Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 237 Teamfight under the tower

"Huh? What happened to the prince?"

Was there a bug just now? Alistair was beaten up, why is he okay?

"Fuck? Could it be that I was blind? What happened?

"Gan! The labor and management didn't see the operation just now, and there was an uproar in the field, and everyone was stunned.

A few veteran players saw the scene in the field.

However, when they understood the change in just an instant, their faces couldn't help but feel a touch of shock.

OMG! "

"What kind of operation is this? It's so showy!

"Fuck? The prince has a big move to hide from Nanal's big move! As expected of the head of An, this is all right!"

"50" is too awesome! I'm a black fan! "

Among the many barrage, a piece of news of the head of An's head was frantically swept up on the screen commentary stage, and Guan Zeyuan was also very excited and slapped the table and shouted.

"This wave of prince’s Tianxiu" first EQ two straight open wind girl, passively flat A Gaiaso jumped big, and instantly dropped the wind girl" and then directly dodge Gnar’s big move, the details of this wave of operation Unmatched!

Moreover, the location and timing of this ultimate move are very well grasped, and it happens that Verus was cast into Xia's ultimate move. Now even if the enchantress arrives, this wave of EDG will definitely lose blood! "

"It's worthy to be the head of An. This wave of operations is so beautiful. At this moment, it's not just an explanation of the excitement here, but the audience in the field shouted together.

Although many people are not fans of SSG, this wave of operations is really eye-catching, even they can't fault it!

Anzhangmen's complexion was indifferent, and the surface was as stable as an old dog, but there was a panic in his heart.

Although this wave of operation was intentional by him, the moment he had just counted the time and predicted the opponent's big move.

But in the arena, it is not easy to play this kind of operation!

You know, the prince's ultimate move can only be exempt from control the moment he jumps up.

And Gnar's skill is that if he touches a building, he will instantly stun.

Therefore, at the moment when the two attack together, in general, the chance of Gnar fainting the prince first will be greater.

It can be said that even in an ordinary passerby game, such an operation is extremely difficult to complete!

What's more, on the playing field?

Moreover, as a player on the field, A Guang is not bad in strength.

The opportunity to shoot just now was also very good. It can be said that this wave is completely extreme operation!

Fortunately, although the process was extremely thrilling, in the end he did achieve this wave of control and successfully sent iboy back to the spring again.

Even if he was killed by Su Chen later, he did not lose.

At this time, Su Chen escaped Xia's big move, and couldn't help but accept it slightly.

This wave of operations just now in charge of An is really powerful, even if he has a system bonus, he may not be able to fight it.

However, as an opponent at this moment, even if the opponent's operation is brighter, he must remain calm. At the moment, he QR hands up, walks away from Xia's Q, and then sends away the prince with his backhand and kick. The door left the keyboard with both hands, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his face.

But his face finally showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time.

It can be said that even though he died miserably in this wave, he successfully made a good start for the counterattack.

Seeing the renewed fighting spirit next to teammate, his face became more gratified, but relatively speaking, Su Chen was a little bit more uncomfortable. Feng Nu was the first to be second, and Verus was locked by Xia's skill just after that. Die.

Now there is only one person under the tower, Gnar and himself, but at this moment, what they need to face is the joint blow of Xia, Malzaha, Yasuo and Alistair!

Even if Gnar has meat and output, it is not time to continue fighting at this moment.

In desperation, the two of them could only quickly pull towards the back of the tower. At this moment, the Alistair skill CD has slowed down, and immediately Wq rushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen took a deep breath, and then pressed the button of the magic shadow to return to the previous position.

Although this allowed him to be very close to Xia, he managed to avoid being knocked into the air by Alistair.

With the help of the recovery effect of the talented dangerous game, Su Chen quickly walked to Alistair after he forced Xia's two hits.

Gnar did not watch from the sidelines, and now in a state of anger, he directly released the second skill to beat him, and fainted Alistair on the spot!

This wave of control was very useful and almost saved Su Chen's life.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Su Chen hurriedly moved towards the back of the tower.

Just after the 1.2 team, the tower Alistair was in charge of resisting was now under multiple impacts from the defensive tower. Even though Alistair was very fleshy, he couldn't help but lose a lot of blood at this moment.

Upon seeing this, the two quickly withdrew back.

At this moment, the SSG side would naturally not let go of this opportunity, and Yasuo rushed up with the line on the spot.

However, his sudden advance only lasted for an instant, and he was slowed down by a stone by Gnar. At the same time, Su Chen's e skill was also thrown out at the same time.

Cuvee instantly released the wind wall, blocking this wave of skills.

At the same time, Dragon was successfully taken down by the director

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