Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 479 Tangled teamfight

Now, P is completely surrounded by ck, it seems that no one can escape Zoe's current golden body time has passed, but the surrounding P heroes have ignored him.

But at this moment, Su Chen released the strongest arrow of energy. Because of the angle of Zoe's golden body and the blind monk and Xia sitting together by the director's big move, they were shot by Su Chen with one arrow. The health of the three people, Xia Xia and Zoe lost three-quarters instantly, and the blind monk also lost half of their health.

The head of An was taken aback. Although he lost a little less blood than Xia and Zoe, he is a hero who needs to rush to the enemy line and kick the key British "four zero seven" hero. They have the effect of starting the group this time, but the p is not all dead, they will definitely pull down and hand over all the skills and damage before they die, but with the aoe being beaten, the half-blooded blind monk may not be able to. Able to hold it, the head of An can't wait for the follow-up damage in place. He quickly placed a ward and figured out the scope of the prince's big move. However, the head of An is not the one to shrink back.

The positioning of the blind monk in the middle and late team battles was originally a "tool man" perspective. He didn't need to deal much damage, as long as he could resist the damage and kick the key players back. Verus was a better target. , But the head An knows that Su Chen still retains the flash. If he blindly wants to kick him, he will waste key skills.

Therefore, he caught sight of the uzi who had just been photographed by Gnar. Although there was no wall and could not be stunned directly, Zi couldn't make any response when he was photographed, and the blind monk could just kick out the qtian sound wave. , And then approached him with the second stage q.

At this time, uzi's e skills just recovered, and he can make the final struggle.

However, because of the heroic characteristics of the blind monk, ez's skills cannot be separated at all. The mark on his body is there, and the blind monk will kick him.

Moreover, the head of An will only use the roundabout kick at the last moment. Unless uZi keeps flashing and can fight back, there is no room for manipulation at all.

uZi was kicked into the air again, and at the current level of the blind monk, he was able to kick the crispy ad a good deal.

Xia was trying his best to output the factory director's prince. Seeing that ez was kicked over, he just released the barb and played an explosive output, taking ez away, and the prince also changed into residual blood under his full output.

Gnar does not need to continue to control through follow-up skills? Zi, he simply pushed towards Su Chen.

Although Gnar has no big moves, he still has the W skill, which is deadly enough for the short-legged Verus.

Gnar doesn't want to directly control Su Chen, but as long as he can use this to force his flash, he can create the best chance for subsequent team battles!

After Su Chen shot the q skill, he was able to throw a big move in the direction of Gnar without knowing it!

The chain of corruption hit Gnar who came over, looking like he took the initiative to meet Su Chen's big move.

Su Chen once again released a rain of evil spirit arrows, not only can hit the damage, but also has a good deceleration ability. Gnar can't get close to Velus, and let him move calmly.

Although eZ was killed and the prince had blood, but the barrel and 957 were not hurt and controlled by the first wave.

957 is to use whatever skills you get better, and quickly smash the big move down. His number of layers is easy to stack. Zoe hit the hypnotic bubble against the barrel at close range, but he hasn't waited for Xiaoming. When the barrel was asleep, he first used a meat bomb to directly withstand Zoe. The damage of 957 was also hit on Zoe. The damage of the ultimate move and the damage of the big bear were not something that Zoe could bear.

At the same time that Xia barely took the prince, pl's counterattack also took away Faker’s residual blood, Zoe and aker’s Zoe seduction was indeed very good. It fully calculated the reaction and psychology of P. However, p{ is not a vegetarian. Yes, he also needs to pay the price.

In this wave of team battles, in addition to seduce, faker almost only played a hypnotic bubble control.

However, 957 smashed all the skills, and now it is transformed into "hero creeps", which can only be output by the big bear smashing.

And Lck’s most important output point, Xia, is through the output of blood sucking, and the blood volume is barely maintained. Now that the target is turned to 957, they will definitely not let 957 hit another round of skills.

After Gnar was enlarged now, his protective ability became extremely strong. He should have mastered the battlefield, but he was caught in the chain of corruption and spread to the blind monk, and both of them were imprisoned.

Wei 1.2 Russ pinged a twice, and at the same time they recovered, they began to accumulate Q skills. Everyone knows how much Verus's Q skills hurt, but it is impossible to focus all of their attention on him. Chang and uZi have died. They need to quickly get rid of the 957 and the wine barrel that are wrapped up. Both of them can use their skills to play key control. The damage of 957 can't be underestimated. If they cooperate with Verus, then It's easier to turn around.

Gnar finally had a chance to get in front of Verus, and immediately stretched out his giant palm to stun him in place.

However, Su Chen kept holding back the flashes that he didn't need, and handed it over at this time!

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