Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 602 The role of iron man

Because Su Chen’s crocodile has been staring in the grass, it is necessary for Ka Tien’s economy to be able to get a little bit in experience, but because Su Chen’s crocodile has to come up to accumulate anger after all, so he will push the line because he is also afraid of Jungle. The nightmare's catch, without a good anger in himself, is indeed a little bit afraid of Jungle nightmare's gank. For Tetsuo, even if he only thinks that the crocodile has begun to be inappropriate in this round, it is indeed long in his heart. I'm used to it. After all, the first three rounds came in this way. There is such a round and there is no such round, in fact, it doesn't matter to him.

This game can be seen from the movement of the nightmare. RNG has basically let go of the top lane, and the most important thing is that the top lane chooses a hero like Tetsuo so that it can be in the 543 regiment behind. During the battle, the crocodile that can be well restricted to Su Chen is the least economical of the team. After all, Tetsuo’s development to the later stage is still terrible, and his big move will cause you to be a hero temporarily. Sex loses the ability to participate in team battles.

So if you want to dissolve it, you must get equipment such as the Mercury Scimitar, but the key is that the equipment of Mercury is a piece of equipment that many heroes are unwilling to release. In critical situations, I won’t go out, but this game was played by an iron man, so this controlling skill of the iron man is directional, that is to say, the core C position of EDG almost always has a mercury Come, avoid the control of Iron Man.

In this way, Tetsuo has created a lot of economic gaps for the RNG team (ccbc). At least the C position on the RNG side does not require mercury equipment. Of course, this has to be established on a premise, that is, the EDG side. In the case that lineup did not get a particularly large advantage in the mid-term, オ will cause a lot of errors in team battles caused by mercury equipment.

But if the lineup on the EDG side gains a great economic advantage in the mid or early stage, it doesn’t really matter whether or not the mercury is released. It's up to you.

Time also slowly passed, and soon the first wave of Dragon team battles would begin to erupt.

This wave of team battles is very important to everyone in RNG. Now it is a strong point of Tetsuo. After all, Tetsuo is suppressed by Su Chen's crocodile on the road at this time, but his own level has come to the same level. Sixth level.

Although Su Chen's crocodile level has now reached the seventh level, it was only a first-level difference in the early stage, which does not mean that he will play a particularly big advantage.

And in this wave, if Su Chen’s crocodile comes to the frontal battlefield, then the hero Tetsuo can also use his big move to lock Su Chen’s crocodile in the front as long as the Tetsuo is within the range of the big move. Inside, not killed by Su Chen's crocodile.

So in this wave of frontal Dragon team battles, there are still four people from RNG facing EDG. The four people on this side are in four-on-four situation. E DG does have the opportunity to operate and win the team. Of course Su Chen’s crocodile still knows RNG’s thoughts. After all, when Su Chen went up and took the initiative to find Tetsuo for a blood exchange, Tetsuo did not fight back immediately, Su Chen’s crocodile had already seen it. .

Tie Nan now retains his skills to wait for the first wave of small team battles to limit himself, but in this way Su Chen's crocodile also found an opportunity.

After all, Su Chen’s crocodile has been consuming Iron Man, so Iron Man’s own state is actually not good, so he must return to the city first, and there is a high probability that he will actively teleport to the Dragon group after he returns to the city, and then ensure the teammate side. Development and a group situation.

In this way, Su Chen's crocodile can earn an extra teleport on the lane. This teleportation has no effect on Su Chen's crocodile for the time being, but it will be more effective later.

Probably after Tetsuo didn't teleport, and there was no big move, that wave of groups could cause great trouble to Tetsuo.

For Su Chen’s crocodile, even this wave of groups can give RNG everyone an advantage, such as a Dragon, but the economy and advantages brought by this Dragon can only be achieved in the middle and late stages of the game. Slowly manifested, but in the early stage, you are an iron man who has no teleport on the line. Faced with such a strong crocodile as Su Chen, it is difficult for you to be a defensive player.

Once you were killed by Su Chen’s crocodile once in the laning line, then this round will have to be a broken start on the top road. After all, if you don’t have teleportation, Su Chen’s crocodile can completely carry One or two waves of soldiers directly cross the tower to get you down and reward points report

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