Before the official start of the fourth match, a pre-match interview recorded by the players of both sides was shown on the scene.

In front of the camera, Smeb’s gaze is low, and when he pushes his glasses, his gaze becomes higher and sharper.

SMEB: “We’ve done a lot of miracles over the past year, and after winning the LCK League this summer, I’m sure there’s no opponent we can’t beat, no opponent is the same. ”

smeb:“… This time, I will show the strongest level of LCK. ”

The camera turns to Koro1’s side, and Koro1’s tone is not tense :

“When I meet strong opponents, I will also make myself stronger.”

Pray stared at the camera: “What do you think of Rainstorm?” I didn’t know much about this player before, but my teammates and coaches were worried. ”

Speaking of this, pray snorted softly: “But this has happened before, we originally thought that the LPL team was very strong, but it turned out to be a failure against us.” ”

Live Room Barrage:

“All I can say is that your teammate’s fears are right.”

“Pre-match: The LPL team can’t beat us;

The game goes on: Coach, I can’t beat it, can I play Bomberman? ”

“Pray don’t pretend, don’t play mage, the line can’t be right.”

“Koro1 needs to be more confident! 15MSI Tong Invincible, you give me back! ”

“Groove, Luo!”

“Brother Luo is too crazy!”

“Just came back from work, EDG can play ah, give me a hard take!”


Luo Xuyan’s pre-match interview answer is also very simple:

“If you pray, let him check the champion.”


Luo Xuyan’s crazy speech shook the barrage again!

Pray players have long been nicknamed “champion quality inspectors”, such as last year’s S5, SKT won the championship after winning his team.

Earlier, 13 years earlier, he also inspected SKT at that time.


Not to mention the complete shock of the barrage to Luo Xuyan’s pre-match interview speech.

At this time, the atmosphere of the EDG team lounge is not very good, the classic zero degree lounge.

Everyone in EDG expressed how to fight ROX’s bomberman system.

The fourth game will be EDG’s active side picking, and EDG can return to the red side and take advantage of the Canter position.

In fact, the BP of EDG’s first few games has already danced on the edge of the cliff, and almost all the ban positions are given to the little peanuts, in this case, once ROX comes up with a new system, the ban position of EDG is insufficient.

Coach Mao Kai paced in the house and said: “I still want to ban the bomberman, the bomberman is banned, then only one of the Blind Leopard can be put on the opposite side.” ”

The director was a little silent, and Meiko said: “Then we can replicate the BP of the second game and let the leopard woman rob the spider!” ”

After thinking for a moment, Mao Kai clenched the book and shook his head with difficulty:

“The other side will definitely not let us get our wish, this time they will take the spider first.”

Mao Kai guessed right, at this time in the ROX lounge, nofe planned to do so.

Peanut’s spider is also the signature hero, but Clearlove can’t take out the leopard woman.

Once ROX grabs the spider, the BP on EDG’s side is more difficult to do.


Chair in the EDG lounge.

Abu was talking to the boss of EDG on the other end of the phone, and after the last game, Edzhu, who was watching the live broadcast of the game, was also in a hurry, and hurriedly called to ask about the situation.

Abu: “… Uh-huh, yes yes, boss, we’re also ready to ban Bomberman! Know, know, will help Rainstorm, he is now the core! ”

Boss Edzhu once also had the position of a master, because he was watching the game at the beginning of the barrage, and what he said was basically what LPL fans now think.

Help Rainstorm, he can C!

Don’t let Pray take the bomberman to clear the line and drag it hard!

As for the director of the plant, quickly scold him awake!


It’s just that in fact, EDG’s ban bit is really not enough.

The situation was similar to a hole in the house, and EDG decisively took all the cement and sealed the hole to connect the two cities.

But at this time, once there is a need for cement, it is difficult to do.

That’s why the director is very frustrated.


The director nodded silently, this feeling is actually very uncomfortable, playing wild is not good enough, any team will suddenly be much weaker.

Luo Xuyan patted the factory director’s shoulder.

Luo Xuyan: “Believe in yourself.” ”

The director was startled and nodded.

Coach Mao Kai paced around the lounge several times, time was limited, and his forehead was sweating.

And Abu sat and thought, gritting his teeth and barely coming up with a solution

“In this way, let’s ban the bomberman in the next game, and then release the blind monk, so that the spider and the blind monk can be accepted by us and the opposite person, how about it?”

Mao Kai thought and nodded: “As long as pray doesn’t get the bomberman, let’s go down to support the wild area, so that the early stage will not be so passive.” ”

That being said, Mao Kai’s heart was still faintly worried.

That is, there is more than one French nuclear hero.

Once ROX gets off the road, the heart is to push the line and brush Xiao Luo, then Zelas, Victor, Sindra, and Vickerz can all appear on the next road!

At this time, Luo Xuyan put a can of orange juice drink on the table in front of the sofa.

Everyone looked at Luo Xuyan, the focus.

Luo Xuyan said calmly: “Let him take it, I will also burst him if he takes it.” ”

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