Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 452 Flexible fat man

I saw that Su Chen, who had just come over, had abandoned Qinggang Ying and rushed towards the czar.

As long as the cracked wall disappears, Su Chen can easily take the czar away. Even now, the prince has taken the opportunity of faker to escape, sticking to his side and directly playing output.

Faker can't sit and wait for death, he can only surrender his skills first, and slipped out of the sky through the czar, but his optional position is very embarrassing. Su Chen directly threw out the q rolling barrel through pre-judgment, and then added W to chase. The czar who was on a deceleration state, Ping a took him away.

Qing Gangying’s hooks were also restored, but at this time there was no idea of ​​hitting the wine barrels, and he simply used the p ['s attention to be on the tsar, and after hooking into the wall, he escaped from the other end to the very end. The head of An is equal to being sold. He, a pig girl, naturally has no hope of escape or anti-kill.

ck worked step by step and spent countless hours of painstaking effort to grab the field of vision 390. Because of the loss of personnel, he was pulled out again, and the p's momentum was like a rainbow, and he could directly press on ck's highland face to control the audience even if it was a strong single like Qing Gangying. Bring a little bit, and didn't dare to take the pawn line out, all the ck members could only passively wait for the pawn line to be pushed back.

If the economic gap is further widened, there is no need to say more. What is even worse is that they have no grasp of the external resources and the movements of p{. They just saw the wine barrels swaying in front of them, from the top road to the bottom road, and then Shaking back again, it deterred them from acting rashly.

The ck team members have clearly seen Baron's rebirth, but they are completely unable to test the commentary of each competition area along the way and the audience can see from God’s perspective that, in fact, under the high ground of ck, only Su Chen and 957 are in the lead. , At the same time deterring the ck team members.

And uz (ccbc)i, the factory manager, and Xiao Ming have already begun to fight Baron with all their strength.

Although there are only three of them, the output is relatively slow, but the prince and the female tank, there is no problem in fighting the dragon. The prince can also plant the flag to speed up their dragon fight.

After clearing the middle and lower lines, ck’s people decisively picked up the group and headed towards the Baron wild area. Even if they can see Su Chen’s barrel in front of them, there is no way, they can’t just sit back and watch P take down. Baron then leaned on Baronbuf to advance.

If ck wants to hold on to the time when the czar becomes the invincible big c, then it must prevent the pl players from taking this Baron, otherwise they will definitely lose.

Ck rushed to the high ground collectively, but didn't notice P's strong counterattack. They already realized that they had bet on P's main force is to beat Baron, and now they only have wine barrels in their faces.

"The control skill keeps up, first give the barrel to the second, and then we rush directly to the Baron Pit!"

The ck team members also realized that it might be too late to rush to Baron, but extinguishing the barrels can boost their morale, and then they rush to the Baron Pit. It is also profitable to keep a Baronbuf.

Su Chen smiled slightly. If the hero he currently controls is replaced by any other hero, he can only quickly hand in his displacement skills to escape. However, the barrel has the ability to fight back against the five opponents!

It was because of the keg's big trick that Su Chen turned his head and threw the blasting keg when he saw that ck's team members were chasing him.

With his technique, he was naturally very precise in controlling the position of the blasting barrel, and it happened to be thrown into a pile of people.

The players of ck are also the top players. Of course, they also have reaction time. However, the five people are getting together, and it is impossible to communicate calmly when the barrel of the big move falls. It is impossible for them to react at the first time. All five people dodge to avoid the blasting barrel, right?

The different reactions of the five people, no matter how many people blasted the barrel in the end, all met Su Chen's initial expectation, that is, to separate ck's formation and not let them conceal each other.

Su Chen spotted Bloom who was bombed into a "single". After he took the big move, his blood volume had dropped to less than one and a half. Su Chen immediately pushed it over qW and tied a to kill him in a spike. For Su Chen , The most fear is neither the Tsar nor the explosion, it is Bron. If this guy reacted just now and jumped to the most suitable position and lifted the shield to block the barrel, it would be really troublesome. And Support Bron is the key to control the vision on the opposite side. All of his eyes are on him, and Bron himself has a lot of protective and control skills to solve him first, even if he is in a frontal team fight afterwards, P is fully grasped.

Bron's position was blown up, so the ck team watched Su Chen kill him in seconds, but they couldn't support him at the first time.

Jhin now has the longest hand, and immediately activates the ultimate move to carry out a sniper.

From Jhin’s actions, we can see how much ck hates Su Chen. With the barrel full of blood, Jhin’s ultimate move can’t actually do much damage. Jhin directly uses the ultimate long distance to slow down and stay. The human Su Chen’s flashing has already been handed in to support Shen, but he can be helpless by his posture alone. Su Chen even did not forget to throw a rolling wine barrel first, blocking most of the wild area. the way.

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