130% dynamic vision.

The residual blood of Sneaky was controlled by the chain of corruption, and it could not be taken away by Luo Xuyan’s general attack by crossing the tower.

Smoothie Karma flashed quickly, pulling away before being imprisoned by the chains of corruption that spread through.

Luo Xuyan accelerated through the defense tower and continued to pursue.

Miller explained: “Still chasing!” ”

Many C9 fans at the scene saw the pupil earthquake.

The pair of lines are facing each other, the first tower has not yet been demolished, and the next road of C9 has been chased in front of the second tower?

Smoothie’s right mouse button even clicked, and his head did not turn back, and escaped all the way to the range of the second tower of the lower road.

All the way in pursuit, the White Death God Viruth has turned around next….

A sound of pulling the bowstring sounded, and Verus bent the bow again like a full moon!

PDD commentator shouted: “Can this arrow be hit!!” ”

Verus’s Q skill had a full range of 1475 yards with a full bow, and with a burst of air, Karma was quickly overtaken by this arrow!

Slap the horse and shoot down!

Kalmar’s remaining health bar was emptied and he lay down behind the second tower of the lower road.


Red Fangverus is killing special kills!



“Groove, be afraid!”

“Kill like this?”

“Rainstorm is also too strong.”

“What a big gap!”

“Luo Shen!!”

“Good, good, good! It is to make the other side feel despair! ”


“Scared, afraid!”


Miller excitedly shook his fist: “It’s really beautiful, little brother Luo.” ”

The advantage of the next road is huge, the director controls the first fire dragon, and the next tower of C9 is also quickly broken.

Luo Xuyan returned to the city to update the Demon Sect early, and directly took the armor-piercing flow Verus route.

By the fifteenth minute, when the second dragon of the game was refreshed, the red side EDG was in place first.

Jensen’s Victor has evolved the passive Hex’s core at this time, strengthening the E skill, and the death ray has a second explosive damage, and the consumption ability has been raised to a notch.

EDG is not in a hurry to drive this earth dragon.

Try firepower before going to war, Viktor and Verus, occupying positions up and down the river to consume each other.

Jensen dragged E into the distance, and the farthest end of the ray swept into the factory director’s scorpion, and the factory director W shield was shattered, losing some health.

However, at the same second, a frost-white piercing arrow with full power swept past the aftershocks of the Victor ray from above!

At this time, Luo Xuyan’s equipment had come to more than two sets, the Demon Sect, the Dream Dream, two long swords, a Doran sword, and a pair of straw shoes.

The big one is coming!

Jensen Victor was hit by this arrow, and the blood bar suddenly disappeared by nearly half!

This is not all, with the ferocious “Touch of Fire Touch” talent brought by Luo Xuyan taking effect, Viktor’s HP continued to fall downward, and finally fell below half blood.


Doll: “One arrow shoots half blood!” ”

PDD said excitedly: “Xiao Luo is really going to say a word, what’s wrong with you little brother, do you really want to fight me!” Look at my gear and talk to me again! ”

This arrow alone dissuaded the C9 formation, and EDG easily controlled the little dragon.

Miller explained at a super high speed: “Ritz drove, EDG drove directly to the opposite side!” ”

Jensen is leading the swift withdrawal to the red zone.

Scout’s big move opened a twist and turn, and the portal landing point was selected in the C9 formation.

The director of the factory punished Xiaolong and quickly got into the car.

After the white light of the portal flashed, the scorpion had already appeared within the C9 formation!

Ritz drives the scorpion to the door!


Director: “Pulled!” ”

The director flashed R and pulled Viktor.

The suppression effect of the scorpion’s move has just begun, and Verus shot with an arrow.

Victor fell to the ground in an instant!

The director of the factory all lay down.

C9 attrition, a tower in the middle was broken, and Canyon Pioneer was also included by EDG.

The pioneer buff was obtained by Luo Xuyan.

Obtaining the damage enhancement effect of the pioneer buff, Luo Xuyan entered the grass on the left side of the middle road and squatted to the blind monk who came to the cloth vision.

When Medeos saw Verus in the grass, his heart suddenly felt cold.

meteos: “Fak! ”

The blind monk’s feet have been imprisoned by the chains of corruption that spun out.


Verus’ big move has a boost in S6, and after successfully imprisoning the enemy hero, it will automatically stack three layers of “withered” layers on the enemy within three seconds.

The number of withered layers is also the W passive of Verus, and Verus can stack one layer for enemy units with each general attack, up to three layers.

Verus’ other abilities can detonate the Blight Layer, dealing magic damage with a percentage of maximum health.


Luo Xuyan attacked E and took the general attack.

Verus drank lowly, the bowstring pulled, and the piercing arrow charged in his hand.

Because of the passivity of Verus’s big move, in the process of accumulating this arrow, the withered layers on the blind monk’s body automatically stacked two more layers, and still came to the full layer of three layers.

Luo Xuyan: “Go you!” ”

Luo Xuyan’s arrow shot!

The frost-white arrow instantly pierced the three withered layers that existed on the blind monk’s body at this time!

The blind monk who still had about two-thirds of his HP was directly killed by this arrow!


Close to the rampage!

In the shot, Medeos’ mouth shape is clearly saying Watfake.

RAEAQ, a blind monk full of blood was directly killed by Verus!

It is terrifying, at this time, in the eyes of the C9 team members, rainstorm will open the scan and soon disappear into the field of view of the C9 team members again.

The resurrected Jensen looked at the fog of war in front of him, inhaled hissedly, and shrunk back.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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