Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 603 Dragon scramble

Even if you replace you, it’s more important for Su Chen’s crocodile, because Su Chen’s crocodile still has a teleport on his body. So from the beginning, Su Chen’s purpose was not this wave of Dragon team battles but The lane behind Dragon and on the road is what Su Chen's crocodile wants to consider.

After all, the advantage of teammate is not necessarily the advantage. In many cases, the advantage of teammate depends on when the advantage can be used. But for Su Chen's crocodile, the crocodile hero is already particularly strong on the line. If you let him gain the advantage in the early stage, then it is actually very difficult for Tetsuo to resist Su Chen’s crocodile. Now Tetsuo’s own blood volume is also beaten to a very low level by Su Chen’s crocodile, so Tie The male first choice, or there is no choice, he can only return to the city directly, and then teleport to the place of Dragon.

Because when Su Chen lowered the iron man's blood volume, he rushed directly to King Dragon, directly exposing his vision to everyone in RNG, so I told you that Su Chen’s crocodile walked directly to Dragon to join the group. war.

RNG also knows that Su Chen's crocodile wants to save a teleport, but there is no way. After all, Tetsuo on the road can't fight on the lane, so Su Chen's crocodile can save a teleport, which is what should be done.

And now what is more important to them is the contention of this Dragon resource, because this Dragon is still more important for the lineup of the late team battle of RNG.

However, it is not without good news for RNG. After all, Tetsuo can add equipment for this wave of return. In fact, Tetsuo can update equipment, and if the equipment is leading, it can make up for Su Chen's crocodile level. The gap between.

You must know that Su Chen's crocodile is only one level ahead. The first level actually does not play a big role, and the iron man returned to the city to supply equipment, this wave may not be able to beat Su Chen's crocodile.

On the contrary, there may be a slight suppression of Su Chen’s crocodile in the duel. It is also a relatively wrong choice for RNG. Not to mention that this wave of Tetsuo must come to Dragon. To limit Su Chen’s crocodile iron man with a big move, you can also become the God of War and drop a residual blood in seconds, and then get the bonus of that residual blood, triggering your own conqueror, plus your own passiveness, you can actually The narrow terrain of Dragon creates many opportunities.

It can help RNG to establish some advantages. These are relatively good ideas and choices. Therefore, RNG is not very disadvantaged here, even if it is a loss of teleportation, but if this wave of desired team battles will give Tetsuo a lot If you have a big advantage or get a lot of heads, then after returning to the line, a teleportation can no longer affect a lot of things-Su Chen also clearly understands this, no matter how detailed Su Chen's crocodile operation is, but you In the crush of equipment, you really can't beat a hero like Tetsuo.

The hero Tetsuo is actually a brainless hero. The operation is simple. Even his Q and E skills can easily be manipulated by Su Chen’s crocodile to avoid him. But after all, there is still a passive existence, which will cause Tetsuo to be here. After gaining a lot of heads and advantages in the team battle, they will start to suppress Su Chen’s crocodile on the line. This is of course bad news for Su Chen. After all, the reason why Su Chen chose this The Crocodile is to play suppression on the line, and then take over the game in the mid-term.

For flowers, but if I was suppressed by Tetsuo in the laning, how could I take over the game in the mid-term? At that time, it may become a tank in front. This is not a result that Su Chen hopes to see. After all, the lineup selected by the EDG side in this round is a bit too extreme.

Especially in the early and mid-term, once the situation can't get a big advantage, it is impossible to compare with RNG's lineup in the late game.

Needless to say, Su Chen took out the crocodile hero in the early stage and had to open up the situation in the early stage, and then turned into the god of war in the middle stage, and the hero Verus, this hero in the next stage, most of them now take the armor-piercing stream. Therefore, the damage in the early and mid-term is particularly high, but in the later stage, it is difficult to consume the opponent with Verus’s skills. Moreover, there is not so much time in the later period for you to consume again and again. , A wave of teamfights will happen instantly.

Therefore, this wave of Dragon team battles is actually a special advantage for RNG people. On the contrary, everyone on EDG also discussed with Su Chen in the team voice, and felt that the first Dragon was actually not that important. Of course, they don’t want to let go, but want to fight for it, but if they can’t fight for it, they will definitely choose to retreat in the first place, and they won’t leave too many opportunities for the RNG side. Reward report

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