Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 435 Solo Mid

957 knew that he couldn't restrain the opposite Solo Top. The first two selections locked Shen. Judging from the final result, playing Qinggangying cautiously is quite satisfactory online. Of course, it is not as flexible as Qinggangying. But in terms of teamfight support, Shen definitely beats Qinggangying, and can also protect the C hero who was cut by Qinggangying.

Finally, there is Su Chen's hero. Now it is not only the LPL commentary and the audience who are interested in his choice, but all the regions are curious about which hero Su Chen will choose in this round.

"At the end of the barrel, Su Chen's choice was not in Abu's hands. It was his own decision. The hero Su Chen said was so unexpected that Xiao Ming, the fifth place, was caught off guard, and it took a long time to turn it over. The wine barrel is selected.

Others used the screen to get the selected information. At the beginning, Xiao Ming didn't lock any heroes, which triggered everyone's discussion.

Everyone is wondering, what kind of hero Su Chen has chosen and he hasn't been selected for a long time, or has there been internal strife in the LPL star team?

At the last moment, seeing Xiao Ming locked the barrel, aroused everyone's exclamation.

Needless to say at the scene, all the live barrage, regardless of the language channel, sent out various expressions of exclamation and a series of question marks.

Solo Mid keg What kind of underworld BP is this?

When the LPL players finally exchanged heroes, it was determined that it was Solo Mid Keg, which made them even more sigh, Su Chen really dare to choose any hero.

If it's Solo Top, Jungle or even Support kegs, they are all acceptable, but Solo Mid kegs, I really don't know how to beat them.

No matter what, the hero is selected and cannot be changed. Everyone is waiting to see the effect of choosing this hero.

When he first went online, Su Chen's wine barrel was against the Tsar's Tsar to make up a few soldiers, and with the rolling barrel that he raised first, the soldiers didn't even lose.

Although the czar has a long hand, in the early stage, the czar’s power was actually stronger than the two long-range soldiers. In addition, the barrel itself is a relatively fleshy hero. Of course, the czar’s damage to him is not obvious enough, which is also Faker's opinion. The Tsar is a developmental hero. If he sacrifices to consume the barrels of replenishment, he may not be very profitable, so more attention should be paid to the replenishment of the sand soldiers.

Moreover, the barrel can also get strong support from Jungle.

Through the last round of the game, both the factory manager and the head of An are more aware that the prince can completely suppress the pig in the wild in the early stage, and before the pig reaches six, he can only continue to brush in the wild.

The director brushed the two sets of wilds himself, and then went to the river to insert his vision, so that the barrels had absolute protection in the grass on one side, so that the pig girl would never come to the middle to help the czar.

Although the two heroes, Sister Pig and Tsar, are strong choices, their midfield strength in the early stage is too low, and any combination of midfielders can bully them.

On the line, after the tsar's level is up, there are more ways to consume Su Chen, but at the same time, the skills of the wine barrel are also more.

The counter-fighting skill is meat bomb impact. After the level of Q rolling barrels is higher, it can also consume faker's blood volume when clearing ranged soldiers. Of course, the consumption capacity of barrels is absolutely impossible to compare with the tsar. But the wine barrel has a recovery ability that the Czar didn't have.

Moreover, when fake was actually lining up with Su Chen, he realized that he wanted to suppress Su Chen’s barrels and it was not so easy for the barrel’s meat bombs to directly stick to the czar’s face, and at the same time it could produce a vertigo effect. Instead, the czar would be beaten by the barrels in a drunken and violent state. With the czar's current damage ability, the exchange of blood might suffer a loss instead.

Therefore, the Tsar must rely on the line of troops and take advantage of Su Chen to come forward and be pawned before he can consume the consumption. This consumption is directly overcome by the cask with its own recovery ability plus the red medicine.

Shen on the road against Qing Gang Ying, with 957's proficiency in Shen, coupled with Shen's skill system, it should be relatively easy to fight against Qing Gang Ying.

However, 957 somewhat underestimated Qinggangying's agility and initiative when laning.

Simply put, as long as Qinggangying is careful enough to be 380, he can be accidentally consumed, but it is impossible for Shen to not be consumed by Qinggangying. Slowly, after all the red medicine is consumed, Qing Gang Ying began to achieve line excellence. If it weren’t for the prince of the factory director to get out of the river, Qing Gang Ying would have suppressed Shen under the defensive tower. The line situation of the bottom lane is almost the same. Although Jhin does not have the line of female guns. The ability to consume, but as long as the output of the four bullets is stuck, there is no problem with the knife. Coupled with various small skills, it is a hero who is the leader of the hand, and will not be at a disadvantage in the face of EZ.

Because of Bloom's existence, Xiao Ming's Japanese girl didn't dare to point it easily.

In general, LPL and LCK played peacefully in the early stages, which is also determined by Jungle's style.

The head of An and the factory manager are both good hands in controlling resources. They are not used to rashly launching an online gank. If a gank is unsuccessful, their position will be exposed, allowing their opponents to control more wild areas and let them The brushing wild and the level behind.

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