, knocking him into the air from a distance.

Then, he was bitten by the cold winter again, making it impossible to move even an inch!

“help me!”

Brother Holy Gun also let out a cry for help, and at the same time threw a W position into the sky, hoping that he could delay for a while.

Because the bull’s head and the wine barrel are already very close to me!

But EDG doesn’t want to give Holy Gun a chance to escape from death.

Mouse’s big tree first patted Ike in the direction of the factory director, allowing the excavator to jack it up smoothly.

But just when the two wanted to take the next step, they only heard a “boom”, and Ike’s W skill finally dropped, knocking them unconscious to the ground in an instant!

“we are coming!”

At this time, Niutou and Wine Barrel finally rushed to the battlefield one after another.

When Meiko’s Bron W approached the factory manager to protect him, Xiao Ming’s bull head also rushed towards the three of them, like a fearless warrior!

The next moment, the Q skill shattered the ground and slammed it down heavily, and the chicken and dog ascended to heaven!

“Xiao Ming hammered up three people!”

In the commentary seat, Doll’s voice was almost broken, and he didn’t want to believe that the three of EDG were all knocked into the air so easily!

And when the three of EDG also realized that the situation was not good, Sofm’s wine barrel finally came up.

In an instant, the six big guys hugged each other tightly. There was me among you and you among me. Sofm didn’t know who he was up against, but he knew in his heart that this wave, EDG is over!

Let’s have a drink!

The next moment, the big move came with a bang, falling behind everyone.

Just hearing a “bang”, the three of EDG were instantly blown aside, and Bron, who had already lost blood, was directly blown to death!

“Hit the factory manager!”

Uzi, who turned into the spring commander, immediately shouted in surprise. He never expected that they would win this wave, so he hurriedly commanded.

So the next moment, the three of them ignored the tree that was almost full of blood. Even if they had no skills, they greeted the factory director with six thick fists!

“Not good, the factory manager has burrowed into the ground, be careful that he burrows into the hole and escapes!”

Suddenly seeing the factory manager sneaking into the ground, uzi hurriedly said.


The next moment, Sofm, with quick eyesight and quick hands, appeared on the hole before the factory manager was about to hit the hole on the ground, and completely strangled the factory manager’s last escape to death!

QG.Sofm killed EDG.Meiko!

QG.Sofm killed EDG.Clearlove!


When the battle on the road ended with one wave of one for three again, no matter it was EDG players, coaches, or fans.

On the face of despair, two words were written clearly.word…

It’s over!

(Thanks to the “Creating Heaven and Earth” boss for his monthly ticket support!!!)

(Continue to ask for flowers and evaluation votes from everyone!!!).

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