Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 262 Hit them, you don't need four people

Kalmar was helplessly killed, and the small artillery he protected was even more precarious. Although Ruer jumped into the tower with the W skill for the first time, and when he left, he hung the soldier's line and the e skill, so that he could not enter the tower successfully. Facing the gaze of the three big men, he did not dare to relax his vigilance.

For fear that the other party would be upset, he killed himself on the spot.

However, the Su Chen trio did have the idea of ​​a strong tower. As they approached, he added the Titan's first hand to carry the tower.

Ruler also immediately understood that Su Chen is going to be strong!

At this moment, a blue ray of light lit up, blooming above the six defensive towers on the bottom road.

This transmission is impressively the TP of Kainan on the road!

At the same time, a figure flew directly from the triangle grass on the lower road, and directly flew Lucian. This is Zach's elastic slingshot! SSG support is here!

The complexion changed slightly, and the Su Chen trio immediately began to counter-attack the Titans. Direct the Q skill to clear the channel and hook Zac, which directly interrupted the opponent's chance to export to Lucian.

Coupled with the passive imprisonment control, Zach stood on the spot, and could only let everyone attack.

This time, Cannon is not waiting.

He walked forward directly and released a big move the moment Su Chen rushed in front of him, pushing Su Chen back again.

At this moment, Kenan also successfully landed!

"Can't get down?"

Gnar swept his way, and immediately asked that as a road with TP, he has an obligation to support, but in many cases it is not necessary to support as long as there is a TP.

In today's situation, if one's bot lane is free to fight, and directly chooses to retreat, then Kainan who has reached the bottom lane will waste a teleport for nothing!

At the same time, he will also lose the pawn line on the road, or even lose a tower, which will be a huge loss for Kenan.

But in the same way, if one's own TP goes down at this moment, then one's own number will also increase by one at the same time, and still occupying the advantage is just going from three to two to four to three.

And under the premise that you have your own front row and the opponent has only one Zach, you don't need to think about who wins and who loses.

Su Chen thought for a while and immediately analyzed the current situation. Although Kenan has a little economic advantage, he is not bad.

In addition to the fact that the other party has a lot of effect, the SSG side can be said to be very crispy. Now the small cannon has been impacted by the previous Titan's ult, his state is dissatisfied, and there is a little difference in blood volume.

He ignited and cooled down. Under this situation, even if Gnar didn't teleport down, he wouldn't necessarily suffer a loss even if he couldn't beat him. With the mobility of three people, it would be easy to run down.

The SSG party can't catch up with itself at all!

In this way, Gnar can not only push the line on the road, but also save a teleport skill, which can be used for subsequent support or belt line.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately made the decision "A Guang doesn't need to come down, just Push."

"You don't need four people to hit them!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, A Guang immediately understood.

He has suffered several losses before, and after a long memory, he also knows that he should trust teammate's judgment.

Therefore, after hearing Su Chen's words this time, he didn't have any disagreements. At the moment, Ah Kuang gave up the idea of ​​transmitting the bottom lane support, and directly pushed the lane on the top lane. Seeing this scene, everyone in SSG faintly. There was a sense of anxiety in my heart.

"Does this guy plan to push the line on the road if he doesn't plan to send it over?"

Just when this thought came up in his mind, Kennan saw Gnar release the e skill, jumped into the creeps, and quickly cleared the line.

See this scene. He finally understood.

I'm afraid that's what the other party thinks! I didn't even want to come to support me, but if the bottom lane is three-on-three, EDG won't get any benefits at all?

Although Veer is a little puzzled about this, but now his TP has been handed in, there is no way out.

Upon seeing this, Ruler said immediately, "In this case, let's get down to the road and fight."

"Their state is not too good. As long as this group can win, it doesn't matter if they push the dotted line on the road."

"The clockwork will go up immediately after returning from the middle. With your clearing ability and the effect of your skills, Gnar should not dare to be strong."

After hearing this, Crown nodded, quite agreeing with it.

So, under this circumstance, bot lane changed again into a three-on-1.2-three situation, and the battle was on the verge of breaking out! After Kenan's transmission, Gnar didn't even choose TP! Could it be that he intends to sub-band by himself, regardless of the end of the road? "

But in this case, three hits three on the bottom lane, there is absolutely no advantage in it. Could it be that they are planning to be so stalemate, using Gnar to push the lane forcibly on the top lane, it seems that this is also a good choice. "

Upon seeing this, the doll was repeatedly admired.

But seeing this moment, everyone suddenly found on the screen that the clockwork was heading towards the road.

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