The game time is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The QG team won the first blood for an unknown number of times, and once again gained the advantage in the early stage of the game!

“This Sofm, what kind of brain circuit is he?”

Seeing the wine barrel with the first blood leisurely walking towards the river, first brushing the river crab, and then brushing F4, Su Xiaoyan only felt that her understanding of the game League of Legends had been severely impacted !

Hearing Su Xiaoyan’s shocked tone, Miller chuckled.

“Maybe you haven’t studied the player Sofm too much. If you want me to say that the biggest characteristic of this player is that you don’t know what he will do at any point in time.”

“Just now, you thought he was going to hunt river crabs, but he didn’t.”

“I thought he was going to gank directly, but he didn’t.”

“Waah thought he was going to finish clearing the wild area first before doing other things, but ended up going back to gank!”

“We are looking at Sofm’s course of action from the perspective of God. We can’t even guess his tactical intentions, let alone Sofm’s opponent!”

“People’s gank is to find the opportunity to go directly, but Sofm’s gank thinks that the first opportunity is not good, and then waits for the second better opportunity!”

Miller repeatedly praised, watching Sofm’s game is really pleasing to the eye!

But this is a pain for the fans of the WE team.

Clearly, in this round, the WE players achieved matchup suppression in the middle lane and bottom lane. Although the top lane was at a disadvantage, it was only a small disadvantage.

But Sofm’s miraculous gank directly wiped back all the advantages that the WE team had worked so hard for in the first three minutes!

On Kangti’s side, after fighting the red buff, he originally wanted to attack the bottom lane directly, but after seeing that the line of soldiers was about to be wiped out by towers, he had no choice but to give up, and turned to the barrel’s F4 to vent his emotions.

After all, in this round, both he and Sofm were the starting points for the team’s rhythm, but Sofm got first blood before he even made a move!

In comparison, he seemed too naive.

“What the hell is this Sofm? What kind of mysterious wild route is this?”

While typing F4, Kang Di cursed.

“The first half of the field is open, isn’t it just to protect the bottom lane and prevent me from jumping the tower?”

“Why did you open in the first half of the jungle and then go to the first half of the jungle to gank? Are you really not afraid that I will kill Uzi?”

Kang Di gritted his teeth and said, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he was going to go down the road to make a mess.

But at this moment, Wuwuqi, Xiao Ming retreated two steps ahead of time, and took a spot in the grass in front of the stone man, directly cutting off Kangdi’s chance to go around and rush to the tower.

What’s more, even if it’s a tower rush, Xiao Ming has absolute confidence to play a wave of less for more with Uzi. After all, they are only at the third level now!

As a last resort, WE can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​directly targeting the bottom lane, and the various lines have re-entered a state of stable development.

Although Holy Gun and Sofm have an advantage, the middle and bottom lanes are still at a disadvantage, and they have been pushed to the lane.

As a result, Sofm’s jungle environment is still very poor!

Zero’s Tamm puts two wards in the QG red zone when he has nothing to do, and Xi Ye goes back to his wild zone to put two wards when he has nothing to do.

In this way, regardless of whether Sofm is fighting against himself or seeking trouble with Kangdi, he can be seen by WE immediately.

As a result, the scene fell into a stalemate for the time being.

Until the game time reaches 7 minutes!

“Scout, how many experience levels are left?”

Uzi, who cooperated with Xiao Ming and played a wave of blood exchanges on the opposite side, asked immediately after pulling away, and at the same time pinned the jewelry eye that Xiao Ming inserted in the grass in the river two minutes ago, indicating that there can be TP around the back.


As soon as the words fell, Scout’s Lissandra was promoted to level six.

“But I can’t leave, Xiye has been pressing me.”

Looking at the fan mother who frequently RQs herself in front of her, and even speeds up to give herself a W, ScouT is very tired.

He couldn’t lose for a second, and couldn’t catch up after chasing, so he could only swallow his anger all the time.

However, he and Uzi didn’t drop too much in last hits. They were all 60 hits, only three hits behind the opponent.

“No way, we have to mess with the two of them. Mother Wheel is now full of storms and swords. If I go home, I’m afraid I’ll go straight to endless!”

Uzi frowned. Although EZ’s hole card is quite powerful in the mid-game, it is still not very good in the early game, especially against a combination like Wheel Matam who can push the line and escape.

“I’m going to lure Mommy Fan away!”

At this moment, Sofm’s voice rang out. Immediately afterwards, he gave up the blue BUFF that was about to be refreshed, and walked towards Kangde’s red BUFF!

This is the second red and blue BUFF for both junglers, so the refresh time is about the same. If you are lucky, you can not only help Scout lure the fan mother away, but also grab the red BUFF!

“Be careful, their wild areas are full of eyes.”

Scout reminded me that I forcibly exchanged skills to push a wave of troops, and after emptying the blue bar, I retreated and started to read the bar back.

The second wave of troops slowly continued up and met on the center line.

Xiye originally wanted to go home to update his equipment, and then choose whether he was TP or not based on whether Scout was TP or not.

But while reading the article, they suddenly saw a potbellied figure breaking into their wild area!

“The wine barrel wants to steal your red.”

Xiye immediately reminded that Kangdi was playing F4 at this time, and his blood volume was not particularly high. If he was 1v1 with Wine Barrel, he might not be able to fight.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible to beat!

Because I got the first-blood wine barrel, I already have the wild knife and the booster code in my hands. On the other hand, Kandi’s troops, in order to increase their movement speed, only have a pair of three-speed shoes and a hunter talisman that they carry when they go out!

“Help me a wave.”

Conti also frowned. Sofm has used this kind of strong invasion of the wild area many times in the whole regular season. Although it is still a question of how many times it works, the most important thing is that this kind of behavior is really annoying. Mentality!

What’s more, in this round, Saint Gunner has already played the lane suppression from 61 knives to 957 knives at 34 knives. After pushing the line, he rushed to the wild area to support.

If Xiye doesn’t support him, he can only give up the red buff!


So, Xiye canceled going back to the city and walked towards the people.

“Okay, okay? My TP is already hungry and thirsty!”

In the QG team, Scout, who has returned to the city to buy equipment and recovered, has already clicked the mouse on the eye position of the grass in the river, waiting for his teammates to give an order.

“Wait, wait, Fan Mom hasn’t shown her face yet.”

Sofm was not in a hurry, and swaggered into the red BUFF grass, quietly waiting for the arrival of the troops.

Soon he realized that the opponent was not fooled, and the red BUFF happened to be refreshed in front of his eyes, so he started fighting directly.

And at this time, Renma and Fanzima finally appeared in the field of view of everyone in QG belatedly.


The time is ripe, Uzi shouted immediately!

The next moment, seeing that my brother-in-law still wanted to consume himself with the Q skill, instead of retreating, he jumped on the wheel mother’s face with the E skill and started to output!


At the same time, Xiao Ming directly put the weakness on the mother of the wheel, making her instantly crippled and unable to move.

The brother-in-law and Zero immediately sensed something was wrong. After all, Uzi’s ez had only one-third of the blood left, but he still jumped on his face without hesitation, which obviously indicated that there was something wrong!

And just when the brother-in-law and Zero walked towards each other, trying to hide in the toad’s belly as quickly as possible.

Xiao Ming pressed the Q button again, and at the moment before Mom Wheel and Toad were about to meet, he came between the two and double-clicked them to fly!

The next moment, Scout finally landed on TP, and the E skill Frost Path quickly moved closer to the position. Immediately afterwards, the W skill Frost Ring exploded on the spot to restrain the two at the same time, and immediately threw out the R skill Frozen Tomb to freeze the toad. Don’t give him any chance to swallow the wheel shit!

After finishing the damage, Scout turned his head and left without any attachment to the head.

Secret shooting.

At the same time, Uzi’s Q Dead Wheel Mom, who had peace of mind, got the first head, and then, together with Niu Tou, beat the helpless Tam to death!

QG.Uzi killed WE.Mystic!

QG.Uzi killed WE.Zero!


The game time was 7 minutes and 30 seconds, Uzi double-killed, and the total head ratio was 3 to 0!

“This is the tactic of QG’s round. Is it going to hit the east and the west?!”

When the familiar early stage advantage was brought out by QG again, in the commentary booth, the doll was amazing, Miller was stunned, and Su Xiaoyan was crazy!

In the BP stage, when WE selected this lineup, they kept saying that this four-pack two system would definitely be able to play, and Uzi would definitely be able to find autism!

But what happened?

For a full seven and a half minutes, WE never found a chance to get four or two, or even tried it!

On the other hand, QG keenly grasped 957, the key point ignored by WE’s tactics, and killed him a wave first, and then pretended to continue to occupy WE’s upper half of the wild area, but actually played a wave of three-pack two in the bottom lane!

Although Xiye teleported just now, the duo died too quickly, and with his own rootsI don’t have time to go home to replenish equipment and status, even if I go to TP, I still buy two get one free!

“This…is this how QG cracked the four-pack two-down lane?”

“Since you want to attack my family, then I will attack your family!”

“At the same time, they crazily invaded your top half of the jungle, so you had to allocate manpower to guard the jungle, and then gave the mid laner a chance to teleport to the bottom lane, playing three guarantees!”

When the playback shot ended, Miller finally recovered from the shock.

Although he is a die-hard fan of Manager Zhang and understands Manager Zhang’s tactical ideas, he can come up with new tactics every time, not only catching the other teams by surprise, but also catching himself by surprise!

“Just now you were worried that Manager Zhang would not be able to solve the problem you created, but now it’s all over, it’s broken.”

“And it directly disrupted the rhythm of WE. Now they don’t even know what they should do!”

Wawa also said with a chuckle, and it was at this moment that the director’s camera suddenly showed Manager Zhang in the lounge. At this time, his expression was extremely calm, as if everything was under his control.

“WE can no longer be led by the nose by QG. Although these two waves of QG played very beautifully, both Sagittarius and Fanzi are already six. If we continue to play four packs and two packs at this time, we can still succeed!”

Su Xiaoyan’s complexion was very dark, she didn’t want to praise QG with the two men beside her at all, but helped WE think about the next countermeasures!

It’s just that as soon as the words fell, 957, the top laner, suffered another serious death and died tragically in his own wild area!

“Here, how did 957 die?”

Seeing Ike’s corpse lying in the stone man’s grass, Su Xiaoyan’s face became even uglier.

Afterwards, the replay told everyone the cause of 957’s death.

When Brother Holy Gun was supporting the wild area, he inserted an accessory eye into the wall of the Golem camp to prevent 957 from coming to support him later.

And when Sofm hit the red buff twice and was pulled back by Kanti, both of them were ready to retreat from the triangle grass position.

As a result, at this time, 957, who had finally cleared the pawn line, seemed to think that after Kangdi had finished the red buff, he could cooperate with the troops to fight a wave of 2v2 in the wild.

Unexpectedly, when he just walked out of the grass and threw the W skill time stagger towards the wall, Gnar and Wine Barrel used their displacement skills to pass through the wall one after another, and beat 957, who didn’t have a lot of blood, to death. .

QG.Sofm killed WE.957!

957 was killed in battle again, and for QG, it’s a pity that this wave of heads were from wine barrels. If Holy Gun gets it, 957’s top line will be completely blown up!

In fact, it exploded, because when 957 was killed, another wave of troops from the blue side came up…

4 to 0!

The game time was less than eight minutes, and the WE team fell behind by four heads!

Although this lineup can be converted into a four-guarantee-one system in the late stage, once Uzi develops too well, and if the holy gun brother Tianfei is added, let alone the late stage, WE may not even be able to survive the mid-term!

“I can’t come on the road anymore, if I come here again, it will be gone!”

Just as all WE fans were worried, Kangti suddenly remembered their tactical arrangement in this round and made the most correct choice.

Get off the road!

Fatty brother-in-law!

No matter how well the Holy Gun develops, he can’t let Uzi equip it!

So, in the next few minutes, the WE team finally launched a counterattack against QG, and started to catch it frantically!

In 8 minutes, Kangdi and Xiye came down the road together, forcing a wave of Uzi and Xiao Ming’s summoner skills.

A minute later, Xiye finished pushing the pawn line in the middle lane, and came down the lane again to harass.

And just when Uzi and Xiao Ming were finally messed up and wanted to cry without tears, the front fan fan had just left, and the back foot arrived!

Although Xiao Ming’s defensive eye position inserted in advance saw the figure of the centaur, and started to retreat with Uzi…

But when the man and horse have three-speed shoes and start sprinting, even if two people can fly, it is impossible for them to run faster than the man and horse!

Behind him, Mother Wheel launched a big move to chase. After Tam opened the big move pack, he set up a net for Uzi and Xiao Ming on the spot. He didn’t even give them a chance to walk into the autistic grass, and double-clicked to kill them!

Although Scout’s support was very fast, when he arrived, he only forcibly replaced Tamm, and was killed by Centaur and Mother Wheel together.

The game time came to 10 minutes, and the head ratio on the court, although QG still led WE 5 to 3, but the two goddamned heads of the wheel seemed to give them hope of victory!


“That’s how WE should fight!”

“As long as they are captured by force, Uzi and Niutau will not be able to escape at all!”

The WE team finally regained some disadvantages. In the commentary booth, Su Xiaoyan seemed to be celebrating the New Year, ecstatic!

“Yes, the lineup of WE is still too strong for tower rushing.”

“However, it can be seen that the success rate is still much lower than that of QG. It may take two or three attempts to succeed in one.”

Miller said “agreed” without giving in, and then laughed instead of worrying.

“As we all know, everyone in QG is still very adaptable.”

“Since WE is so determined to play four packs and two packs now, then QG will definitely carry out tacticsThe choice above! ”

Miller was full of confidence and believed in the five QG players on the field.

“Start Plan B!”

Sure enough, when Uzi was resurrected, he immediately said.

Not only was his expression not tense because of the death just now, but it was full of eager smiles!

“What is Plan B?”

But what made Uzi speechless for a while was that after he gave the command, his teammates didn’t understand his intention!


“Didn’t Manager Zhang say that we will combine tactics in this game, military training on the road, or fight on the bottom road?”

“The plan for military training on the road has already been used up. Isn’t the remaining plan B just to fight down the road?”

Uzi choked speechlessly. It’s been a season, yet he still has to speak so clearly.

“Oh, oh, I see. You should have said it earlier.”

Sofm smiled cheerfully, then retracted his legs towards the first half of the wild, turned his head and walked towards the lower half of the wild.

“I’ll go to the opposite wild area to get a vision first.”

But he didn’t brush his own wild monsters immediately, but walked over the grass and walked directly to the opposite wild area.

“I’m coming too.”

At the same time, Xiao Ming also walked towards the river from the lower road, continuously lowering his eyes.

“This is QG, do you want to fight Xiaolongtuan?”

Seeing the actions of QG and Nosuke, Wawa wondered, feeling that the current timing is not particularly suitable.

“Maybe I just want to do some field vision to prevent Kandi from catching them again?”

“Besides, die first and go online first. This can be regarded as a bit of consolation from the death of the QG duo just now.”

Su Xiaoyan said in a teasing tone, with a smile on her face. After all, WE was able to frighten them all, which is quite something to be happy about.

Especially when Sofm invaded the wild area, but was discovered by the fan mother and the horses who came and chased him away, he laughed so hard from ear to ear!

But more than ten seconds later, her expression, like all WE fans, instantly became dignified!

Because Xiye had already logged in at night, and wasted a few seconds to expel Sofm, so that when he returned to the queue again, the pawn line had already entered the tower.

Scout immediately walked down the river. Although he was caught by the bushes in the center of the river, he and Sofm re-entered the blue zone of WE without hesitation.

Then, he suddenly stopped moving.

Scout placed a real eye directly under his feet, making sure that there is no WE vision here. As for the grass in front, because Sofm put down his vision before, it can be determined that WE did not insert the eye, so it can be determined that WE does not know their direction for the time being.

Sure enough, after the two disappeared, everyone in WE gave Kanti a crazy pin signal, thinking that they were going to arrest people.

My brother-in-law even handed in skills to clear the line, and walked towards the river to prepare for support regardless of whether it was cleared or not. At the same time, he sent a “request for support” signal at the blue BUFF position.

As everyone knows, Scout and Sofm didn’t move at all!

I have been quietly staring at Xiye, who is about to clear the line of troops under the tower and is bound to come to the wild area to support him, and fight a wave of wait and see!

And all of this, Xiye didn’t notice at all.

After all, his wild area is full of his own family members. Who would have thought that QG Nakano would be so bold as to squat under their noses?

So, when all the WE fans were so nervous that their throats were tight and they were speechless, Xiye’s Karma, with the E skill, sped up and walked in front of the two of QG!

Ring of Frost!

There was nothing fancy about it, Scout just took a step forward, then instantly pressed W to stop Fan Mama.



Xiye’s reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately surrendered his double moves and retreated towards the defense tower at a very fast speed.

Meat bomb impact!

But the wine barrel hit Fan Mama’s ass, knocking her unconscious on the spot, and another big move directly blasted her back in front of Lissandra.


On the surface, it seems that Fanzi’s mother is doomed, but after all, she has a RW that can restore blood!

So Scout didn’t dare to save skills at all, so he dropped the two skills directly, and took away the head of the fan mother!

QG.Scout killed WE.Xiye!

The game time was just over 11 minutes, and QG, who had just been beaten back a little, regained a little space again!

But just as Scout and Sofm were laughing, Wheel Mom and Tam, who were the first step down the road, had already rushed over!

“Let’s go, we have no skills.”

Scout immediately restrained his smile, and hurriedly prepared to retreat.

“Don’t go, the troops haven’t arrived yet, we can still fight!”

But the next moment, Xiao Ming’s voice sounded immediately, and he decided to take advantage of this opportunity to completely kill WE’s hope of winning in the cradle!

(Thanks to “Xiaobai” and “187xxxx5276” for their support!!!).

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