Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 451 Hold you guys

If the Tsar and Qinggang Ying were really blown up by Su Chen's ultimatum, they would actually have no choice but to turn their heads to deal with the pig girl who was blown back. But now, Su Chen is decisive. He handed over the e meat bomb impact, and knocked faker in the top again.

faker: It’s the first time in his career that I feel so frustrated. Su Chen seems to be the nemesis of his hits. As long as he faces faker, all his skills become directional. In fact, it’s really hard to blame faker. Su Chen’s skills have been gained.

Both Faker and Qing Gangying wanted to quickly avoid the "nuclear bomb barrel" of the wine barrel, and both responded quickly. However, the czar concentrated on moving, and naturally it was impossible to use the czar for drifting at the same time.

Moreover, in order to facilitate the use of the hooks, Qing Gangying's position is very close to the wall, farther away from the wine barrel. Faker naturally became Su Chen's natural goal.

Although the czar avoided the damage from the barrel's ultimatum, he was pushed to his face by the barrel, and then rolled the barrel with q and then leveled a with W. The amount of damage actually hit the czar to one-third of his health. The Tsar and Qing Gangying just wanted to fight back, but Su Chen easily flashed, avoiding Qing Gangying's second kick, and blocked behind the Tsar.

Although the Tsar's sand soldiers can't hide from attacking the cask, after using the W skill, the cask has a good ability to avoid damage, and coupled with the passive skills, it can recover a mouthful of blood, and there is no security threat at all.

Because of the distance of the flash, Qinggang Ying couldn't catch up with the wine barrel in the first time to deal damage, let alone the pig girl farther away, also thanks to Qinggang Ying in order to forcibly open the group, and hand in the flash ahead of time. I gave Shen.

Aker and others are angry and anxious. They know that the level of the barrel is two levels ahead of them, and the skill Cd will improve soon. What's more worrying is that the other heroes of p must be coming from the wild area to this side. Naturally, they are also supporting them, but there are only two of them, and they are not capable of self-protection. They absolutely dare not rush over from the river. If they go around the wild area, it is definitely too late to support the faker if they can't kill them in a short time. Drop the wine barrel, or bypass his position and escape back to your own wilderness area, that must be surrounded by p's large forces.

However, the health of the wine barrel is much safer than that of the czar. His skills have improved, and the faker czar, as the main output player, can no longer withstand the other q-rolling wine barrel of the wine barrel!

Faker was forced to retreat behind Qinggang Ying, and Qing Gang Ying first hit the e-bomb from the barrel forward to hit the cd very long, so don’t worry about hitting Qing Gang Ying before throwing q, as a melee hero , The q skill is the only thing that Su Chen can threaten faker. As long as he can't help but throw it out first, then faker can confidently step forward and output.

Su Chen just as they wished. He really did not hesitate to throw Q skills, and the goal was Qing Gang Ying. He saw that Qing Gang Ying’s HP has dropped a lot, but more importantly, rolling wine. The slowing effect of the barrel made it impossible for him to catch up with the barrel.

But because Su Chen still has the W skill, the faker still needs the protection of Qinggang Ying, and he dare not forcefully float over and output.

The wine barrel calmly drew a further distance. Su Chen did not rush to take away the bloody czar. Anyway, he has no recovery ability. As long as he drags ck and waits for the teammates to arrive, he can take them all without risk. Eat it.

ck watched Su Chen dangling in front, even if he hated it, there was nothing to do. The blood of the czar, the shadow of Qinggang were slowed down and the hook was still in the cd period, and he couldn't catch up with the wine barrel. "This guy just wanted to drag it to death on purpose. We! Jhin, let's start the big move and slow down the barrel first."! "Faker also knows that Jhin's hit rate will be very low when he forces a big move at such a distance, but they have no choice but to know that they don’t want to make big moves now. When the czar and others are taken away, his big It is impossible to turn the tide of the battle with a move.

Su Chen calmly walked to tell ck what is in vain. Long-range sniping at this distance does not require any consciousness to dodge. As long as Su Chen guarantees that his back and forth movement is irregular, no matter how strong Jhin users are Unable to snipe.

Moreover, at this time, the impact of the e meatball of the wine barrel had been restored, and he turned his head directly, trying to withstand the Qinggang Ying, and then threw other skills on the tsar.

ck is also guarding against Su Chen's actions. When he saw Su Chen turning his head, Qing Gangying also began to twist laterally (good promise), and Su Chen's explosive impact must not be allowed to control him back.

However, at this moment, from the other side of the wall of the wild area, the prince who suddenly killed a shadow factory manager took the lead in supporting it through his own flexibility, and through the opportunity of ck to have no defense against him, he directly took Qinggang The shadows strung together.

It was absolutely impossible for the green steel shadow of the person in mid-air to make any further displacements, and was hit by Su Chen's steady meat bomb impact.

Moreover, the cooperation between Su Chen and the factory manager is not only that. After the factory manager Eq.2 came over, he immediately sat on the czar and sat him in the middle of the world, where the czar’s position was tightly restricted.

Faker's heart is broken at this time.

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