Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 620 Watch Su Chen

When the two teams are loading, the director will also pass the shots to the talk booth first, after all, they need to comment and warm up the rhythm.

"In fact, the lineup of both sides in this round is actually a bit faster. Take the EDG side as an example. Because Su Chen chose the hero Jess, they had to play a strong enough suppressing force in the early stage."

"However, because Su Chen chose Jace as a hero, I felt more looking forward to it. Let’s take a look at how Jace Su Chen is playing. After all, there are always many people who say that our good LP players are not good players. Will play Jace, let them see and see today."

"I think most of you are more optimistic about the EDG lineup, but in fact, I think that if you really want to drag it down, or if 22fpx is more flexible in the decision-making of some team battles, in fact, fpx wins more in this situation. Big, of course, I first exclude the player’s state from the game. Actually, it depends on the player’s own state, or all depends on the state of Su Chen Jess. If Su Chen played Jace in this round Very good, very eye-catching, and can play a huge advantage in the early period, then the EDG team can quickly end the game in the early period.

Don’t look at the Solo Top on the EDG side. The choice is a vampire. The vampire hero has the advantage in the early stage. It is also very terrifying. After all, if you want you to make a strong hero in the late stage get up in the early stage, then who Can you suppress him?

And more importantly, Solo Top on fpx chooses to be a captain. When the captain is in line with a vampire, the two heroes can only spend money on each other. In fact, they can’t suppress each other. If you are waiting This is indeed the case when the level is the same. If the level is not the same, it is another matter.

Both sides are on the line normally, and Su Chen’s Jace in this round also chose Dolanjian to go out. After all, Su Chen’s Jace in this round is responsible for a pre-tempo point, so Su Chen will play online. Relatively strong.

Because Su Chen wanted to play an advantage in the laning, and then walk around to support, so Su Chen did not choose to use his Jess to exchange lanes with the vampires on the road in this round. In Su Chen's opinion, he is outstanding. As long as Si can open the situation in the middle, he can radiate his advantage to the upper road or the bottom road, so there is no need to go on the road to suppress a captain. After all, if Su Chen's Jace suppresses the captain, it will only slow down the development of the captain himself. , After all, Su Chen is playing Jace, and he must play an advantage in the early stage, but if the captain has been relatively awkward in the early stage, Su Chen really does not have a good way.

And more importantly, if Su Chen’s Jess and the vampire on the road change lanes, then it means that the vampire will come to the middle. The vampire actually has no advantage over the cards on the road, and it’s more critical. After the vampire reaches the sixth level, it can't suppress the cards completely. At this time, the cards on the fprint X side can wander around, with rhythm, which is a devastating blow to EDG.

So after the last thought, Su Chen decided to choose the hero Jace. At the same time, Su Chen thought about it from the beginning. To take the hero Jace, on the one hand, he needs to prove himself, and on the other hand, he needs to open up the rhythm for EDG.

Both sides are online normally, Su Chen's Jess chooses Dolan sword, and the card chooses Dolan ring.

The multi-blue ring equipment did have a relatively good matchup and return to the blue effect in the early stage, but because Su Chen was playing Jace in this game, the suppressing power in the early stage will be stronger. Su Chen is also a direct card. The line is still the same as the previous game. After all, almost the first level of Jace will come up to the line to prevent the opponent from the economy and experience of creeps. This is also Jace's strength.

After all, the hand is long and the damage is high in the early stage, because Jace is one of the few heroes who can have a big move at the first level of 553, but this big move is just to change Jace into another form, but changing a form represents There are three additional skills.

Although Su Chen's level has not reached that level yet, after Su Chen changes form, he still has another skill. At the same time, after Su Chen's transformation, his passive will provide him with an enhanced level a, and an enhanced level a. The damage in the early stage was very high. In this round, whether it is EDG or fpx, both sides focused on the middle and bottom lanes. Therefore, the opening route of Jungle is actually the same, except that the director of EDG. The choice is a red open, and the fpX side Jungle open is now a blue open.

For Olaf, the longer the red buf lasts on the body, the greater his role in the early stage, so many players who play Olaf will generally choose the latter point to get the red buf1, and they will choose to play the blue buff first.

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