Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 455 Start of the third round

The commentary of p{ is composed of doll Miller. They are masters of the atmosphere of p. Now they have begun to warm up for the All-Star team to win this championship.

From the reactions of Wawa and Miller, it can also be seen that the overall self-confidence of the p division has been played out.

There is a very strong "poisonous milk" culture in p. Before the real victory comes, no one dares to say such things as "I will win" or "I'm sure I'm sure".

Because once you are really defeated by lck, even as long as there is an accident in the middle, these explanations will be smashed by fans on the Internet!

However, before edg defeated skt to win the championship, now they have the advantage of two games, anyone standing here has the confidence.

In addition, the content of the game played by p is also very good.

Su Chen selected the less commonly used Solo Mid twice, and finally suppressed faker:. Not only did faker not perform well, but Su Chen also became the 22 who mastered the rhythm of the game.

Taking the bp effect shown by Su Chen, it is impossible to target him at all, even! ck's coaching and logistics team is very famous and experienced, and the same is true.

Who can target a hero he couldn't predict?

Of course, ck's coach must have some countermeasures, depending on what tactics they will come up with in the third game.

The team’s successive victories allowed Wawa and Miller to have enough topics to drive the atmosphere. The audience felt that time passed very fast, and the first episode began unconsciously.

The bp of the key round of the round. This time, p was on the blue side first, and he grabbed ez for UZi. Ize, the hero, has the strongest self-protection ability in the "functional" ad, and at the same time has strong continuous output ability. Compared with the detonation and female guns, the priority is still higher.

ck specifically selected the female tank and Xia, everyone never expected that Xia, the hero, could still be taken out in the current version.

Because in the All-Star game, everyone is a strong carry-type Solo Mid hero. Solo Mid is the core of the team. Whether it is Czar or Clockwork, if you want to achieve the effect of taking over the game, you need to have it in the early mid-term. Very long development time.

During this period of time, they naturally need to have another c position to stand up and shoulder the core output position in the early and mid-term.

At the same time, the ad itself is too fragile, it is easy to be cut to death, and it is not suitable to take out a large C-shaped ad. However, after thinking about it, I have to admit that the hero Xia is indeed the most suitable choice, his output ability It is extremely strong, and explosive damage can be done through the barb skill. Moreover, such a powerful output hero has the ability to protect itself. Xia's flying feathers are in a state that cannot be selected. This is also a choice for Su Chen.

Su Chen’s hero likes to forcibly enter, relying on his personal show operation. Even if he chooses a barrel in the second game, this has not changed. Therefore, they directly chose Xia as the ad, not because he is afraid that ad will become the target of pl. They were worried that faker would not be able to resist p{'s strong first two games. There have been many situations where faker was the core of the team and took a very high economy but was driven to death by Su Chen first. When Solo Mid died, ck naturally had no resistance.

Choosing a relatively normal double-c lineup can rely on Xia's continuous output ability while p is still targeting faker, and retain the possibility of counterattack. If p is willing to rush to kill Xia with all his strength, then ck will be even more happy, Xia. The ultimate move of Xia can avoid countless control and damage. When Xia lands, the surrounding teammates must have been wrapped up. At that time Xia pulls another barb, which will definitely make P suffer a big loss.

Even if the p is not fooled, they are bound to dare not easily open to Xia Qiang, and the female tank is not only an alternative ban, but also can be used to target a flexible hero like Izawa.

Regardless of whether you have moved or not, as long as it is pointed by the female tank's zenith knife, it is a set of steady control to hit the teammates directly.

Ip{Next I chose Jungle, the prince of the hand, plus a wine barrel!

What, is the wine barrel again? Su Chen is really playing, right? Is it possible for such heroes to win one after another?

"The last time you ate the big loss of the wine barrel 393, their coach will definitely order a few words about the wine barrel defense. This time, the wine barrel will probably not be as easy as the second game.

And this is the first time that Su Chen has chosen the same hero for two consecutive games, right? Could it be that Su Chen hid in the last game?

Wawa and Miller recalled Su Chen's performance in the second game. There is really such a possibility.

Then ck made up Gnar first.

In the Solo Top position, ck is always the best chosen hero for ck. This time they performed 957 well, but they are still ignored by Solo Top who is good at offensive single belt.

As long as Gnar is a hero who can control his anger well, he can play a very important role in team battles. After the equipment is formed, Gnar is very relaxed whether he cuts a crispy skin or a meat shield.

In the latter two hands, ck first chose Jungle, the blind monk. After that, everyone was waiting for Su Chen's choice to be announced. There were even some radical fans who could only see Su Chen's performance. Even the game interface was set, just waiting. After Su Chen made his choice, he sat in the passerby for verification.

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