Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 454 Get match point

ck finally agreed, and Qing Gangying started to approach from the side.

The pig girl has been following the big move, and now it seems that it won’t work if he doesn’t let go. If he didn’t let go before he died, it would be funny. Don’t force to drive directly to the flexible uZi, and the head of An’s put the target in the wine barrel. Body.

Su Chen is not a meat-type wine barrel, and his skills are still very threatening. If he can be frozen and then set the fire for seconds, even if ck pays the price, he can stop the attack of p this round. The timing is very precise, he just spotted the time for Su Chen to make a turn and threw a big move, so that he could not immediately change direction and move around.

However, as a full-ap-packed wine barrel, how could it not come out with any self-protection equipment, "ding!" The wine barrel is directly changed to gold, and he does not need any displacement, relying on the golden body to avoid the precious big pig trick.

"Siba!" The head of An didn't expect that the time he had waited for a long time was unsuccessful. Now they have no first control of Bron's ultimate move. Although it can play a role in group control, his starting action is too slow. There is no suddenness of the first move at all, and the p player's operability is very easy to operate to avoid blooming shots.

As the defensive side, they do not have the ability to start a team with a counterattack, which means that they are fully passive.

"When you besieged the keg and saw Su Chen's golden body, Faker was also cold in his heart, but his determination was greater. Now that he has reached this point, let's fight to the death. Su Chen's golden body, although he avoided Anzhang The door’s big move prevents ck’s players from taking advantage of this opportunity to take full advantage of the output. However, the time for the recovery of the golden body is fixed, and they can also output fully at the moment of Su Chen’s golden body, and they still have the opportunity to kill or fight the residual wine. bucket.

Shen got the best chance, and immediately flashed a wave of taunts. When ck's attention was not on 957, he taunted the czar. Moreover, 957 was also when he got stuck in the barrel of gold, taunting. It is impossible for faker's output to hit Su Chen in the first time, and of course it is even more impossible to push Su Chen away.

Su Chen had just finished his golden body and immediately threw out the blasting wine barrel. It was impossible for him to rely on the output of Jin and Sister Pig at the first time.

Moreover, Su Chen himself still flashed, and before he was superimposed on the passive layer by Bron and Sister Pig, he opened up the distance between them.

Head An is also really anxious, because their last communication before has to destroy the wine barrel, and in order to avoid the wine barrel's ultimate move, the head of An and Bron directly flashed to play the final passivity.

However, when they handed in a flash, they realized that the barrel was still holding the e meat bomb and did not let it go.

Originally, Su Chen's meat bomb impact was an excellent ability to start a group, but now even the flash has been handed in, the e meat bomb impact lost its suddenness, and he simply used it to continue to distance.

On the contrary, Sister Pig and Bron stared at each other after flashing, it was impossible to catch up with Su Chen, including Bron finally released the Q skill that had just turned and was also twisted by Su Chen. Sister Pig and Bron rushed out too far, they It is no longer possible to withdraw safely, and now there is no way to provide any cover for the back row. uZi and the prince, Shenquan blocked the czar’s face and easily killed him in seconds. Although Jhin wanted to escape quickly, he was no better than ez. Flexibility.

The Tsar was killed directly, and when Jhin wanted to retreat, Qing Gangying knew that he had no better chance to enter the field. If he didn't make it now, he would wait to lose!

He pulled a hook through the front teeth, but he could only kick Shen in front of him. Even if he kicked all the skills, he could only kill Shen's health to a quarter, but the czar was dead and no one was there. It’s impossible to make up for the last bit of damage. It’s impossible for Qinggang Ying’s Ping a to kill Caution at this time. The prince cooperated with ez to get rid of Jhin on the other side, and Bron has been “fleeed.” "Su Chen in the "Q" rolls the barrel to take it away. He doesn't have any magic defense equipment, and as a Support, his flesh is completely incomparable with that of Zhu Yu.

In fact, Sister Pig is not meat, because the rhythm has been in the hands of P since the mid-term, and the head of An can only sacrifice his wild economy indefinitely in order to make the Tsar Qinggang Ying and even Jhin a four-piece suit earlier.

Even if Zhu Yu is a meaty hero, but in the four-piece period, there is no meat without equipment. After Su Chen's skills improve, he can turn around and chase after the pig "hammer".

The remaining combat power of ck is Qinggang Ying, but he is a 1.2 melee hero, and the hook has a longer CD period, how can it be impossible to fight four at a time, and finally, in order to protect the front tooth tower, he was kite by the hero of p{ To death.

Ip{The remaining heroes can push off the front tooth tower brainlessly, push ck's main base, and directly win the second game.

"Now! The All-Star team won two rounds in a row and has already won the match point of this bo5!"

"Although ck's resilience is terrible, they can't let the two chase three, right? As long as the p's players bite their breath and make another city, they can win the All-Star Finals!

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