Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 261 Kill Kalmar instantly!

As the crown said just now, Su Chen at this moment has already surrendered three big moves

The first big move is to force a small cannon directly under the tower to close the distance

The second stage of the big move is to cross the tower to chase the small cannon that has just released the rocket jumping skill.

The third paragraph is used when I just rushed~

Therefore, without any displacement, it is not easy for a short-handed hero who wants to grab their two long hands and has a speed bonus. After pulling and moving, the two crowns The CD of human skills is already-cool down.

Kalmar tied the chain again and controlled Su Chen on the spot.

Then, he slammed Su Chen's body with a strong spiritual flame that had been strengthened by a big move. Su Chen was unable to move because he was charged. He could only watch the second-stage damage of the spiritual flame hit his body. His blood volume has been reduced again and has now been reduced many times. At this moment, his blood volume is only less than ten percent. Just when everyone thought Su Chen was going to die, a figure suddenly emerged from the grass.

Then, a rolling wine barrel lay horizontally behind the two of them, and the blasting wine barrel immediately bombarded between the two SSG and Su Chen.

Affected by this thing, the Clockwork and Kalmar were knocked back in an instant, and fell to the rear.

Since the factory director had already calculated the distance, the two of them happened to fall within the scope of the barrel Q skill.

At this moment, although the rolling wine barrel of the wine barrel did not reach the maximum damage value, the factory director resolutely detonated it on the spot.

At this moment, only seeing the barrel burst, only a small half of the health of Clockwork and Kalmar remained.

Then, the factory manager directly activated the w skill, Drunken Rage, and rushed up after drinking beer.

The clockwork movement was extremely fast. He pulled the barrel halfway with a predictive move. This barely got rid of the doom of death, but the factory manager didn’t feel any regrets about it. At the moment, he and Su Chen attacked the bot lane together.

Su Chen has a technology gun in his hand, which can recover blood quickly, and the passiveness of the barrel can restore blood.

Under these two recovery states, the two quickly recovered some blood volume and entered the tower with the line of soldiers.

Upon seeing this, the clockwork two were also quite helpless, they could only retreat while clearing the line of troops with their skills, waiting for the support of their own Jungle.

"This wave of our tower can't be strong. Teammate won't be able to arrive for a while. If this wave is not played, Su Chen took a look at the resurrection time of everyone, shook his head, and then left the bottom with the barrel. This wave can be caught. Xiaopao, such a fat adc, is already pretty good, and the remaining two families seem to make money if you kill it, and you won’t lose money if you can’t kill it. After all, both of them are professional players. This is on the professional arena. It is impossible for ten people to be in a situation like that. Therefore, after letting go of the two, Su Chen did not feel that it was a pity that he preferred to be more stable than murder!

After leaving the bottom road, Su Chen went straight to the middle road.

After clearing the middle lane, his HP has been restored to nearly half, and the ultimate move has been replied for a while, and the second CD has only ten seconds left to observe the situation on the field, and hesitate for a while. , Su Chen immediately went on the road.

At the moment on the road, Gnar and Kenan were consuming each other.

Asking for flowers, but after receiving the signal from the middle road, Kenan immediately converted to a thunder and lightning state, activated the e skill, and ran towards the tower crazily.

Seeing this, Su Chen, who had just walked to the middle of the river, stopped.

He placed a false eye in the unrenewed position of the canyon pioneer in Longkeng, and then returned to the city directly.

Out of equipment, Su Chen went straight to the wild area.

Using the high explosive efficiency, the three wolves were easily cleared, and then rushed to the bottom lane again to the bottom lane at this moment. After the AD and Support of both sides were back online, they were stalemate on the line and were consuming each other.

After receiving Su Chen's signal, Lucian from iboy took the lead.

With the holy gun washing her face, Kalmar could only make a big move to protect the two of them, and then prepared to fight back.

At this moment, Titan directly activated the big move and locked the cannon.

The deep-sea impact blasted out and knocked off Kalmar directly along the way!

At this moment, Su Chen's figure appeared from the position of the grass.

He immediately beckoned and rushed to Kalmar's side. At the moment Su Chen ignored the cannon, he directly shot the Thunder Lord's decree and instantly knocked out half of his blood.

In the case of Lucian's output, it was almost a moment that Kalmar was killed on the spot.

By easily killing Support, Su Chen's condition is getting better.

Originally, his economy had already taken the lead after receiving several heads in a row.

Now killing another person is completely rolling the snowball up in Su Chen's state. As long as it is not targeted by multiple people or collectively squatting, any hero can't stop his swelling trend alone. Ding reward points report

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