After killing the fan mother, Scout and Sofm were preparing to retreat from the first tower in the middle, and after hearing Xiao Ming’s reminder, they immediately observed the positions of everyone in WE.

Sivir, the wheel mother, has now reached the grass in the river, and will be able to stop the two of them in a second.

Kangdi’s troops have just finished fighting Toad, and are about to come around from the blue buff wild area.

In other words, if Scout and Sofm retreat to the wild now, they will definitely be surrounded by the three of WE!

On the other hand, Xiao Ming’s positionAt this moment, we have reached the position of the river pass, about two seconds away from the wheel Matam.

Uzi’s position is going to be farther away, and he has just passed the triangle grass at this time. If he can’t guarantee that he will die later, when he rushes over, he will be killed in anger!

Although the situation is very critical, Sofm still understands that overall, they are four against three. If they can seize this opportunity to kill WE a few more times, then in this round, all their careful preparations in the early stage will be wiped out. In vain!


The next moment, Sofm nodded solemnly, and no longer thought about running for his life. Instead, after taking a sip of wine, he walked directly towards Mother Wheel Toad.

“Scout, pull away first!”

At the same time, he shouted at Scout.

Scout naturally understood that he needed time to wait for the skill CD, and quickly walked towards the road, preparing to make room for a fight that had been waiting for a while.

The WE duo also knew that if they chased the second level at the same time, they might not be able to kill any of them, so they immediately put their skills on Jiu Ke, trying to kill him immediately!


But just when Sofm was like a headless chicken, eating the Q skills of Wheel Mom and Tamm face to face, and was licked out of Tamm’s passive layer, suddenly, a golden light flashed, and the wine barrel returned to the WE wild area!

Even though Mom Wheels had activated her big move and was running very fast, she was actually pulled away by the wine barrel when she was reluctant to dodge and chase after her at the first moment!

Thus, the famous scene of “The King of Qin Surrounding the Pillar” appeared in the wild area of ​​WE, with the wine barrel escaping tightly against the wall and preparing to circle back to the river.

But at this moment, the people who should have rushed to the nearby location unexpectedly appeared at the pass of the blue buff and the river, and did not follow the original route to catch up!

My brother-in-law doesn’t know exactly what happened, but what I can see is that Xiao Ming’s bull head has appeared on the opposite side of the wall, ready to receive the wine barrel!

Let’s see the power of the Shadow Isles!

Although Kanti’s troops strolled around the wild area for a while, when Sofm finally walked into the river, he was still kicked to death by the troops!

In the beginning, it was QG Nakano’s 2v1 against Xiye.

Then, it was the WE duo’s two-for-two against QG.

Now, even though Xiao Ming has arrived, the situation in the river has taken a turn for the worse, and it has become WE three against two!

“Continue to fight.”

But at this moment, Uzi’s voice finally sounded, and his ez finally arrived at the river pass after a long journey!

The earth shattered!

Xiao Ming didn’t say a word, he directly hammered the people around him up in place, and another W flew him into the double-team of Lissandra and EZ.

But at the same time, Zero’s Tahm Q skill finally got better again, and another giant tongue whip hit the bull’s head, and the deceleration passive was hanged again.

Be firm!

It wasn’t until this moment that Xiao Ming pressed the bull’s head’s big move, and didn’t wait for himself to completely lick the red before opening the big move.

Although he was quickly put on the second layer of passive by Tahm A, at this moment, Xiao Ming was so fleshy that he attracted the firepower of the three of WE, and at the same time bought time for Scout and Uzi to output!

Precise barrage!

A cheeky big move directly penetrated the bodies of the three of WE, but despite this, Xiao Ming still couldn’t resist for a long time, and was swallowed by Tam after being licked red.


But before he died, he put a weakness on the horse, directly reducing his speed towards the EZ!

“Master Dog, it’s your turn to show off.”

Xiao Ming finally died, but he died without any regrets!

Because in Uzi’s crazy walk A, the blood volume of the people and horses is already in jeopardy!

Shadow Impact!

Kang Di finally knew that he could no longer chase him, so he hurriedly surrendered his reverse ult move, preparing to escape from the attack range of EZ, while turning his head to fear Lissandra behind him.

Shards of ice!

But who knew, when the centaur rushed towards Lissandra, a piece of ice shot directly from Scout’s hand, cutting the centaur’s main artery on the spot.

Even though the fear effect of Centaur’s ultimate move came out, Scout still took Centaur’s life!

The 3v3 melee has turned into a 2v2 fierce battle again!

Although the battle was already quite fierce, the WE duo still didn’t want to let go of the QG duo, because Tam still had a white shield to resist for a while.

But Scout and Uzi, who is bluffing with you Tamm?

All the level A and skills, all greeted the wheel mother!

Similarly, EZ is also the target of the WE duo.

But Uzi finally showed off!

Move left and right, avoid Tam’s deadly lick first!

E skill Arcane Leap, dodge Wheel Mom’s whirling blade, and at the same time shoot an extremely accurate Q in the air to Wheel Mom!

Then, AAAA, before Mom Lu Zi is about to A die herself, I will kill Mom Lu Zi first!

Ring of Frost!

Although Uzi’s blood volume is at risk, he will die if he is licked by Tahm once or twice.

But at this time, Scout directly stopped Tam, buying time for Uzi to move away and take drugs, and even turned into a towering scourge in front of Tam, preventing him from even touching Uzi!

The audience was in an uproar!

The QG fans were shouting frantically, and the WE fans were grinning and screaming.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Zero’s Tamm, watching him try hard to lick Uzi, watching him trying to survive the deathBefore licking dead Uzi worked hard.

Two completely different moods came to mind.

One is ridicule, and the other is desolation.

When Zero finally licked EZ red and was about to swallow him up and vomit him to death…

The battle is still over.

Uzi’s EZ, like the Monkey King in Princess Iron Fan’s belly, comes out directly!

QG.Uzi killed WE.Zero!


A melee from the WE jungle to the QG jungle finally came to an end, and in the end, only the QG double Cs remained standing proudly in the jungle!

The audience was ebullient and shouted loudly. The QG fans didn’t know what words to use to describe their mood at this time, so they could only shout Uzi’s name hoarsely!

However, the director quickly made a program effect.

When the melee in the wild in the second half was over, the camera quickly showed two top laners.

At this time, Brother Holy Gun and I didn’t seem to know what happened in the next lane, and they were still entangled with each other around the pawn line, intrigues.

“Actually, we can’t blame the two top laners for not caring about the bottom lane.”

Seeing this scene, the baby couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry.

“Both of them definitely want TP to drop off.”

“But the problem is that Gnar has a big move to shoot, and Ike has a position to stun. No matter who pays TP, he will be cut off by the other party.”

“However, this doesn’t affect the excitement of this wave of field battles. I didn’t expect the first game of the finals to be so intense!”

Wa Wa said excitedly, and turned to look at Miller and Su Xiaoyan, hoping that they would express their views on this wave of team battles.

“QG is too insidious… If Xiye realizes that QG Nakano squats him again, and doesn’t die immediately, this wave of team battles can definitely be won.”

“Actually, even if Xiye is killed, there is still a chance, but this Uzi is too handsome!”

“When Kangti rushed to his face, he walked A wildly while not being touched by the horse, and then avoided the two key Q skills of Tam and Wheel Mom.”

“As long as it’s the last one, WE will win this wave of team battles!”

Su Xiaoyan lamented unceasingly, feeling that the strength of this wave of team battles was not because WE was weak, but because fate did not favor them.

But when Miller heard it, he smiled, confirmed that she had finished the analysis, and then spoke slowly.

“Su Xiaoyan is right, but not entirely right.”

“In my opinion, this wave of melee in the wild was actually premeditated by QG.”

“As for when did it start? It started when the earlier wave was taken down the road and jumped over the tower, and Scout was sent away together.”

Miller spoke loudly. This point of view immediately caused a series of question marks from all the audience.

“As we all know, the focus of WE’s game is on the bottom lane. Although Sofm made two waves at the beginning, which affected the rhythm, but as long as they decide to catch it, it is impossible for Uzi and Xiao Ming to survive.”

“There’s no way. With such a hero attribute, you can’t live even if you want to.”

“The three heads of QG who died just now have actually given WE a big sigh of relief. If they continue to be hired by them, Uzi will be completely disconnected.”

“That’s why QG decided to fight WE. Fighting the battlefield is not the end of the road, because even if there are defense towers, the combat effectiveness of the four WE members is still stronger than that of the four QG members.”

“Thus, QG chose the battlefield in the wild area… That’s why they went to the WE jungle area to do vision immediately after their resurrection, in order to reduce the number of WE battles first!”

“And QG really did it. First killed the fan mother, and then, at the expense of Nosuke, took the heads of the other three people in WE, completing this huge plan!”

“It may sound a bit mysterious. After all, the QG team just won this round of victory with great danger.”

“But in my opinion, this is the embodiment of everyone in QG’s confidence in their own strength, tacit cooperation, and good communication!”

“Of course, the most important thing is the ability to seize opportunities!”

“WE just won a wave, so their mentality is relaxed. Their lack of vision in the jungle is enough to prove this.”

“At the same time, there is another key point in this wave that lies in Sofm!”

“Looking at the replay, Kandi was supposed to go around the blue BUFF at that time, but when he saw the wine barrel walking towards his defense tower, he had to choose to go in the direction of the river.”

“Then Sofm made a flash, which not only widened the distance from the WE duo, but also slowed down the time for them to enter the arena.”

“Such a variety of factors combined to create QG’s victory in this wave of team battles!”

“This is the scariest thing about this QG team. Although they are dead, they can immediately turn their death into something they can use!”

“I even have some doubts. In their tactical arrangement, even death is a premeditated death!”

When Miller finished such a long analysis, not only the commentary was silent, not only the WE fans were silent, but even the QG fans were silent!

Even death was premeditated?

This is too mysterious!

But Miller’s guess can’t be verified at this time. Only after QG wins the championship can they be asked in the post-match interview… If it is the runner-up? Who cares how your runner-up’s wonderful team fight came about?

Although WE fans are not willing to admit this matter, they have to admit that the balance of victory has already begun to move towardThe QG team slowly tilted.

After this wave of team battles ended, the game time officially entered 12 minutes, the head ratio on the field came to 9-5, and the economic gap was stretched to a terrifying 3,000 yuan by QG.

Among them, Uzi, who had won two heads in the team battle just now, suddenly had an ice fist and tears of the goddess on his body.

On the other hand, the brother-in-law of WE’s tactical center has not even made the first big piece at this time!

You know, it’s only been twelve minutes now!

“Is this the QG who won all the regular seasons? The strength is too strong…”

“This one, it’s obvious that WE has made a lot of preparations, but just a wave of team battles made all of WE’s preparations almost a failure.”

“Now WE can’t die anymore, especially brother-in-law. If he dies again, there will really be no later stage in this game!”

In the commentary seat, Su Xiaoyan was silent for a long time, and when she spoke again, her tone was already full of deep worries for the WE team.

But what she doesn’t know is that the strongest point of the QG team is not actually adapting to the situation, nor is it personal strength… It’s their ability to “take advantage of your illness to kill you”!

The game time is 13 minutes.

Summoner’s Canyon just fell silent for less than a minute, and the QG team started to move again!

In order to prevent the WE team from finding an opportunity again, they used the four-pack two tactics against Uzi and Xiao Ming to fight back the disadvantages.

Everyone in the QG team simply took the initiative to strike first, and used a four-in-one tactic against the WE duo with an eye for an eye!

When Uzi, who updated his equipment and pushed the line much faster, pushed the line to the bottom tower of WE, Sofm’s wine barrel sneaked to the triangle grass position behind the WE duo, and then inserted a fake in the grass. Eye.

Maybe it was discovered? But it doesn’t matter.

Because this time, QG is going to retaliate in the same way as others, and overtake your duo in front of you!


In the next moment, Scout, who had just returned home, directly TP’d his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two walked out of the grass in a threatening manner, and together with Uzi Xiaoming walked fiercely towards the next tower!

I can’t push the line, and I can’t retreat if I want to. For a while, I can only pace back and forth under the tower, extremely flustered.

Feast on it!

Zero decided to try a wave, directly swallowed his brother-in-law, and used the short-term acceleration to withdraw towards the second tower in an attempt to survive.

But when Sofm approached him, Scout went directly to a further position, which immediately made Zero dispel this naive idea, and spit his brother-in-law back down the tower again.

“Do it!”

Scaring out Tamm’s most critical protection skill, the four of QG no longer hesitated.

Scout went directly into the tower with E, and then rolled his face on the keyboard. A set of QWR combos without explanation were directly poured on the wheel mother.

However, the head was taken by Xiao Ming who entered the WQ Second Company!

Although it resisted the tower, it immediately flashed out the tower and switched to Sofm to resist.

Then he punched and kicked Zero’s Tamm!

But when Zero was about to die and saw Xiye rushing over, he seemed to think that 557 could still save him, so he flashed in the direction of Fan Mama.

But at the moment of landing, he was killed by Uzi’s precise secret shot!

On the other hand, Xiye, who arrived late, could only throw out an RQ in despair, then turned around and ran away.

It’s easy to think, but not so easy to leave!

The next moment, Uzi handed over his flash and E skills, and moved directly from the defense tower to the triangle grass.

At the same time, because of the flat A effect carried by the E skill, the passive ability of directly hitting the ice fist immediately slowed down the fan mother!

Then the barrel’s Q skill slows down.

Then Lissandra’s Q skill slows down.

Then there was Bull Head’s Q skill to knock it into the air.

Then… there is no more.

Fan Mama, who had been punished to stand on the spot for several seconds, died under Uzi again!


The audience exclaimed again.

I don’t know how many times I have exclaimed since the first game!

Under normal circumstances, both sides must be testing each other in the first game of the finals, and the fight will be tepid.

Who knew that today’s match would be so tit-for-tat from the very beginning, swords and swords!

“Although I don’t want to, I think WE is gone in this round.”

At the commentary seat, the baby smiled wryly.

“Did you find out? This wave of four guarantees and two is clearly the same wave of four guarantees and two that QG had before re-enacting WE.”

“The ending is exactly the same. The mid laner came to support, but he still died.”

“However, the difference is that in the WE wave, one head was replaced by Scout, and in the QG wave, it was a wave of zero for three!”

Su Xiaoyan’s face was ugly, but she had no choice but to nod her head in agreement, then forced a smile on her face, and continued to look for hope for a comeback for WE.

“League of Legends is indeed a turn-based game. WE includes QG in one wave, QG in turn includes WE in another wave, and if the next wave of WE is in turn, there is still a chance to win this game.”

It’s just that these remarks were immediately interrupted by Miller.

“Still fighting?”

“Didn’t you realize that no matter how much you fight, QG will always win in the end?”

“Let’s not talk about the two deaths. After WE’s four packs and two fights, QG immediately fought back. But after QG’s four packs and two fights, how can WE fight back?”

“And do you think QG will give you a chance?”

Miller smiled helplesslySo, Su Xiaoyan remained silent, and when she looked up at the screen, after QG unplugged the bottom tower, even Xiaolong was not big, so she went home and repaired it, and did not give WE any chance to go online first. Opportunity!

“If you want me to say, there is only one chance for Team WE to win against QG in this round, and that is from the very beginning, Kandi will catch it like crazy!”

“However, Sofm’s two waves of rhythm interference caused Kanti to launch the first wave of downhill jumping until level six. But at this time, Sofm and Lissandra are both level six, and even have better equipment than WE!”

“In this case, it would be unwise for WE to want to wrestle with QG. After all, QG has a record of all victories, that is to say, they have never lost a fight!”

“The situation in this game also proved one point. Fighting with QG, the result can only be worse and worse, and the worse you fight, and then slowly, you lose the game!”

Miller spoke loudly, but this time, Su Xiaoyan could no longer refute.

Because what’s happening in Summoner’s Canyon has already shown that even if the current WE team wants to change their tactics and play the four guarantees and one system, they can’t withstand QG’s indiscriminate attack!

(Thank you “Pork Braised in Braised Pork” for your monthly ticket support!!!).

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