Miller explained: “Down the road 2V2, the line kills!” ”

PDD’s face turned red with excitement: “This is really a strength crush.” ”

Sneaky is not a nobody, there is no doubt about the C9 thigh.

Not to mention, the level of the world’s first-line AD goalkeepers is absolutely there.

IM group stage did not pass the C9 level in both rounds, and the downward road was firmly suppressed, which can be said to be the main reason.

130% instant reaction, Luo Xuyan’s judgment is accurate.

The mechanism of defending the tower in League of Legends will only protect your own heroes in the tower.

This wave of themselves under the enemy tower, an arrow to kill the policewoman in the distance, will not be set on fire by the defense tower.


Despite this, he still ate smoothie Kalmar’s RQ damage, and now there is less than half blood left.

Verus retreated with Jela, Karma chased him out, and the blind monk Medeos hurried over.

After the blind monk circled, he wanted to come out from the other side of the river to intercept the retreating Verus Jela.

As a result, meteos had just come out of the triangular grass and encountered the factory director’s scorpion.

Director: “I’m here, I’m here!” ”

Miller explained quickly: “The director of the factory is guaranteed!” ”

PDD: “Want to catch the road?” Have you asked Mingkai! ”

The scorpion opened the W shield and accelerated to rush, and Verus and Jela leaned towards the blind monk instead!

Medeos swallowed his spit and could only retreat first, and finally it was W. Kalmar who managed to withdraw.

Factory director: “Well played, Xiao Luo, directly kill by line.” ”

Luo Xuyan: “Play well, good squat.” ”

The director of the plant must have in his heart.

In the training matches in the past few days, the director of the factory knows very well the effect of Luo Xuyan after getting Verus.

He just needs to lean down and do a good counter-squat, and the enemy’s descent is simply a timed explosion!


Medeos’ wild rhythm is somewhat disrupted, but the North American wild king also has his own set.

Clearlove had double buffs on his body, and Medeos judged that the scorpion was red and brushed downward.

This allowed him to basically guess the refresh time of the F4 on the EDG side.

After Medeos returned to the city to upgrade the green field knife, he rushed directly to the middle.

At this time, Ritz of the middle scout was about to go back to make up for the tears of the goddess, so the second group of F4 wild monsters were easily accepted by the blind monk and Victor.


At the beginning of the seventh minute, Medeos and Jensen once again linked up in Nakano, huddling to counter the second red buff in EDG’s wild area.

This wave of factory directors has not yet brushed six, this red buff can not be guarded.

As a result, Scout played bravely, and single-handedly stuck the river into the intersection of EDG’s red zone, and Reiz hit the blind monk Victor twice.

S6 World Edition, Ruiz’s big move is already to open a tortuous portal.

Reitz threw out a set of skills in the enemy Nakano, the blind monk was imprisoned by EW and could not get close, and Victor’s W could not faint scout….

Ritz’s feet zigzagged and flew into the red buff pit!

This wave had the strong cover of SCOUT, and the factory director successfully obtained the red buff to upgrade to level six.

Miller breathed a sigh of relief: “Six is six, the scorpion hero is level six, and it will be easy to do.” ”

PDD explains: “scout fights very fiercely, otherwise you can only let it. ”

The doll explained: “Is it Ritz’s first big move to use it like this, is it a little too casual?” Wouldn’t it be better if you took it down? ”

Commentators are still discussing the gains and losses of this wave of EDG defensive red buffs.

And with the appearance of the blind monk in the upper area, the C9 lower road was crossed by the tower head-on!

On the minimap, Verus and Jela were already standing very far ahead, and when the camera cut to the next road, Miller almost said a groove:

“Without Ruiz’s help, the two of them directly began to cross!”


Get off the road.

The blood volume of the policewoman and Kalmar has been suppressed, and the biscuits have long been eaten.

Luo Xuyan: “You can cross.” ”

Meiko: “I rushed!” ”

Say do it, Meiko instantly made two moves, flashed weakness and then E policewoman.

Sneaky quickly turned to the right rear E and used the recoil of the rope net to avoid Jela’s winding root.

At the same moment, Meiko directly summoned Jela’s big move.

Jela: “No one can escape my palm.” ”

The round huge vine expanded at the feet of the policewoman Kalmar, and the big move flowers bloomed, and immediately hit the magic damage.

The policewoman Karma was both bloodied.


The flying effect of the second stage of Jela’s big move is delayed, and Smoothie takes the opportunity to release the Kalmar RE combo, and the group shield accelerates himself and the policewoman.

Sneaky also flashed violently, dodging the slowdown of the white death’s arrow rain, while escaping the range of Jela’s move.

Can’t beat it! run!

In short, run.

Towers can fall, people cannot die!

Smoothie decides that Sneaky should be able to escape, and he flees straight back, withdrawing before the Jela vine can bounce.

When Luo Xuyan charged the Q skill again, Sneaky’s attention was completely concentrated, and the treatment was immediately accelerated, and he moved to the left to avoid it.

But in the next second, he was accurately hit at the foot by Verus’s big move corruption chain.

Sneaky’s face turned white.

The white Death’s frost-white chain hit the policewoman and spread outward, and also spread to Kalmar’s feet!

Auxiliary Smoothie glared and exclaimed in English that he was played.

Rainstorm’s Q skill is to the right, allowing Sneaky to move to the left, and to the left of the policewoman is Kalmar!

Verus big move spread, one control two!

Luo Xuyan’s eyes were like stars: [Brother Jinjiao invited me to eat hot pot, kill a few more times to help him take revenge. ] 】

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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