Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 478 Opportunity spelled out by ck

Gnar had heard the command of teammate a long time ago and knew that they were going to carry out a big counterattack. After the flanks took the line of troops over, he had sneaked over from the river. He had never dared to get too close, lest he would be spotted by p{'s eyes. When faker: was bombed back, Gnar immediately jumped forward.

At the same time, the Japanese girl left behind a key big move!

Because of the constant loss of skills, pl's formation is more concentrated, especially the prince has passed the eq two series to move forward, at this time p! It is impossible for everyone to leave him and run first. They must all advance and retreat together.

However, Ipl has just lost a round of skills, and many players are in the weakest state.

Only Su Chen remained calm, and uZi only threw out a small skill, which itself still retained most of its combat power, but the prince and the other three were unable to fight against ck at all.

The Japanese women's big move, the sun flares, has forced them into a situation where they cannot advance or retreat.

uZi found that he was also on the edge of the Japanese girl’s big move. Now that he can’t enter, he has to step back and surrender the jump. At the same time, the Japanese girl got out of the wild area. He was the one who wanted to fight. In this teamfight, or it is a close fight, then the most important thing is not even damage, but the control must limit the position of p double c, especially uZi Xia and Blind, who have displacement and strong pull ability. The monks are not too anxious. They fully believe that the teammates have the ability to hold the opponent. They need to keep the skills and play the CD with the strongest output skills in the first time. They can be restored. If 957 their skills are restored, then pass now. The opportunity that faker takes the initiative to expose flaws in exchange for is of no value.

Su Chen noticed for the first time that because his position was awkward enough, ck could not set him as the first output target. In this case, he can start to accumulate energy with confidence.

Now that ck has created an opportunity to force the p formation to focus, and want to start a team fight through the Japanese girl, then he will definitely rush forward and hit the most damage in the shortest time.

For Su Chen, he can find the most suitable opportunity to release this arrow!

The blind monk first arrived at a distance that could kick the q sky sound wave, but because uZi had already moved to flashback, he could only hand over his skills to the front 957 first...unless he was stupid, he would waste his skills to be more reliable. Xia was not so aggressive on the prince who was in a worse position. He first hit the prince with the first wave of output.

And the factory manager is also a wolf, and he sees the opportunity to take a big shot! First, Xia and the blind monk were all sitting in the cracks of the sky, and now he didn't even want to retreat to the other side, u? Seeing the Japanese woman approaching quickly, he didn't dare to let him point out, and quickly used the flash to widen the distance between the Japanese woman.

The Japanese girl is indeed a very strong team-starting hero, but his real "long hand" to start a team is actually only a big move. All the poke skills of uzi are longer than the remaining small skills of the Japanese girl, and can continue in an absolutely safe position. Output.

However, at this moment, Gnar had already ran out of the side channel and threw the boomerang in the first place.

uZi was unable to guard against the situation behind him, and was directly slowed down without displacement. Gnar had already accumulated a good anger on the line before. When he ran over, he held it through the crab again. The threat to uzi is Extremely huge.

uZi didn't care about exporting Japanese girls, so he could only retreat and hurry Pokenar.

Asking for flowers However, Gnar is more flexible and fleshier than the current Japanese girl, and uZ's current development is indeed too poor.

In the state of Little Gnar, uZi's poke can still be effective, but the distance between Gnar and him is getting closer!

Gnar has made up his mind. Even after he grows big, he is not ready to shoot many people in his big move. As long as uZi can capture him to death, even if he completes the task, uZi has shown himself as a top player. cowardly.

He was flanked by both Gnar and the Japanese girl at the same time, and no matter which side he moved back and forth, he would be closer to the other side. The only way to survive seemed to be to escape to the upper road.

However, Gnar chased them too fast. If he really did this, it would be equivalent to dragging Su Chen into a dangerous situation. If Gnar shot both of them with a big move, then this wave of team battles would be real. To collapse uZi simply, just turn your head in a small area, so as not to be controlled by the Japanese girl's small skills, and then all kinds of skills and damage will be hit.

Although with Gnar's flesh and his current equipment, it is impossible to kill him before Gnar's growth, but try to get as much health as possible to make the teamfight after the companions a little better.

Although uZi is already a mortal game, his body twisting is also useful. The Japanese girl's e skill is really empty. Now it is impossible for Gnar to save the big move, and jump directly to uZi at the moment of getting bigger. Next to him patted him in the direction of the ck side.

Because uZi's position is well maintained, Gnar doesn't have any angle to shoot him directly on the wall, so he can only be forced to shoot him back, so that the heroes of p can be more concentrated, so that heroes such as Xia and Zoe can play and output. Ding reward points report

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