The time is close to twenty minutes, and the ROX Blue Zone is heading towards the river road crossing.

The director of the factory, Scorpion, held the output and flashed R grabbed the bomberman.

But almost at the same time, the scorpion itself was immediately held down by the kuro grasshopper.

Double suppression, the director of the plant can not move, and therefore cannot pull the bomber back to the pile of people for seconds.

Pray’s face turned pale, and he flashed sharply, and then began to press R sharply again.


scout picked up a dark magic ball, and directly flashed QR to smash into the bomberman.

Gorilla Kalmar’s RE shield was directly pierced by Sindra’s big move!

Seeing that Sindra can kill Bomberman with another E….

However, at this moment, a flag appeared and landed at Sindra’s feet.

Scout’s heart was pounding like a drum, and he was picked up at the same moment.


Completely different from the styles of Anzhaomen and Bengi, the S6’s Peanut is almost always known for its output heroes.

The spider that wears the shoe directly with the hunter’s knife and the curtain blade nightmare worn by all things are also classics.

The same is true of the prince of this bureau, Peanut holding a warrior’s field knife and drinking magic knife.

The S6’s Magic Drinking Knife is crafted from a serrated short dagger that provides armor penetration.


Prince EQR explosion damage enters, direct R four.

Sindra was picked off before E came out, and pray made a big move before falling to the ground.

Hell artillery fell in place.

Bomberman’s big move, there is a mechanism that the closer the release distance, the faster it will fall to the ground.

The speed of this infernal cannon landing was also very fast.

Scorpion Cindra did not flash, eating the terrifying damage of the inner circle of the bomberman’s move, and was directly seconded.


Luo Xuyan flashed to avoid the damage of the prince’s big move, raised his bow and killed the bomberman with an arrow.

EDG Ice Shooter kills ROX Blaster Ghost!

The meiko displacement followed the ice out of the pit, but eating the damage of the outer circle of the bomberman’s big move was already unbearable

The gorilla Kalmar Spirit Chain locks the ice, the kuro grasshopper raises his hand with an E, and the ice stick effect slows down the ice.


At this moment, the concentration layer of the Ice Q skill shooter was already stacked.

Genji Ice helmet put on: “Let them not lift their heads!” ”

The ice bow glows and the rain of arrows opens.

Meiko Blom’s big move shook the entire intersection, and Luo Xuyan killed the grasshopper.

EDG Ice Archer kills ROX Void Prophet!


Double kill!

Peanut used the previous flag to complete the EQ, and the next second it flashed and appeared at the foot of the ice.

Prince EQ Flash.

The ice eventually fell to the ground.

Luo Xuyan ruffled his black hair, his forehead seemed to be slightly cool, and there seemed to be a trace of ice crystals under his eyes.




“Brother Ro… I cried. ”

“Did your best.”

“Brother Luo, this flash of arrow rain walked A, it looks too cool.”

“I said earlier that there are too many heroes released by EDG Sanban Daye.”

“It’s a pity.”

“I almost turned over, and I gave the pray silk blood a big prescription.”

“The prince’s big move cooperates with the bomberman’s big move, and the opposite side gets the point blasting?”

“This wave is almost a little bit of a groove.”

“This ad is definitely the world’s number one strength, the director of the horse is strong, the old piglet begs you.”

“Absolute divine arrow, if the equipment is better, it will really kill.”


After this wave of team battles, Blom did not escape, and the three of the prince Karmajess took down the dragon.

By the end of the Great Dragon Buff, the EDG Middle Road Highland Tower was broken.

The speed of the four-piece pray demolition of the highland is crazy, and with a passive A, a quarter of the highland’s HP is directly gone.

Throw some skill consumption casually, and directly throw W blast after another passive general attack, and the highland tower falls in response.

The whole process prayed on two highlands, and there was almost no risk.

The economic advantage of ROX expanded by six thousand in one go, and he wanted to retreat and was hit by Smeb Jess with an arrow from Luo Xuyan.

koro1 came out of the wild area with a frenzy, and EDG fought back in front of the heights in a wave of team battles, playing a wave of two for four.

ROX has only one pray left, and Bomberman W blows himself up, Q Q in the air that escapes backwards, and successfully kills Kennan to get out of trouble.

In early thirty-five minutes, the ancient dragon was refreshed.

Peanut opened the scan to eliminate the view of the dragon pit, and shot the ancient dragon with a spear, wanting to directly speed five people in seconds.

An E-skill arrow illuminated the inside of the Ancient Dragon Pit.

All the EDG members came out to fight to the death, and the ice magic crystal arrow opened to pray again.

In a tense moment, Gorilla Kalmar took a crucible, and a green light rose to save Pray.


Crucible of despair.

In the commentary seat, Sika let out a sad cry: “Gorilla, you beep all the equipment in the corner has been turned out by you.” ”


The bomberman who can move, use the big move heavy fire to block the intersection, smeb directly enters the heavy hammer Q hammer scorpion, the second mercury lifts the scorpion’s big move suppression, and the E skill repels the scorpion to prevent the dragon from robbing.

Scout stands behind the Ancient Dragon Pit with a magic ball in hand, Sindra’s W has extremely high damage to wild monsters, and there is also a certain chance to grab the dragon.

However, Kuro flashes a small dragon pit, Marzaha directly controls Sindra without a solution, and Bomberman throws Sindra over the wall.

The Ancient Dragon was controlled by the prince, and ROX quickly assembled, and a wave of frontal three-for-four team battles ended the game.

ROX wins the round.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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