Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 607 Teamfight victory

However, Su Chen's crocodile is very flexible. Although Su Chen's crocodile's own skills are not too long, it is more flexible than Tetsuo.

So where everyone can’t see, Su Chen’s crocodile is walking around the ring with Tetsuo now within the scope of Tetsuo’s ultimate move. The most important thing is that Tetsuo’s other skills except Ping a are all being used. Su Chen's crocodile escaped with walking, not with skills.

This is particularly critical if Su Chen’s crocodile is evasive with skills, then after the end of the big move, RNG can indeed kill a Su Chen’s crocodile without displacement skills.

But now Su Chen has all the skills in his body, and he doesn’t have a direct confrontation with Tetsuo. There is no way to pull Tetsuo with Tetsuo within the scope of Tetsuo’s ultimate move. Tetsuo 547 is this. The hero needs to make an ice stick. With the ice stick, Tetsuo can stick to Su Chen's crocodile, but it's too early. For Tetsuo, there is no such thing.

The Iron Man’s ultimatum lasts for a limited time, so the Iron Man’s ultimatum is over very soon. After the Iron Man’s ultimatum gets together, RNG is also very speechless. After all, they clearly see that Su Chen’s crocodile is in a very state of affairs. It’s good, and more importantly, Su Chen’s crocodile surrendered his E skill at the moment it landed and opened the distance. This also made the RNG people particularly puzzled. Chen's crocodile is within the range of your big move, and you can't even play his skills, which is very outrageous.

At this time, in the face of the team battle, it is not good news for the RNG people, because Tetsuo has not killed Su Chen's Weiyu in his ultimate move.

Now facing Su Chen, a crocodile who is almost full of anger, RNG doesn't dare to accept this wave at all. You must know that Su Chen is a crocodile and has this flash of summoner skill.

In this case, Su Chen’s crocodile can drive to anyone on the RNG side. At level 6, Su Chen’s crocodile’s damage is extremely high. It is not what RNG can endure, but this wave. If Zhan allowed RNG to retreat like this, it would definitely be something RNG didn’t want to see. What's more, Su Chen’s crocodile has no big moves. For people on RNG’s side, it’s not necessarily impossible to pull, so They still want to try it.

After all, the first dragon is very important to them. After all, if you get one more dragon, you can extend the game time by five minutes. Originally, this is a late team lineup. If you can get a certain amount in the early stage With resources and advantages, it can indeed make the situation better.

And more importantly, this wave of Tetsuo used teleportation to reach the frontal battlefield. If this wave of the main Tetsuo (ccbc) resources were not obtained, and just returned to the top road in such a desperate way, then it must be online. The upper level will continue to suppress it, even Su Chen’s crocodile can be teleported to the factory manager’s excavator. After the tower is over and over, Su Chen’s crocodile has a teleportation that can be returned at any time. There won’t be any losses on the line, but Tetsuo is not the same. During this period of time without transmission, once the chance of being caught by the factory manager’s excavator, then for Tetsuo, the laning on the road is basically the same. It has been declared over.

But when RNG was hesitant, EDG planned to open a group directly. You must know that even though Support is a Tahm, Tahm has strong protection ability and does not have the ability to open a group, but Tahm is matched with For a shooter like Velus, Velus's skill mechanism means that he can only play poke and start a team.

Because Verus's ultimate move can also be used to start a group. And Velus's first goal is naturally the iron man who Gang オ has already used big moves.

Verus directly surrendered his big move, and it was Iron Man who was locked in. Tetsuo wanted to dodge and hide, but his hand speed slowed down, or he didn't think that Verus would choose to use a big move to open him, so he didn't prepare for the first time, which led to being driven by Verus's big move.

At the same time, Syndra in the mid lane also directly poured a set of skills on Tetsuo, and Su Chen also targeted Tetsuo for the first time at this time, so under the fire of the three people, Tie The man was melted in an instant. Tetsuo died, and RNG was even more unable to receive this wave of team battles. After all, after Tetsuo's death, their early damage was indeed too lacking. Kai'Sa is a relatively mid-to-late team fight. Type hero, so the early damage will not be very high. And the most important thing is that everyone has not returned to the city to repair equipment, so the damage is not enough to kill other people in seconds.

Now that Tetsuo is dead, everyone on the RNG side has to choose to retreat first. RNG will definitely not be able to pick up the team in this wave of team battles, and Tetsuo is dead. If you continue to fight, you may die more. people.

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