Now Su Chen’s crocodile is within the range of Tetsuo’s ultimate move. The first thing Su Chen has to do is to avoid a battle first, and don’t have a head-on conflict with Tetsuo. After all, Tetsuo is the hero. The words in his big move are a very high bonus, and what this hero fears most is pulling. Because of the passive existence of Iron Man, it is very powerful if he keeps fighting against each other online.

And Su Chen’s crocodile needs to be pulled. Don’t look at the crocodile hero, which is very powerful, but the crocodile hero actually has to eat some dachshunds and skill CDs. If you only rely on ordinary attacks, then Su Chen’s The crocodile is definitely no match for the iron man.

The more important point is that Su Chen’s crocodile actually doesn’t need to kill the iron man within the range of the iron man’s ultimate move, or it does not need to kill the iron man within the iron man’s ultimate move for a period of time. As long as the iron man's big move is over, and then take a look at the form of the off-court dough battle, then Su Chen's crocodile can come out to help teammate build an advantage, because at this time, the iron man has no big moves, Su Chen's crocodile at this time Most of it is still full and angry.

With the angry crocodile, the damage is simply outrageous, so for the EDG side, you can pull back first and wait for the game between Su Chen’s crocodile and Tetsuo to do the next step. .

Although Su Chen is in jail, there is no volatility in his heart. Iron Man, this hero, actually rarely has the right to choose, choose to make Tetsuo the professional game. One of the biggest characteristics is that Iron Man is a hero. Although laning is strong, he has no displacement skills, and his own CD is relatively long.

Although the ultimate is very useful in team battles, in fact, a single mercury can easily escape. After all, Tetsuo can only be a big player in the late stage. In this way, only one person can actually be restricted.

Moreover, if only one person can be restricted, it will also lead to a lack of key skills after the late team fight, or in the late team fight, the hero of Tetsuo is not very able to target the C position on the EDG side.

Among other things, in the late C position of EDG, except for the hero Verus, how other heroes are actually afraid of Tetsuo.

After all, Tetsuo, the hero, who has short legs, is actually one thing before Su Chen. As long as Tetsuo’s ultimate move does not last for the duration of the Tetsuo’s life, So for Su Chen's crocodile, it is something that can be accepted.

As for whether Su Chen’s crocodile will be killed during this time, for Su Chen, it is a matter that has not been considered at all. Tie Nan is now proud, after all, Su Chen’s crocodile itself is no longer big. Trick, the crocodile's big trick in the early stage can recover a lot of blood. Now for Tetsuo, everything is dominated by him, so he also took the initiative to show Su Chen an expression.

Su Chen couldn't help but laugh. From Tetsuo Liang's expression, we can see that Su Chen caused major psychological damage to Tetsuo in the first three games, and now Tetsuo is beginning to be proud.

In fact, Iron Man does not have a big advantage now. After all, many times the crocodile will activate the big move in advance in the team battle, not for the blood volume, so that he can accumulate anger.

Tie Nan plans to approach Su Chen’s crocodile first. After all, there is no need to go forward and fight Su Chen’s crocodile at the first time. Su Chen’s crocodile will not give this opportunity. Tie Nan must approach Su Chen first. It is said that as long as you are close to Su Chen, it will be difficult to empty your skills under the personal situation. After all, Tetsuo’s level and equipment are not up yet, and the damage does not depend on passiveness, but depends on the hits of Tetsuo’s own skills. Rate.

If the hit rate is high, then Su Chen's crocodile will naturally not be able to beat Iron Man.

But if the hit rate is not high, then it is a very troublesome thing for Tetsuo.

At this level, Tetsuo’s lockup of Su Chen’s crocodile will lead to his own death, but if Tetsuo has no big moves, it will be very difficult for Tetsuo and RNG (Li Ma Zhao). Uncomfortable.

Of course Su Chen knew Tetsuo’s thoughts, so he started to go round and round with Tetsuo in Tetsuo’s ultimate move to delay time. After all, Su Chen is now avoiding his edge and not going to change blood, as long as he walks more cautiously. Before Tetsuo made a big move to Jiedong, there would not be much damage.

More importantly, when Su Chen's crocodile goes out, it will still be a big crocodile full of anger. It can still be a god of war when he sees Su Chen's crocodile and wants to run, he will definitely not agree. , The first time I was also preparing to use the E skill to pull Su Chen’s crocodile to his face and score the report.

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