Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 184 What about the residual blood! Do you think you can kill me?!

"Great, you can run away now."

The factory manager saw Su Chen's sharp move to avoid Gnar's Q skill.

Can't help but say excitedly.

Now his pig sister also caught up and successfully stuck to Gnar.

Although Gnar became bigger, he had better damage and more control.

But the flexibility is not enough. At this time, it is no longer possible to catch up with the fleeing Yu.

"Who said I want to escape?"

Su Chen looked at Gnar who was chasing behind him, and said calmly.

"Even if you are on the show, Gnar now only needs a few basic attacks to kill you."

The factory manager was a little helpless when he met such a bold Solo Mid.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse. Your Riven is obviously about to die when he touches it. No one can choose to turn around and fight at this time. "I said that I can fight, I can fight."

Su Chen looked at Gnar in the field, his eyes were cold and the director wanted to say something, but listening to Su Chen's decisive tone naturally understood it, and it was useless to persuade him.


Anyway, since Su Chen insists on fighting.

The factory director couldn't retreat alone at this time and could only helplessly follow Gnar's back and continue to pull.


When Gnar chased Su Chen into the river grass, suddenly a giant rune sword draped over his head.

"He's turning around and fighting back?"

Miller saw that Su Chen had fled into the grass, and had already let go of a heart. At this time, he raised this point of blood again, and made a slight mistake. No, it didn't even need to make a mistake.

It's impossible to fight.

"Does Su Chen player forget his HP?"

The doll also saw Su Chen hit back from the grass.

Although it's pretty, it's useless.

His blood volume is too small and hungry.

He can already predict Riven's death.


No one thought it was just when Cuvee wanted to manipulate Gnar to teach this reckless guy a lesson.

Just when everyone thought that Rui Yao would be directly killed by Gnar.

Rui Yao suddenly moved a little bit and returned to the bushes again.

The catch that was about to fall stopped in the air in such an embarrassing manner.

Immediately afterwards.

The sharp important who had just entered the grass, went out again.

Card vision.

After Narzhang, there has indeed been a qualitative improvement in all aspects.

He has a fatal flaw.

Attack speed is slow.

Every time an attack on Gnar was about to strike.

Su Chen's sharp wanted to hide in the bushes in time, relying on the slightest attack of the ultimate move to reach home.

Already Q skill displacement.

Su Chen abruptly avoided Gnar's general attack.

But Cuvee E naturally wouldn't let him act decisively like this in vain, so I walked directly into the grass to see how you blocked his vision.

You are amazing, but I won’t play with you anymore. When you get into the bushes and say you are amazing, can you still keep me from entering the bushes?

In the grass, how can you stop your vision?


At this moment, Rui wanted to appear again and directly dazzled him with a WN.

Before the vertigo is over

The third stage Q is connected to the control again.

And the skills of Sister Pig have also cooled down.


"Su Chen Su Chen Su Chen!"

With the fall of Gnar.

Everyone in the whole arena shouted for him in unison.

No one thought that it was relying on the classic card vision.

And the control connection between the two.

Gnar was about to die without touching Riven.


Everyone became a supporting role.

Ignite and crack Malzahar's shield.

Then after the suppression is over, Malzaha will be dropped in seconds.

Look back.

Personally deal with the two people of Prince Nar.

Still succeeded in slaying the prince down.

Kill one more person last.

In the bushes, the play wants Gnar to get three kills! ! !

"He did it, he really did it."

After seeing that Su Chen really killed Gnar with blood.

Miller dolls also exclaimed in unison in the professional game.

This kind of scene is too rare.

at the same time.

The director patted Su Chen on the shoulder.

I don't know what to say, although in the end Su Chen successfully killed Gnar with his cooperation.


In fact, at the beginning, even he did not approve of this counterattack.

He even said that he never thought that Su Chen would really be able to successfully fight back.

If it hadn't been for the habitual trust that he had cultivated for such a long time, it would have been impossible for him to accompany Su Chen up to fight back.

"Okay, get the dragon quickly."

After killing Nar Su Chen directly chose to return to the city.

At the beginning of the team battle, A Guang, who had already rushed to the middle, had a combination of Xia Luo who had dropped.

Cooperating with the factory manager's sister pig, she succeeded in getting the first Dragon, but because of the relatively high HP of the defense tower on the opposite side of the road.

So it failed to retreat a tower in the middle.

After getting this triple kill, Su Chen returned home and directly made the mercury ribbon.

At a little more than ten minutes.

Su Chen made a mercury ribbon, which also marked it.


The Crown’s Malzaha will be completely useless.

Seventeen minutes.

A Guang, the head of An is on your way.

Su Chen glanced at the map and reminded.

"Okay, I know.

A Guang looked at his broken and defensive tower, and subconsciously tightened the mouse in his hand. After Su Chen finished speaking, he controlled Riven and rushed to the road.

At this time, the manager’s sister pig was in the lower half of the wild area.

In order to prevent the Middle Road Tower from being retreated, Su Chen has not wandered so frequently.

This also made it possible for Ah Guang, who had left blood on the road, to be pressed under the defensive tower. Moreover, the blood volume of the defensive tower was also precarious. It was to keep the one-blood tower on the road, and Ah Guang missed the opportunity to go home.

Looking at Gnar on the road and Malzaha who had disappeared in the middle.

Su Chen knew it in his heart. On the other side, he wanted to open up his advantage on the road and wait for the next wave of soldiers to arrive, and then forcibly demolished the tower on the road, and it was impossible for Ah Guang, who was already bloodied, to escape.

Even if he is a tank like Dashu.

at the same time.

On the commentary stage, the Miller doll clearly saw this scene from the perspective of God.

""A Guang didn't go home in order to guard the tower. Not only did he fail to guard the tower, I'm afraid he has to explain it here."

"Moreover, after taking the first tower on the road, Samsung can also take advantage of the way to remove the canyon pioneer on the road."

The advantage that EDG relied on Rui to play in the early stage will soon be gone. "

Guan Zeyuan looked at the head of An and the crown of the triangular grass that had already been on the road, and excitedly said that the Miller dolls are looking at each other, why don't you see LPL, right?

But as professional commentators, their overall view is not bad.

Although what Guan Zeyuan said was very unacceptable.

However, they had to admit that what he said was basically true, but watching Riven who was on the road, Wawa reminded.

Now that Su Chen's Riven is on the road, don’t say too much, maybe things will turn for the better. After all, Riven now has a mercury sash, so I’m not afraid that Malzaha’s big move will suppress the words. Nonetheless, everyone knows it.

When Su Chen arrives on the road, it is very likely that he will face a three-to-three situation. Even if the opponent crosses the tower, at this time, the damage of one tower is already negligible.

"So what is going on in this gank, let us see how the players on the field play."

Guan Zeyuan smiled and didn't argue with him.

"Although I have always known that A Guang is not strong, I didn't expect him to be such a dish. Riven has helped him so many times, but he still can't beat the opposite Gnar."

"Upstairs, I feel like you are talking nonsense. How could Aguang beat Gnar with a big tree? Besides, Aguang was originally anti-stress eyes. I still blame the factory manager. At this time, you don’t come on the road and run down. What is the road doing? Xia Luo on the road has been pressing on the opposite side, there is no problem at all. If there are only two people, Su Chen's Riven may still fight, but three people, it is difficult, and no one can save.

at the same time.

Whether it is a live audience or an audience watching the live broadcast.

Also began to discuss around this SSG gank.

Although at this time Su Chen has already gone to the road to support.

But facing the prince, Gnar, and Marzaha's upper middle field three.

What if Riven goes?

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