Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 190 Soldiers move dangerously, endlessly, and truly walk on the edge of the blade!!

"The opposite has adjusted tactics.

Hero swaps, when it starts to enter the game.

The director frowned and said.

Yes, SSG is worthy of being a world-class team.

After experiencing the last one.

They can quickly adjust their tactics because their team has more than just one core.

In the middle, one of the crowns of Solo Mid with the highest team battle output.

Jungle, the head of An's current ruling power in the jungle can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Even if he was a Jungle grazing or even last life, Su Chen clearly remembered that he was in the S7 finals.

Peanut was completely suppressed by the head An, but with Faker's help.

On the road uveal is also a Solo Top that is not weaker than huni in all aspects.

Such an SSG has a great choice in the choice of lineup.

After the failure of the previous Solo Mid that restricted Su Chen.

They adjusted their tactics.

Because they have seen the weakness of EDG.

Hit the road.

A Guang's performance in teamfights was no problem.


On the one-line, he is still a bit worse than Cuvee.

For this one, SSG chose Qinggangying on the road.

This means that, this one, the focus of SSG has changed.

No longer relying on the central crown to suppress Su Chen.

But to open a breakthrough on the road.

Once Qing Gang Ying formed a rhythm, the wild area of ​​the factory manager's upper half was even gone.

And 220 is in the later stage.

EDG also has to face a problem that they will never be able to avoid.

They can't handle a Solo Top with a strong single kill ability.

In addition to the change of thinking.

In team battles, this SSG lineup is also extremely offensive. The three heroes Qinggang Ying, Pig Girl, and Clockwork have extremely strong team-building capabilities. This is even after the heroes can be freely selected.

Su Chen still didn't choose a normal AP hero because he was like a hero like Czar Syndra, when facing the three people of Qinggang Yingzhu Sister Clockwork.

There is no power to fight back at all, only a few seconds.

Even if there is a golden body flashing, even if it is under the tower.

It can only be because of the instant seconds or even this one, and the other side releases Riven.

If he chooses Riven, he will be beaten by these three people in seconds.

Moreover, Morgana in the last hand of the SSG was also specially selected for Su Chen’s murloc. Not only the shield can offset Su Chen’s damage, but the two controls of the ultimate move and the Q skill are also responsible for Su Chen’s harvesting ability. Extremely limited can only say that this year's SSG is really terrible. All of them are in their peak state.

In this way, they have a lot of space for tactical choices.

More importantly, their lineup, Xia, who had a very high fault-tolerant rate, was able to survive under the protection of Morgana.

In contrast, EDG's lineup.

It is quite satisfactory, and the fault tolerance rate is not high.

Su Chen chose the little murloc to crack SSG's target.

But correspondingly, the hero of the little murloc brought his fault tolerance rate down to an infinitely low level.

As one of the strongest assassins in the league, why do you rarely see murlocs on the professional arena?

It is because the fault tolerance rate of this hero is too low.

Although the hand is short, there are two advance skills.


Once the little murloc chooses to rush in.

That represents an endless situation.

Little murloc with short hands.

After using his own dash, Solo Mid on both sides must die.

Either you die or I die.

Because if you can't kill the clockwork.

After using the displacement, the little murloc changed hands and the party was chased by the clockwork and destroyed most of the blood volume. Besides the little murloc, the main output of the EDG was only a small cannon on the road.

Facing the combination of Qinggang Ying and Clockwork.

If he was not careful, the small artillery could not be hit by the second EDG team battle.

Keep hitting, I will help you catch more. "

At the beginning of the game, the factory director patted Ah Guang on the shoulder and encouraged him.

In this game, except for Su Chen, who plays the absolute C position, A Kuang has the most pressure on the road.

Once he was defeated by Qinggang Ying, he even said that he only needs to be left unattended.

Let Qinggang Movie walk away, this one basically collapsed.

Although Shen's ultimate move can also be supported, the cooldown time of Shen's ultimate move is too long.

Not enough at all.

So the factory director also saw through SSG's tactics.

It is only necessary to limit the growth of Qinggang Ying in the early and mid-term, and wait until the mid- and late-term, Su Chen's suppression of the clockwork.

The role of Qinggangying is much smaller, but, in fact, it is so easy to face the head of An, who must also pay attention to the road at all times.

enter the game.

Going out to dress Su Chen directly chose corruption potion.

The little murloc clocked, and Dolan Shield was useless.

Just to persuade, although the little murloc restrained the clockwork.

That was also the late stage. The little murloc with short hands in the early stage would be good to be able to make up the knife.

The very fragile little murloc was put on a set (ccbc) by the clockwork and was receiving two basic attacks.

Direct half blood is gone.

There is no plan to invade on either side.

After all, they are all vegetarian Jungles, and they compete for the ability to control the rhythm, not the normal operation of the wild area.

The pawn line is not yet online.

The murloc and Clockwork face each other across the river.

"I have a very sharp magic puppet."

Clockwork saw the little murloc and said softly.

It seems like showing off his beloved toy to his friends, but in his tone, there is a hidden murderous intent.

I jumped right in front of you and went to the little murloc. At this time, he also said his own lines.

Tit for tat, tense.

Neither of them moved, but they were both eager to try.

One is the new demon who has challenged Faker.

It is a veteran who has made a comeback and wants to attack the throne again.

Soon 1:30 creeps arrived on the line.

At the moment of contact between the two sides.

The clockwork immediately began to press forward.

Crown is also very good at using murlocs. Therefore, all the advantages and disadvantages of the hero of the murlocs are well known.

Although the little murloc is an assassin, he is also crispy.

At the first level, recklessly couldn't beat the clockwork at all.

Take advantage of the leader.

Don't say it's making up the knife.

He even wanted to directly push Su Chen out of the experience zone.

This is too fierce, no wonder there are few murlocs in the professional field, how do you fight this? "

When facing clockwork, the little murloc can't make up for it with a single soldier. "

Do you really want to do whatever you want? "

Being suppressed in this way makes the little murloc uncomfortable. "

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked by the fierceness of the crown.

The last one was crushed by Su Chen's Riven, is this one for revenge?

At this level, the soldiers on both sides have just come into contact with each other and directly consume them, and give full play to the advantages of their captains.

"I'll go over and help you after playing buf1."

The factory manager also saw the current situation of Su Chen.

If this continues, let alone the growth of the knife, it is difficult to eat experience, he will not ask for any harm to the crown.

At least, to help the little murloc maintain development in the past.

Let the clockwork dare not be so fierce.

"Need not."

"You can't make a big difference."

"Furthermore, Head An will follow.

Su Chen watched the clockwork calmly, and refused to arrive.

The little murloc winds up.

The first wave of soldiers is really hard to eat.


Soldiers can not eat.

Experience is not without eating.

If the level is suppressed, then he can really hang up.


He brought a potion of corruption.

When the clockwork of the crown crosses the pawn line.

Su Chen was no longer retired and then retired, and he was pushed out of the experience zone.

Su Chen calmly looked at the clockwork of the crown. At this time, the damage of the clockwork was not high.

While being consumed, the clockwork will also eat the hatred of creeps.

Although the crown will also interrupt the hatred of creeps.

However, Su Chen never expected creeps to cause damage to the clockwork.

What he wants is that the creeps on the control line are attracted to hatred, even if the final interruption is enough to affect the line, the line will slowly advance under its own defensive tower.

Su Chen needs to control his troops under his own tower.

Only in this way can make up the knife well.

Because Xiaoyu's manpower is too short, and there is not even a consuming skill.

Even for heroes such as Jie and Male Sword, at least there is still a skill that can be consumed by exchanges.

However, there is really no murloc.

The real hero who walks above the blade.

Every move is a test of details

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