Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 99: Face-Slapping Doll, You Are The Only Mouse Who Can Hide!

This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

You know, Ye Qiu is now the fattest among the ten players on the field!

Got first blood and got another head.


What kind of equipment does Ye Qiu want to produce?

Everyone is very curious.


When Ye Qiu appeared, there was also a classic show.

Doll tried to muddle through, but failed in the end.

Guess the equipment link.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Why isn't the doll talking!"

"A little later, Brother Qiu has finished buying the equipment."

"Count, coward!"

"Baby, this is cowardly!"

Although the doll can't see it, no one will be able to deliver these bullets to the doll's ears.


But someone else can speak these words in their place.

Don't forget that there is a person sitting beside the doll.

That is his good friend and bad friend Miller.

"What's the matter, are you scared!"

"Baby, this is not your style!"

"The equipment of player Ye Qiu is about to be released!"

Miller said with a smirk, while looking at the doll beside him.

Hearing what my old friend said, how could the baby bear it.

"You people, you just want to see my jokes."

"Originally, I should have pretended that I didn't have this hidden program, but you are so enthusiastic, I can't show my timidity.


Doll decided to go all out.

The head can be broken and the blood can flow.

Just don't lose face!

Usually he analyzes the equipment of the players on the field, and the accuracy rate is quite high.


Ever since he met Ye Qiu, everything has been different.

Every time Ye Qiu's outfit is different from his analysis result.

The face was slapped.


No matter this time.

Ye Qiu abused me thousands of times, I treated Qiu brother like first love.

The doll thought for a moment, then spoke directly.

"Verus of player Ye Qiu now has a big advantage.

"However, there is no flash on him anymore."

"I think he might choose to play it safe"

Miller: "So what gear will he choose!"

The doll immediately spoke her own answer.

"I think he will choose Goddess Tears to develop."

"After all, there is no flash, there is no displacement, 010 is the best choice to stabilize."

After the doll finished speaking.

All eyes were on Ye Qiu's equipment bar.

What kind of equipment will Ye Qiu choose.

After Ye Qiu returned to the Blood Spring, a reminder appeared in front of his eyes.


[The Murder Book is a very cost-effective piece of equipment]

Does the system mean that he will take AP Verus in this round?

There are a variety of options for Verus' builds.

You can choose to use armor-piercing armor and rely on the long-range q skill to deal damage.

It can also be equipped with special effects and equipment, combined with passive attack speed, that is, relying on flat A to deal damage.


There is another kind of outfit, that is, to choose an ap outfit.

This kind of outfit relies on the passive of the W skill to deal damage.

% magic damage.

In the later stage, the opponent may not lose much blood, but has three passive layers of Verus w on his body.

Then in the next second, the person will be killed directly.

This is the power of percentage damage.


If he is asked to go to AP Verus, then the reminder should not just give up the murder book.

Instead, it will tell him that the six pieces of equipment are all AP equipment.

Ye Qiu shook his head, thinking about it for now.

The system prompt must be the optimal solution.

Just follow along.

As for what equipment will be released next.

Of course there will still be hints.

The money on him is not enough to kill the book.


Ye Qiu chose to make the killing ring first.

Under the spotlight.

The equipment slot of Ye Qiu Verus has changed.

A piece of equipment in the shape of a ring was lying in the equipment rack.

The doll was staring intently at the beginning, but when she saw the murder ring appearing.

There was disappointment in his heart, but he also had the idea that it should be like this.

Ye Qiu has been slapping him in the face since he came on the field.

If he had guessed it this time, something would be wrong.

Miller exclaimed directly after seeing it.

"The first thing that came out was the Ring of Killing, not the Tears of the Goddess!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the doll.

"You seem to have guessed wrong again!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, what kind of outfit is this?"

"The baby is so miserable, the analysis just now makes sense, I also think that this time it should shed tears of the goddess.

"Unexpectedly, the first thing I chose was the ring of murder."

"Ximen's little murloc has no cards!"

The doll guessed Goddess Tears in the first round and failed.


He felt that he still had a chance to save face.


The money on Ye Qiu Verus is definitely more than one murder ring's money.

There are still gold coins that have not been spent.

This time he wants to guess what equipment Ye Qiu will release next.

"The first one is Killing Ring, it seems that player Ye Qiu wants to release AP Verus!"

"This is a production routine for the hero Verus."

"Next, his first big piece should be Nash's Fang!"

"The attributes of this piece of equipment are very suitable for AP Verus."

"With attack speed, ability power, cooldown, passive is still a special effect flow!


The baby said firmly this time:

"The next piece of equipment should be the small piece of Nashor's Fang, which should be a buff tome and an attack speed dagger.

this time.

He had a strong confidence that he could guess.

After playing Killing Ring, Ye Qiu was thinking about what to do next.

A reminder appeared before his eyes again.


[Attack power and armor penetration are especially important for q skills, it is best to choose a short sword now! 】


Ye Qiu didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately bought two daggers with the remaining gold coins, increasing his attack power by 20 points.


These two daggers can be directly synthesized into a sawtooth dagger.

bang bang bang!

This is the sound of heartbreak!

Doll now feels that her heart is already broken and cannot be broken any more!

Can it still be like this!

Someone actually produced equipment like this.

Jump repeatedly!

When you thought he wanted to be safe and choose a growth outfit.

In the end, he chose the murder ring, which must be accompanied by risky equipment.

When you thought he was going to play ap Verus for a late game.

But he took out two daggers and told you.

Sorry, I'm not ap Verus "We still have to play the early stage!

It's numb, it's completely numb this time!

After guessing twice, I didn't guess once, and it was still a thousand miles away.

The baby face is gone again this time.

"Ha ha ha ha………"

After seeing Ye Qiu's second wave of equipment, Miller couldn't control himself anymore, and burst out laughing.


It seems that it can't stop for a short time.

"No... I can't stop..."

There were bursts of laughter in the stadium.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

It's so funny, how much the doll believed in herself just now, how much she doubts herself now.

"The second time I stick to my own ideas and guess the ad equipment, I didn't expect to guess along the ap equipment!"

"Twice the entire army was wiped out, hahahaha!"

"The doll will not have a shadow (aeej) in the future, so I don't dare to guess the equipment anymore.

If the game is to bring everyone tension and excitement, it makes people feel hearty.

That doll is a joy to behold!

The money on Ye Qiu's body has been spent almost, and it has been replaced with equipment.

After buying some more supplies, he went directly to the middle road.

The earlier you get to the line, the sooner you can get a little soldier.

It can grow faster.

The advantages are accumulated bit by bit like this.

As for the head or something, it can only belong to the "windfall!"

That's right, that's it.

Ye Qiu felt that his thinking was right.


But it ignores that all of them are "windfall money"

The murloc Ximen Ye said died relatively early.

So it was launched earlier.

Finally, taking advantage of the absence of Ye Qiu's Verus, he gave birth to a level for himself.

There are many more skills that can be used.

The director is very naughty.

Just now the camera was on Ye Qiu's equipment bar.

This time, it went directly to the equipment column of Ximen murloc.

If you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will throw them away!

Ye Qiu is a consumer shopping meal in Xuequan.

His own equipment column is full.

Simon is much worse.

The only source of gold coins on your body is the gold coins that grow over time.

The money is not much at all.

Simon had no other choice.

I can only buy a few bottles of medicine.

Make your life easier online.


This brings up another problem.

Ximen's little murlocs have no level if they want level, no economy if they want economy, and no equipment if they want equipment.

No harm at all.

There is no pressure on Ye Qiu's face riding.

If Ximen's murlocs dare to come up with q, then there is only one result.

That is to be ordered to death.


The little murloc of Ximen has returned to the familiar life in the past.

Stay away from the military line!

Stay away from Ye Qiu!

Wait for the line of soldiers to slowly push over bit by bit.

This process is extremely painful.

Especially Ximen opened Ye Qiuvirus's equipment bar and took a look.

Killing Ring!

In his professional arena, a hero like the little murloc who is not easy to die does not produce this piece of equipment.

Ye Qiu's Verus has given a killing ring.

This is a silent mockery of him!

But he has nothing to do.

At first it was a bit of an upside down.

The end result was that he lost half of his blood.

I have to start taking blood medicine!

Ximen Ye said that he endured the humiliation and waited for a long time, but finally he got it.

Although Ye Qiu is trying his best to control the line.

The pawn line is still moving forward slowly and firmly.

Finally came to the tower of ahq.

Simon is so excited that he is about to


He finally saw Xiaobing again.

Smell the fragrance of experience and feel the texture of gold coins!


This brings up another problem.

That is, he can no longer avoid consumption by keeping a distance from Ye Qiu.

As long as he wants to eat soldiers.

That is, it will inevitably be consumed.

When he was about to eat a melee soldier, he was hit by Ye Qiu's Verus.

When you want to eat cannon carts, you have to hand over the e skill.

The result is facing the attack of Verus's Q skill!

A prompt appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.


【The opponent is going to move to the right!】


The Ximen little murloc without the e skill was directly hit.

A bit of blood was lost.

Blood bottle - 1!


【The opponent is about to move to the upper left!】


Another skill!

Ximen's little murloc lost blood again.

Blood bottle -1 again!


【The opponent will move to the right!】


Blood bottle -1 again!

The little murlocs in Ximen are constantly being consumed for the soldiers under the tower.

Until the blood bottle on the body is gone.

The blood volume continued to drop until it finally reached a dangerous situation.

Ximen was already dizzy from the beating and couldn't find the north.

an oversight.

He didn't notice that Verus W's passive had already been attached to him.

The little murloc whose e skill was on CD was directly taken away by Ye Qiu's arrow!

The little murloc is dead!

Another 300 gold coins came in.

Ye Qiu's record has reached 3:0:0!

His killing ring is no longer a wordless book, it has come to the second floor.

Ximen Ye in the middle lane can be said to have completely collapsed.

Matching up with Ye Qiu in the middle lane is already very difficult!

After Ximen was resurrected, he returned to the middle lane, but he could only become more wretched than before.

Ye Qiu saw that Ximen was too wretched, so he left the middle lane, and the factory manager grabbed Mountian's barrel again.

Of course the head was taken by Ye Qiu.

The record also came to a gorgeous 4:0:0!

Killing Ring is now on the fourth floor.

Ahq's team voice is very silent.

Ad player an couldn't control it anymore.

"We have to catch Verus once, we can't let him develop!"

Soon several people reached a consensus.

After the mouse of a came out of the house, he took Fengnv directly to Zhong.

There are also mountain wine barrels.

Ye Qiu is replenishing troops, and a prompt appears in front of him.


【In the back left, there is an invisible mouse!】


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