Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 434 All in one go

Only faker threw a hypnotic bubble on the flanks, and then pulled a chaotic flying star to kill Annie in seconds. However, as Zoe, faker can only do so.

His ability to fight damage is the same as most typical wizards, requiring CD time for band damage, but during this CD period, there is enough LPL to solve all his teammates, and then set up a formation to advance.

BaronBUFF still has a lot of time. The faker's skills are used to kill 957 seconds, and it is no longer possible to clear the line in advance.

Moreover, without first hitting the hypnotic bubble, even if he pulls out into the flying star, it is impossible to drop any hero in seconds. The damage to the line of troops blessed by BaronBUF is not enough. Faker can only helplessly return in the wild. , Watching the LPL players march forward with the line of troops, all the way to the front tower and they are not ready to retreat.

Faker hopes to delay time by his skills, but Zoe is not strictly a hero in formation, let alone a lot of damage.

Relying on the position of the green side of the skill to play POKE, but they were all rationally resolved by the LPL players, and they did not delay the efficiency of pushing the gate tower.

When the front tooth tower was pushed down, the other members of the LCK were resurrected and wanted to rush out and fight back. However, all four of the LPL were there, and they forced the A tower and successfully pushed off the crystal. The LPL relied on the time of standing a wave of BaronBUFF, and it turned out to be straightforward. Killing LC K, did not give them a chance to comeback.

"This is a beautiful win! After taking down Baron, the team fight was so exciting. Su Chen's understanding of the little murlocs was actually one of the keys to their ability to win this game."

"That's right, the rhythm of the little murloc hero is his big move. Su Chen has used the little murloc's big move to the extreme. In the early stage, he can always ambush Zoe, who is in the reentry transition. A wave of big moves can counterattack."

What’s more frightening is that as long as Su Chen’s little murloc has a big move, he hardly needs to care about the state of the teammate, and it has damage reduction. One requires five.

Hey, in fact, it’s fair to say that the reason why Su Chen was able to play five games was because it was Su Chen. He put too much psychological pressure on the LCK players and forced them to lose Su Chen in the first time. Unfortunately, Su Chen was too fast.

The commentator blew wildly at Su Chen, and now their hearts were completely back in their stomachs.

LCK's performance in BO5 is better than BO1 and BO3. Before the game, everyone was also worried that the LCK All-Star team would have a quality change, but now the LPL star team has proved that they have surpassed them and can beat LCK and Su Chen has taken it out again. A hero who seemed to be difficult to deal with was defeated by the "invincible" version of Zoe or Faker's Zoe.

The BP after LPL doesn’t need to care about this hero at all, just see what new hero faker can bring out. "The faker must choose the czar. Let him give this hero to him. I will fight." Su Chen sat back in his seat. Immediately judged the hero choice of this Faker.

Faker doesn't like the selection of heroes in the underworld like Su Chen, and only those who are strong in the current version. Because of AD's tool man attribute, Solo Mid must choose a big C to support the later stage.

In this way, the choice of faker can be reduced to a very narrow range of people.

Even if the LCK finds that Su Chen will only choose some non-mainstream heroes of the underworld, it will not want to take the rare late-stage big C to risk.

Sure enough, LCK grabbed the czar for faker from the very beginning.

PL Bo is not welcome. Even if the opponent grabs the middle lane, they will first grab the prince Jungle who played well last time. In addition, the EZ in the bottom lane is more inclined to the toolman's AD than the female gun, Jhin, etc. The EZ is actually better. Favoring the traditional strong AD, his strength lies in the ability to withstand pressure too much, too much to "mix" damage, of course it is UZl's first choice.

LCK grabbed Jin and Sister Pig again.

The head of An really has a special liking for the hero of the pig girl. He obviously couldn't fight the prince with the pig girl in the early stage, but he still chose the pig girl LPL. Then he made a hand for the Japanese girl in the LCK game. Choosing a Japanese girl did not produce the desired effect. Since UZ has grabbed the EZ again this time, Xiao Ming can be freed to roam more. The Japanese girl with strong control ability and fleshiness will naturally become the first choice.

Later, the heroes chosen by the LCK (good money) are Solo Top Qinggang Ying and Support Bloom.

LCK grabbed Bron just to target the Su Chen group.

Although it is impossible for the logistics team of the LCK to predict what Solo Mid will be chosen by Su Chen to play the Czar, they have vaguely concluded that Su Chen prefers those who can enter the arena quickly and are explosive. Or a wizard-type assassin.

Now that this point is recognized, no matter what hero Su Chen will choose, he needs to enter the field to play the effect, and Bron naturally restrains most of the melee heroes.

Regardless of Su Chen's proficiency, superimposing Bloom passively only needs to level A, and once he is stunned by Bloom, the one who waits for Su Chen must be killed and returned to the hot spring.

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