Lulu is paired with Verus. If people who don’t know think this is a more retro version, in fact, now Verus will actually choose to make a piercing flow. Of course, if EDG gets Lulu here If so, it is impossible to say that Verus will achieve a special effects flow in this round.

If Verus does special effects streaming, then in the later stage, he will actually have a battle against Kai'Sa.

The right to choose now comes to Su Chen. Obviously, at this time, for fpx, they have determined that they are going to take the road with the captain and want to fight against vampires.

At this time, it depends on what Su Chen's choice is. After all, Su Chen can also choose weapons to exchange lines with the vampire, and he can also choose other heroes to exchange lines, or Su Chen does not exchange lines, but this is very difficult. It is possible that the counter will think twice, and finally Su Chen chose a hero that surprised everyone, and this hero is Jace.

In everyone’s impression, among the players of p, few people actually use the hero Jace. After all, the hero Jace requires too much proficiency, and if the hero doesn’t play well, then it’s time. It really didn't work at all in the middle and late stages.

If you can’t play a good suppression effect in the early stage, it will have no effect in the later stage, but the hero Jace can indeed cooperate with Verus to form a double-poke lineup. For the lineup on the EDG side, it can also be constituted. A system.

And more importantly, the hero Jace can not only walk in the middle, but also on the road. In fact, more players choose to let Jace go on the road. Of course, this hero is also stronger and more important in the middle. The thing is, if Su Chen really chooses to use Jace as a hero to walk in the middle, then there is actually no hero that can restrain him. After all, there are almost no heroes like Jace in the early stage.

In this way, the position of restraint left by the fpx side was actually wasted. In the end, they also chose a card fairly well. After all, the hero of the card can be regarded as one of their signatures. You can do it. A support role, and the card heroes actually put a lot of pressure on the top lane and bottom lane after reaching the sixth level. Of course, there is another important point, that is, Su Chen’s Jace is actually very restrained from the card hero. , Because he pushes the line fast because of the card, but his ability to push the line is far behind Jace. At the same time, Jace’s early burst will also make the card’s small body a little overwhelming. After all, the card is a mage. The early blood volume is still relatively fragile.

The lineup on both sides is also the last choice. EDG chose the blue side in this round, while the lineup selected by EDG is a vampire on the road. The director of Jungle chose a prince, and Su Chen chose the middle road. As for the hero of Jace, as for the bottom lane, it is Verus who works with the same fpx of the retro group like Shang Lulu. The lineup selected here is the captain hero on the top lane, the hero Olaf 1.2 on Jungle, and the card card in the middle lane. The hero, the bottom lane is the weaker combination of Kai'Sa and Tam.

If you only look at the lineup on the two sides, in fact, the lineup on the EDG side is more dominant. After all, on the EDG side, let’s talk about the Su Chen line. The hero Jace is on the card. In fact, there is a very strong initiative when pushing the line. In fact, it is not impossible for the card to push the line hard, but it is easy to be consumed by Su Chen Jess.

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