Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 185 In seconds! No one can escape from my hands alive

Brother Chen!

A Guang looked at Riven who was heading on the small map.

Feeling a little uncomfortable.

It was because he couldn't beat Cuvee.オ that caused the situation today.

Even if it is resistant to pressure, it should not be treated like this with the support of Solo Mid many times.

He wanted to persuade Su Chen not to come here for nothing.

But I don't know how to speak, even if Riven has already released the mercury ribbon, he still has a high probability of being terminated. After all, the last three kills were transmitted after the opposite Gnar.

It was only possible with the help of the factory manager.

And this time, the director learned that the head of An was on the road.

He has completely given up his support and started playing Dragon there.

At this time, the support of his pig sister can't keep up.

Taking Dragon is the most correct way.

"Shut up and hit me hard, Su Chen, who doesn't know what he wants to say, just yelled at him, and then stared at his screen without turning away.

A Guang also quickly converged his mind, ready to welcome the next wave and the next wave of troops to cross the tower.


With the arrival of the line of troops, the prince of the head of the Ancestral House also appeared directly behind the defensive tower.

Completely put an end to the possibility of the big tree's escape.

Not only to take the tower, but also to kill "Cross the tower?"

A Guang looked at Nar and the grasshopper who entered the tower with the soldier line, not surprised but rejoiced.

Surrounded by individuals.

Even if Su Chen came to support him, he was definitely going to be killed.

But if the opponent chooses to go beyond 217 towers, then with the help of the damage from the defensive towers, at least one person can be beaten into residual blood.


For Riven’s harvest, it was somewhat helpful.


At this time, it can be sold directly on the road.

But Su Chen's Rui Yao is still unswervingly supporting here.

What reason does he have to let go?

He is Solo Top, and he should have done everything for the whole team but now.

All this was carried by Su Chen.

At this time, he has to do something no matter what.

Even if it is killed by the opposite side, it still has to create a certain advantage for Su Chen's Riven harvest.

Even Su Chen didn't give up, so he shouldn't let it go.

Throwing saplings.

A Guang threw a small sapling to Marzaha.

The damage of the skill is not high, but it can break Malzaha's shield.

However, the three of SSG also guessed that Riven in the middle was very likely to come over.

He is not willing to fight the tower and kill the tree at all.

This made Aguang's original idea of ​​catching the defensive tower and causing certain damage completely failed, although Aguang was still trying his best to output.

How high can the output of a big tree be?

Finally Su Chen's Riven arrived.

But the defensive tower on the road is also under the cooperation of the head of the crown and cuvee.

It was successfully demolished.

Brother Chen, withdraw! "

At the moment when the defensive tower shattered, A Guang couldn't help but reminded the three people on the opposite side that they were almost full of blood. (Ccbc can't play at all.

"Fight hard!"

After speaking, Su Chen didn't care about A Guang's reaction.

Open the big move directly and kill the head of An behind the defensive tower.

"I don't believe it anymore. Can he succeed in playing more and less every time?"

"Although I think Riven is still mentally handicapped at this time, I still decided to wait for the result to be sprayed. I was sprayed several times by Dalian today. This behavior is swelling.

"Although I shouldn't be playing at this time, I have to say that this kind of fierce game is worth seeing."

Seeing that Riven really started her big move, she rushed forward indefinitely.

Although everyone does not believe that Rui Yao can hit three barrage at once, it is not as intense as the previous two.

After all, this game Su Chen has created too many miracles.

Even Miller and Wawa were not so surprised when they saw Su Chen rushing over with a big move.

as if.

For him, this is as it should be.

as if.

It was strange that he turned and left at this time.

Although Su Chen's Riven is very powerful, it is still very difficult to play on the front battlefield.

Moreover, SSG had already anticipated his arrival and didn't panic at all. "

Is this one-on-three really successful? "

Miller dolls are also crazy to arouse the emotions of the audience.


Even Ah Guang, who had blood on the side, was subconsciously ignored.

Although his big tree is full of control.

But when he saw the knife go into battle, he was eager to move forward.

Everyone subconsciously ignores the existence of Aguang.


Although Su Chen is so passionate about playing more and playing less.

But everyone knows.

After all, it's a professional field.

You can play more and less occasionally.

However, every time like this, sooner or later, the car will be overturned.

Even the audience subconsciously want to see Su Chen being Shutdown this time!


Su Chen didn't know what the audience would think outside the court.

Even if he knew it, he didn't care.

At this moment, he just focused on his screen.

In the constant persuasion of teammate, he rushed forward and rushed directly like this, which was also a challenge for him.

Although his strength has now reached its peak.


After all, the system plug-in is missing.

At the moment when Su Chen appeared.

The head of An, who had been on guard for a long time, naturally found him.

EQ Erlian.

The moment the prince’s banner appeared.

Su Chen clicked and flashed.

This kind of position is no longer a position that can be avoided.

The location where Su Chen flashed was not elsewhere.

This is where Uvee's Gnar E skill is based.


When Gnar hasn't landed yet.

Su Chen had already appeared where he was about to land, waiting for him.

Originally, Su Chen planned to kill the prince who was singled out first.

But Gnar, who had high output and low defense, jumped over.

Naturally, it is impossible for Su Chen to beat the rough-skinned prince.

A flat A, followed by a W. Before Gnar could react.

Directly stun him and stop Mercury in seconds to solve the suppression of Malzaha's ultimate move.

Then a move to dodge the Q skill of Gnar who flew back.

Dance of folded wings.

The terrifying damage instantly knocked Gnar out of blood.

After Gnar woke up, he had not taken any action before he was tied up by A Guang and the tree. At this time, everyone remembered A Guang. Although the tree was harmless, his whole body was controlled.

The short moment in which A Guang controls the connection is enough for Su Chen to produce enough output.

The dance of Duan Zheyi fell.

Gnar instantly became the residual blood. Seeing the residual blood Gnar flashed and escaped.

A sneer crossed the corner of Su Chen's mouth.

No one can escape from me alive.

The sword air swept across.

Gnar flashed away and was harvested directly.

"My God, this hurt is too terrifying, right?"

Who would dare to fight such Riven against him? A full-blooded Gnar was even killed directly. "

It feels like the boss and us are not playing the same game at all, which is too scary.

Seeing that Gnar was directly beaten by the second, the audience instantly boiled over.

Riven with high damage and good operation is really horrible.

More importantly, he is extremely confident in himself.

Even if there is enough strength.

But professional matches don't need to be ranked. How many people can really dare to go up and play more with less?


After seeing Cuvee's Gnar was second, the crown began to retreat for the first time.

His Malzaha, Nar is still crisp, so even if his blood volume is full at this time, he feels that he can't beat it.


After killing Gnar.

Just when Su Chen was holding a big sword and was about to chase the crown that he wanted to escape, the prince of An finally rushed over and made a big move, stopping Malzaha who wanted to save the crown between Rui Yao and the grasshopper.

But it didn't work.

Just wait for your big move.

After the prince finished the big move, Su Chen calmly pressed his finger on the E skill.

Riven's E skill can move a short distance forward bravely.

In fact, this skill is also able to penetrate walls.

It's just that he can only cross those thin walls, such as the prince's big move, and he didn't even look at the prince behind him.

At this time, Malzaha had no way to escape facing Riven.

Even if he still has a flash.

He was eventually chased by Su Chen under the defensive tower and killed.

Unstoppable wins more with less this time.

Even after the fight.

Su Chen's Riven is still half blood.

Most of these damages are also hit by defensive towers.

At the same time, the factory manager also won Dragon reward points at the same time report

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