It’s really over!

Although the game time has only come to a little over 10 minutes, the head ratio on the field has reached an exaggerated 8 to 2!

The QG team has eight heads, and the EDG team only has two pitiful heads!

Among them, the scariest one is Xiao Ming’s bull head, because his record is already a terrifying 1-0-7!

In other words, all the head kills of the QG team are related to Xiao Ming’s bull head. His team battle participation rate has reached a terrifying 100%!

“This Xiao Ming…is too strong.”

The baby finally uttered such a sentence, looking at the bull’s head on the field, his heart was pierced like a knife.

Although in the team battle just now, Xiao Ming only completed a wonderful Q3, and didn’t have too many gorgeous operations.

But if you turn the time back three minutes, you can surprisingly find that Xiao Ming has almost turned the entire EDG upside down in the past three minutes!

In the first minute, he suddenly appeared in the bottom lane and got Mouse’s head.

In the second minute, he helped Scout complete a tower jump kill on Pawn in the middle.

In the third minute, he rushed back to the top road and completed uzi’s revenge!

From the bottom road to the top road, there are sparks and lightning all the way. Wherever they go, EDG people will die. It is even more terrifying than Conan!

Just when the baby finished praising Xiao Ming, this time, Miller actually excused EDG.

“That’s right, Xiao Ming is indeed very strong, and he is a rare genius support.”

“However, the reason why his wandering works frequently is that apart from his relatively strong personal ability, the EDG team’s lack of sufficient research on this new QG team is also a very important reason.”

“Take Sofm in the first game as an example. No one has seen his weird jungle route, so EDG’s jungle area exploded, but in the second game, after EDG had defensive measures, Sofm’s voice in this game She is much younger, and spends most of her time cooperating with Xiao Ming.”

“If Xiao Ming’s personal habits and timing of actions were studied and even targeted, his success rate of wandering might not be as scary as it is now.”

“But how to do it specifically, we can only wait until after this game is over, and the other teams will study it carefully.”

Miller solemnly said that although it sounds quite objective, the implication is that EDG is out of the game in this round!

Although EDG fans want to refute, there is no point to refute!

What made them even more distressed was that because the QG team started to take the lead in equipment and level against the EDG team, in the next matchup process, everyone in EDG played even more uncomfortable!

In addition, being successfully roamed by the bull head continuously created a psychological shadow, so that in the follow-up process, once the bull head disappeared from the EDG field of vision for more than ten seconds, everyone retreated crazily, for fear that Xiao Ming would not know when, from Which shadows come out and do it to yourself!

Canyon Pioneer? let go.

Xiaolong? let go.

big dragon? Also released.

EDG gave up all resources to QG in an attempt to drag the game to the late stage and achieve a shocking reversal through a wave of team battle victories.

But the five members of QG did not give EDG such an opportunity at all, and carried out the tactics of four-one split push to the end!

After all, at this time, even if Mouse’s big tree is fleshy, it is not the opponent of Holy Gun Ike!

And once the Pawn’s Ryze goes to line up with Ike, QG will choose to force open when EDG lacks a key output position!

Thus, the QG team broke through all the way.

Then they broke through two roads of high ground.

In the end, the three-way high ground was broken!

When the three lines of super soldiers all gathered together on the blue high ground, the EDG people who had been struggling for nearly 30 minutes could no longer hold the base crystal, so they could only watch the QG people helplessly and point them to the ground. burst!


The QG team won another round and won the entire BO3 with a score of 2 to 0. At the same time, they won the opening game of the summer split!


“we won!”

“Hahahaha, we beat EDG!”

Amidst the congratulations from Baby Miller and the sparse applause at the venue, the five members of QG all jumped up from their chairs excitedly, punched each other, patted each other’s shoulders, and even hugged each other!

Although this is just a victory in the regular season, it is of great significance to the five members of QG!

Especially the three of Nakanosuke!

Before the game, they were the least favored people, but now, they are also the most proud people!

“Let’s go, let’s shake hands.”

After being happy for a while, seeing the looks of his teammates who had never won, uzi urged with a smile.

Only then did the five of them walk towards the EDG competition booth and shook hands with them one by one.

Just when shaking hands, the expressions of the two sides formed a sharp contrast.

The five members of QG were radiant, while the five members of EDG looked gloomy.

“You have to bow when you come back. Why are you two going?”

However, when he returned to the center of the stage, uzi suddenly found that Sofm and Xiao Ming were gone, and hurriedly called them back. This was the first post-match bow for all members of the QG team!

“Although Scout is a substitute, he has also been on the field before. You knowRoad rules. ”

“But Sofm and Xiao Ming are both playing LPL for the first time, so something went wrong.”

In the commentary seat, looking at the five QG people laughing together, Baby Miller sighed.

“But in fact, the QG team’s victory today is all due to the brave performance of these two children!”

“The first time they entered the LPL stage, they won their first league victory. The starting point for the two of them can be said to be quite high!”

“However, the journey of the summer competition is still quite long. I hope that the QG team can make persistent efforts in the follow-up games, and strive to directly enter the playoffs!”

Miller spoke loudly, giving the reorganized QG extremely high hopes.

And what is certain is that they can take off their motley hats in just one match!

Because, if there are other teams that dare to underestimate QG, the end result will be the same as today’s EDG!

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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