Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 453 Forcibly attack

All the heroes of ck didn't want to step on the scope of the rolling wine barrel to continue chasing forward, so Su Chen killed Support in front of them before leaving.

And at this moment, there was a message on the screen that p had killed Baron. Even if the ck team flew now, there was no time to stop the p team from returning.

Don’t do anything meaningless. The ck players honestly turned their heads and started to prepare to defend the high ground, but their mood was very low at the moment. It should be the time when their lineup began to exert force, but they could only hold back the high ground in a frustrated manner.

Since Su Chen's effort to open the situation through the big move of the wine barrel, ck has not been able to fight a successful teamfight. The whole was crushed to the defeat. Seeing pl once again pushed up the Baronbuf1 line, the czar and Qinggang Ying, Jhin already has a four-piece suit, but everyone still has no confidence in how to defend.

With the Tsar's current equipment, if you can maintain a distance to conduct a face-to-face war of attrition, ck is not afraid, but p's ability to open a group is too strong.

They would never be stupid to spend a long distance with the Tsar. As long as the line of soldiers is brought to the front of the front tooth tower, they will surely carry out a powerful opening. Although the shield can prevent Su Chen from blasting the barrel, he It can only prevent damage in one direction, and the timing of shield lifting must be mastered very well. Once the shield lifting skills are handed over in advance, then Su Chen's opening of the group will be irresponsible.

Xiao Ming’s Japanese girl is the hero who has the farthest distance to open the group. He immediately threw a big move against the door-tooth tower. Because of the pressure of the line of soldiers, the players of Lck have gradually squeezed under the front tooth tower, and the position under the front tooth tower It is very narrow-small.

When Xiao Ming came down with a big move, he directly covered the area of ​​one of the front teeth towers.

Especially Bron, he needs to move in an emergency position and must not be controlled first, otherwise he will not be able to raise the shield at all. Su Chen will not hesitate to withstand the impact of the e-bullet and force the group to start.

And Xiao Ming didn't have any scruples, so he pointed forward directly. He only needed to open the group to attract all the firepower of ck to himself.

Even if Xiao Ming gave it for nothing, as long as he can attract the first wave of damage first, he believes that ui and Su Chen and others can also lead the team to victory. Although Bron's previous position was very good, when the female frankly pointed up, He had no choice. He had to put q on the female tank first, and ez and output had already rushed towards him. He was consumed very much without holding up his shield.

The Tsar and Jhin also had to smash the output skills on the female tank first, so that the prince who weakened the deterrent against ez and other heroes also rushed up, but he did not start with eq two, in order to Reaching stable control, he simply flashed up and sat down, and then eq horizontally to string together the Tsar and Jin who were sitting inside the Cracked Heaven and the Bron outside.

Su Chen finally caught the opportunity, and with Bron being strung in the air, he immediately pushed forward.

The Czar and Jin didn't dare to stay where they were. At this moment, they didn't care about continuing to fight against the female tank and the prince. They hurriedly handed over the flash to leave the scope of the world.

If Su Chen came up quickly, that would be great. The czar can push Su Chen away directly, let him waste the opportunity to enter the field, and may even kill him.

However, Su Chen was deeper than they thought. He just wanted to force the flash of ck double c, and then he dared not face the big trick of the wine barrel directly.

For flowers, if you want to avoid Su Chen's big move purely by walking, it is far less safe than flashing.

Su Chen and others pushed forward with all their strength, and 957 directly handed over the big move to the female tank. Now the female tank is equivalent to changing blood with ck’s pig sister Bloom and so on. The longer he wins, the front row of ck is The worse it will be consumed.

Because of the decisive entry of the factory manager and the deterrence of the wine barrels, the front and rear rows of ck were directly separated. In the end, the female tank still could not hold the defensive tower plus the attack of the opponent's hero. Xiao Ming took it away, so he didn't have a chance to return.

Now it’s a zero for one, which is more advantageous to the ck team in terms of numbers. It is better to hurt the enemy’s ten fingers than to break one of the ck’s team with their backs against the hot springs. Although they have been consumed miserably, as long as their blood volume is restored, they will Can form a five-on-four advantage.

But when the pig girl and the others wanted to go back, they discovered that they had to walk not only because the line of soldiers had been killed and the front tooth tower couldn't be lost, but more importantly, they couldn't walk "physically"! Because there are the ultimatum of the wine barrel, the ultimatum of the wine barrel can easily blow them back. With the blood volume of their residual blood, I am afraid that they don’t need to be blasted back. A great move can directly let them confess that they never felt the wine barrel. The big move is so disgusting, whether it is the czar in the back row or the pig sister in the front row, they all feel that if they are blown up by the barrel, they will definitely fly to a position where they can't survive.

We must fight, now even if we retreat, we will lose the front tooth tower! "Ding reward points report

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