Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 236 Hide big

Huh, didn’t someone scold the Crown Taicai just now? Why, you don’t speak now? "

Didn't you see that they are going to catch it? People's crown is deliberately revealed to confuse it! The purpose is to let such relax his vigilance "Haha, silly, why didn't those squirrels dare to speak?"

Nonsence! Obviously it was just picking the feet, trying to catch such but not working, and then turning around and catching it, it's food!

What's the matter, I sprayed it just now, what's the matter, I can go to you. °When I saw this, the netizens in the live broadcast room instantly sprayed each other, but no matter how they guessed it, in fact, SSG's idea is really to go on the road.

At the deliberate request of the head of An, Malzahar deliberately revealed his vision, in order to let Su Chen in the middle of the road relax his vigilance, so as to-catch the road. Although their overall economic gap has fallen a lot now, but With a large number of people and full control, it may not be impossible to play against EDG. On the other hand, Verus and Feng's economic equipment are not very good.

Even after eating a tower and taking away an Alistair, it has not yet reached a strong state.

I am afraid that Velus will have to develop for a while to produce explosive output!

In this case, if the SSG four-man team plays well, it can completely kill the two fattest people on the field today, one blind is stealing the dragon, and the other Su Chen is waiting in the middle for the upcoming sneak attack. If you want to support, I am afraid it is too late!

Even if all of them were replaced in this wave, they would definitely not miss this. The head of An couldn't help but show a smile on his face. Indeed, this time EDG did not expect such a situation.

When the prince and others rushed out of the wild area, after eq's second company successfully knocked off the wind girl, they had already suffered a big loss at this moment.

And at this moment, Yasuo, who was at the extreme distance, directly activated the ultimate slash, and leapt directly over.

Under this wave of output, Feng Nu was buried here in just an instant.

Even if he put a shield on himself in an instant, there was no way he could be beaten by the four.

Seeing this, Verus released a big move on the spot to contain a few people.

But at the same time, Xia's skills were immediately released.

Even if iboy managed to evade Xia’s Q skills, he was helplessly hit by Nal in front of Malzaha’s silence. The anger at the moment was enough, but before he was transformed, Malzaha’s great The move landed instantly, suppressing him under the tower, and the road was in jeopardy!

In fact, Su Chen discovered something was wrong at the moment when the prince on the road appeared.

At the moment, stepping on the shadow of the magic shadow, ran to the road quickly.

However, at the moment when the two sides met hand-to-hand on the road.

Among the grass, an Alistair suddenly arched out, and Su Chen who jumped over the wall directly flew out.

"I cursed in a low voice, and Su Chen's face also showed a touch of depression.

Alistair is really smelly and hard to control with two hands, an annoying batch!

Although Yao Hime's skills are quite flexible, it is also very uncomfortable to face this guy.

The reason why the prince started the group before I came here without Alistair showing his face to carry it, I am afraid it is because of this reason, otherwise even if the five people show up together, he will definitely have a chance to shoot!

Unexpectedly, this Alistair is waiting for himself here!

At this moment, Su Chen's heart was depressed, but when the situation happened, he pressed the magic shadow again and quickly returned to the original place.

Alistair, who was begging for flowers at the moment, ignored the fight under the tower and rushed to Su Chen frantically.

Upon seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but grow up.

If he surrendered his big move for displacement, his output would be abnormally weak afterwards.

In addition, Alistair was stalking from the side. One was not good, and he would probably die instantly. At the moment, Su Chen resolutely released the flash, and then the chain directly led to Xia.

Caught before, ruler! It was already clear that the demon girl's damage was 0. Seeing the opponent's chain was fastened, he immediately activated the storm blade.

Only a soft drink was heard.

Rain in the sky!

Then, Xia opened a big move and quickly withdrew out.

This wave of big moves, the ruler can be said to be resolute, even Su Chen couldn't help being speechless for a while.

But it was precisely because of this big move that really saved his life. Reluctantly, Su Chen could only and quickly get up to prevent Xia from retracting her feathers after landing and restraining herself.

But after this wave, Gnar finally freed his hands.

At the moment, he released a big move and took pictures of the prince and Alistair in front of him.

However, at this moment, the prince of the head of An jumped up first and released the big move that had always been in his hands!

The two big moves met in an instant, so that the prince jumped into the air, and successfully evaded Gnar's repulsion!

Although he still lost blood, it didn't cause any related knock-ups. Not only that, but his big move knocked out poor Verus almost instantly.

As a result, under the exchange of firepower, iboy was killed instantly. Ding reward points report

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