Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 189 Tide Hailing, when I picked this hero, the opponent had already lost!!

"Well, welcome back to the second round of OB5 in the knockout round of the S7 Global Finals."

"The opponents are the SSG team and the EDG team that has won a game."

This game will still be a match point game. Then we will welcome the two sides of the game with warm applause.

Su Chen! Sure to win! "

Seven sauce! Come on oy! Come on, as the voice of the interpreter fell, the audience began to scream crazy. Listening to the cheers of the audience off the field, Su Chen was also very passionate.

The players of the two sides exchanged and exchanged maps.

For the EDG blue side, first choose to ban Gnar first.

Nofe looked at his own bp version from behind, and said to A Kwang in the last game, Cuvee’s Gnar had already shown his powerful suppressing power not only on the line, pressing directly on A Kwang’s big tree. Even in the later stage, he once single-killed A Guang.

Moreover, when a hero like Gnar is in a team battle, he is also very strong. Since A Guang does not use it, it is naturally impossible to release it.

Immediately afterwards, SSG's first hand was naturally to ban the spear of revenge.

In this version of the incense burner, it is impossible for a hero like the spear of revenge to be released.

This is a hero who is stronger than the Charo duo.

Even Xiao Zhao, as long as he cooperates with Support, can still play against Ruler.

"This hand banned Kenan."

Through the last game, Nofe has understood that Aguang on the road is the weak point of EDG.

Before the start of the game, he deliberately did a lot of homework to try to prevent Ah Guang from getting too much pressure.

After all, you can't rely on Su Chen in the middle to lead every game.

The factory manager also understood what the coach meant, and didn't say much. He quickly banned Kenan. These two heroes are both very strong version of the online teamfight. Unfortunately, A Guang doesn't know how to do it.

It seems that the opposite party is still very afraid of your head An, looking at EDG, smiled and said to Cuvee next to Cuvee. Cuvee also had a relaxed look at the head An. ? Cuvee must be in a very good state in the last few games, showing absolute suppression in the mid lane. "It’s okay, let them ban it. My hero pool is not afraid of losing the top hand, but after they returned, they went back quickly. Adjusted the mentality.

The main reason for the loss was that there were not enough coping methods for Solo Mid Riven, a hero of the underworld.

Although it has been known in advance that Su Chen is not a male figure, who would have expected that he would be able to select something like Solo Mid Riven in a crucial world-class competition.

The most important thing is that he really achieved good results.

Although it feels that Su Chen would not choose Riven again in this game, the head of An still obeyed the coach's advice and directly pressed Riven.

As Riven was banned, there was a burst of boos from the audience.

The audience who is not too big to watch the excitement naturally want to watch the scene of Su Chen's sharp going to kill all quarters on the court again.

The Miller doll also laughed dumbfoundingly.

"It seems that Su Chen will choose some heroes that are not suitable every time, but I have to say that every time it has achieved good results.". "

Even, the opponents can't wait to ban all the heroes he has used. "

"The main reason is that such a Rui wants you to be too difficult to restrict. You get a head or two for him, and he takes off instantly. Who can stand it."

"I am really looking forward to what kind of hero Su Chen will choose to kill the Quartet at the same time.

EDG also gave Tam the last ban.

It has to be said that Tam, the hero's protective ability is too strong. The last game also caused a lot of trouble to Su Chen's sharp need.

As for Malzaha of the crown, he was released.

The last ban position of SSG was given to Su Chen's Solo Mid, a card.

"Luo first."

For EDG's first-hand, Nofe quickly gave his opinion.

Charo's two combinations are placed outside, and naturally, he must first grab one of them first.

Otherwise, the opponent will directly get the version of the powerful bottom duo.

The opposite side can release Charo because of their tyrannical strength, but if EDG releases Charo, then there is no need to play.


SSG directly locked Qing Gangying and Xia in seconds.

Xia naturally chose to prevent EDG from getting the Xia Luo combination.

The hero of Qinggangying is a bit interesting. It stands to reason that the possibility of this hero being selected as Jungle in this version is greater.

However, Nofe looked at his BP board and said that the head of An's style is the same as that of the factory manager, and he probably wouldn't use this hero to Jungle. "

Therefore, this hero must be selected to play Solo Top, Shen Shen, the prince. "

The previous one has proved Cuvee's single-belt ability in the late Solo Top. It is impossible for Aguang to be able to resist the horizontal. Since the single-belt ability of Qinggang Ying cannot be limited, then he can only start from other places and choose a support. Shen is quite capable.

It's better than the last one. Forcibly aligning, not only is useless, it's better to be single-killed.

Moreover, the last plant manager's sister pig was suppressed from beginning to end by the head of An.

First choose the prince he is better at, the situation will be somewhat better.

Then SSG selected the Solo Mid clockwork in the third hand.

After the last attempt, even if this grasshopper was placed outside, it didn't mean to want that.

Crown still honestly chooses a Solo Mid clockwork, so that he can give full play to his advantages in team battles.

After choosing three heroes.

The SSG's remaining two ban positions are still given to Su Chen in the middle.

Jie and male swords were banned, while EDG still gave Lulu and Thresh to the support who was still in the bot lane.

After all, the head of An is also a herbivorous Jungle. Although his rhythm is very strong, it is meaningless to target his hero.

What do you choose?

Seeing that Su Chen didn't choose a role for a long time, Nofe asked curiously. Su Chen turned his head, looking helplessly at the coach behind him.

He wanted to tell Nofe that he could choose a normal hero now, but after thinking about it, Su Chen still didn't ask Nofe out loud again. Looking at the heroes in the field, his brain was running fast.

There is no advantage in fighting against Samsung, up and down, or even in a wild area.

So I must choose a hero who can snowball quickly and has quite good support capabilities.

All heroes quickly passed by.


At the end of time.

Su Chen saw a hero who fit his requirements perfectly.

Tide Hailing, commonly known as the little murloc, is the hero with the highest burst of AP heroes in the entire league. He has excellent snowballing ability and good single-kill support ability.

And it also has a pretty good restraint effect on the opposite lineup.

Want me to eat them!

With Su Chen directly locked.

There were cheers in the field.

Little murloc, this hero is pretty good at playing clockwork! After all, he didn't play the underworld operation anymore. "

Zhao) "I saw this and some, the hero's snowballing ability is really too strong."

My goodness, Su Chen actually chose a normal AP hero this time, so he didn't play the underworld operation? "

"If this little murloc is selected, it will directly kill the Quartet."

Not only was the audience reacted enthusiastically, but even the commentary on the Miller doll was also very excited.

After all, the last Su Chen used Riven to fight the grasshopper heroes can achieve that effect if restrained. This Su Chen hero restrained the opposite, so why not blow the crown directly?

Although the final match is not determined by one person alone, it has to be said that Su Chen's selection of conventional heroes made everyone absolutely stable.


With SSG's last hand Morgana, the lineup of both sides officially confirmed the blue party EDG.

Luo, Eye of Twilight, Prince, Cannon, SSG.

Xia, Qinggang Ying, Clockwork, Sister Pig, Morgana were in the audience with huge cheers.

The very important second OB5, kicked off.

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