EDG2 to 1ROX;

The number of barrages in the live broadcast room has increased unabated, and the last game is really anxious, and it feels like every way EDG has been calculated by ROX.

“With such thick thighs on the road, the director of the factory won when he kept the road, what are you doing.”

“It’s hard to fight, the hero pool of the director of the factory has not just got a little peanut.”

“Ban Bomberman, Ban Bomberman! Wow! Give Lao Tzu ban the bomberman, no bomberman, I see how to fight with Luo Ge with this pray! ”

“I was laughed at by the director of the factory.”

“It would be a pity if Brother Luo stopped here, and I really wanted to see him play bang.”

“Come on EDG!”

“I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry, if the director of the plant pits again, I will really turn into a demon in minutes.”

“Superior Koro1 is also a hidden pit, and the key regiment was singled out before the battle, and if the second one had not won before, he Nanar would also have to carry the cauldron.”

“Scout is still too tender, the experience is really not enough, this year is really not enough to see, this is to play faker I dare not think.”

“Luo Shen, don’t stop here!”

Players’ seats.

“Hint: Nightbringer Double Proficiency is in effect…”

“The host’s first day of “Snipe” proficiency increased by 54 points:”

“Current proficiency: 907;”

“The host is the one with the highest output in this game.”

“The Empire talent takes effect!”

“The host’s basic visual perception, reflexes, and thinking rate have been permanently increased by 14%;”

“The host gives the “Empire” proficiency increase by 40 points on the second day:”

“Current proficiency: 461;”

The host’s third talent “Soul Lotus” proficiency increased by 28 points; ”

“Current proficiency: 298;”

“Host Fourth Talent “Wanderer” proficiency increased by 52; ”

“Current proficiency: 451;”

Luo Xuyan: [Stacking to Q is considered successful!!! 】


The director looked at the screen a little stunned, until Luo Xuyan patted his shoulder before suddenly turning his head and getting up.

The director was a little stunned on the way back to the lounge, and rubbed his eyes.

The director of the factory has high requirements for himself, in fact, it is difficult to accept that he has dragged his feet.

The last game of the director’s career in history was a regular season match against Shanghai WE in ’21.

Before playing, the director had not played for several seasons, but his rank intensity was not at all lost to the normal starters of professional teams.

Although everyone said at the time that EDG just let the director come up and sell feelings, he himself was really preparing with all his strength and wanted to play an effect.

After being replaced in the first match with Team WE, the director’s rank record basically stagnated after that.

To put it bluntly, I am discouraged….


Don’t look at the end of the only game in history when EDG won ROX, the director patted his chest and smiled in relief, looking heartless.

In fact, after BO5 finally lost, the director slowed down for several months before returning to the field and announcing the return of 777 with a blind monk winning a game.


Commentator, Sika commented while waving his hand up and down in front of him as he spoke:

“… ROX-Tigers was really annoying with this last bomberman, EDG this lineup is too absent from displacement, double C wild, and Kennan, all without displacement. ”

The smile and explanation added: “Little Peanut also engaged in a prince to fight wild, and Bomberman was pure and cool.” ”

Sika: “Yes! So if you want to win, you have to start with BP, it’s really better to choose a male gun to fight the wild, and a male gun to hit the prince is not the same as hitting a son? Don’t worry about the scorpion, the opposite side is very fierce! The pressure is so great! It’s hard to give you the development to level six! ”

There was also some anxiety in the voice of the smile commentator:

“Yes! EDG fourth game BP must be well adjusted, let Rainstorm take a big C will be better, choose EZ is very good! Don’t choose ice! ”

Smile: “Rainstorm he has a lot of ideas in team battles, suitable for choosing a big C who is very fierce by himself, without teammates to make up for damage, now it seems that EDG can drag it to the later stage even if it has a disadvantage in the early stage!” ”


In fact, the smile is contradictory to the director before, and it is really not very pleasant to smile at the EDG team.

Just seeing the lost soul of his old teammate, the words of smiling and mocking still did not come out.

Finally to his lips, smile or sigh in a low voice:

“Come on.”



Following the process, the director edited the highlights of the third inning during the break.

In the official lounge backstage, the commentators nodded and shook their heads, their heads like turning fans.

Remember the commentary is so anxious to contact the EDG coach, don’t really scorpion, otherwise you will really lose!

After a long time, I remember the commentary to calm down and sit smoothly, and the doll Miller on the side also sat with his arms hugged, with a serious expression.

Remember whispering: “I have a hunch that if you want to win the ROX-Tigers, you have to win 3-1, and it will be difficult to drag it to the tiebreaker.” ”

Miller stared at the screen and nodded slowly.


In the audience, rotten tuan pursed his glazed lips, his hand held a little hard, and his crystal nails were a little white.

Rotten Tuan: “It’s a pity. ”

Du Xiaomei: “Don’t worry, I can see from his eyes that he is very confident.” ”

The rotten group suddenly remembered something, and took out his mobile phone to edit a word of encouragement for Luo Xuyan.

But after writing the words and sentences, I was afraid of disturbing Luo Xuyan, so I exhaled softly and exited the WeChat interface again.

After checking the recent weather in the vicinity with his mobile phone, he sighed in relief:

“It’s still raining heavily, and the rain hasn’t stopped today.”

The stupid little girl who instantly understood the meaning of the rotten group couldn’t help but smile: “Why do you still engage in metaphysics?” Ahaha, you man. ”

The rot group just shook the phone: “You won’t lose.” ”

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