Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 98: Be Good, Miller's Powerful Brain Supplement Analysis, Guess The Equipment Link!

The factory director, who had already made a move, stopped suddenly.

After a few seconds, he just changed his moving route.

I gave up going to the middle lane to support, but chose to go to the wild area of ​​the mountain wine barrel.


When watching the game, the attention is on other aspects, and it may not be noticed.


When playing back, everyone's attention is focused here.

So everyone noticed right away.

It turned out that this wave was not because the factory manager gave up to support the middle lane.

But Ye Qiu told him not to come!

Now the case is solved immediately.

No wonder the factory director made such a strange choice, not to support the middle lane.

In the commentary seat.


"So that's the case. I was still wondering before, thinking that the factory manager shouldn't be supportive."

"So it was Ye Qiu's idea!"

The doll yelled loudly as if it had discovered something.

"Have you noticed?"

"This detail should be very important!"

He emphasized it again.

Immediately afterwards, his tone was full of doubts, and we explained the problem that the director did not miss at the first time.

"But now I have a bigger problem."

"That's why player Ye Qiu chose this way?"

"What is his reason for not letting the factory manager come?"

This is not only a problem for him, but also basically a problem for all the audience.

"Miller, do you now know what the reason for doing this is?"

In the end, the baby habitually turned her head to look at her partner Miller.

Miller pondered for a few seconds before speaking slowly.

"I don't have a definite answer to this question. I don't know what player Ye Qiu thinks."

"I just had a little guesswork.

"Although it sounds a bit unreliable."

After finishing speaking, Miller stopped and did not continue to speak.

Now the doll is anxious.

How can you say half the words!

"Say it directly if you don't believe it, let's hear if it makes sense!"

At this moment.

Miller smiled wryly before continuing on.

"It sounds a bit unbelievable at first."

"Especially when something like this happens on the world stage."

He paused.

"I think the reason why player Ye Qiu didn't let the factory manager's pig girl come to support in the middle, but went to the wild area of ​​the wine barrel.

"Because he was afraid of scaring the barrels of the mountain, and the middle field mountain and Simon of ahq would not dare to do it..."

As soon as Miller's conjecture was put forward, there was an uproar immediately.

The doll beside him was the first to exclaim.

"You mean, it's because you're afraid of Mountian's wine barrels and Ximen's murlocs!"

"It's not always the mid laner who is most afraid of the opponent's jungler."

"Especially if the opponent's Nakano is conjoined, it will be really annoying!"

"Being caught to death one more time, the people on the other side see the opportunity, and they may come indefinitely!"

And the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it, no!"

"Brother Qiu is not afraid of being caught by the opponent, but he is afraid that the opponent will not dare to go up!"

"This is really too confident!"

"Is this Brother Qiu!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel a little blood boiling!"

Since Miller had already spoken out his conjecture.

It's not going to stop there.

Instead, continue to analyze.

"I think player Ye Qiu should have already figured all this out."

"From the very beginning, he let edg's Nosuke go to the middle lane to do vision, and let ahq see it with his own eyes, so he can see clearly.

It is to prevent the mountain's wine barrel from being caught directly.

Player Ye Qiu naturally had already thought of the time when the vision on both sides of the middle lane disappeared.

When the time for the fake eyes on both sides is up, there is a high possibility that Mountain will come to catch him.

Because the little murloc that Ximen Ye said was crushed too badly, he must have recalled the jungler asking for help.

And Mountain's wine barrel will not just sit idly by, when the vision on both sides of the middle lane disappears, it is the best opportunity!"

When I first heard Miller's words, I thought it was incredible.

Listening carefully now, it really seems to be very reasonable.

The baby listened to it and nodded repeatedly.

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this time.

"Don't tell me, Miller's analysis really has some things, so it sounds very reasonable!"

"Brother Qiu is really too careful, I kneel down to Brother Qiu, at the beginning, I already calculated everything!"

"I don't know what it would be like if Ximen and the mountain on the opposite side knew about it!"

Miller has made most of his points clear.

Finally made a summary.

"That is player Ye Qiu, who already knew that the mountain is already a bush, in order not to scare ahq's middle field.

Let Mountain and Ximen be able to make up their minds to do it earlier, and let the factory manager's pig girl not come in!"

With Miller's last sentence finished.

There were bursts of cheers at the stadium.

"Ye Qiu!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room has also become more unified at this time.

"Brother Qiu Cowhide!"

"Brother Qiu Cowhide!!"

"Brother Qiu Cowhide!!!"

edg's lounge.

Nofe was so excited that he clenched his fists and cheered, almost jumping up.

After listening to Miller's analysis, I knew that I believed in the wrong person.

Ye Qiu is Ye Qiu.

Firmly control everything on the field.

Scout on the sofa on the other side looked at the big screen with complicated eyes.

He seems to be farther away from the starting position.

And the water dispenser was even closer to him.

Playback is still going on.

Everyone watched the early replays of this wave in the middle lane.


That's how Ye Qiu faced ahq Nakano alone.

How about killing one, and with the cooperation of Zhumei, the director of the other sub-factory, the mountain's wine barrel was chopped off by the horse.

At this point, the commentator and the audience became quieter.

He watched the replay with bated breath.

I see.

ahq's mountain and Ximen are already ready to attack Ye Qiu's Verus in the middle.

The little murloc Ximen Ye mentioned was the first to seduce.

He came within Verus' skill range.

Not surprisingly, Ye Qiu pressed his charge q skill and aimed at the little murloc.

This inevitably reduces his movement speed.

The wine barrel in the mountain in the grass has already taken a sip of wine in advance and released his W skill.

Just wait until the time is right, and immediately attack Ye Qiu's Verus.

The doll, who was originally relatively quiet, shouted excitedly at this time.

"Everyone must pay attention!"

"The next step is to keep your eyes wide open and your ears to watch the wave in the middle.

"This is a high-energy clip, everyone must watch it carefully!"

When the baby said this, the atmosphere became even more tense.

Everyone dared not blink, for fear of missing it.

At that time, Ye Qiu's Verus had already charged his q skill to the maximum.

His own movement speed has reached the slowest time.

The mountain wine barrel in the grass has started!

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

A golden light flashed in the grass.

Barrel e flash!

At the same time, Ye Qiu manipulated Verus to release his own q while pressing his own flash.

The little murloc that Ximen Ye said immediately pressed his e skill, trying to avoid Verus's ear q skill.

Inside the canyon.

Such a picture appeared.

The e flash launched by the barrel from the grass should have been foolproof.

Now it was empty, and did not hit Ye Qiu's Verus.

It was actually dodged by a flash.

No matter how many times you watch it, you will feel very incredible.

And the little murloc that Ximen Ye mentioned was also a little confused.

Ye Qiu Verus' q skill was not aimed at him at all, but in the direction of the wine barrel.

His e skill is to hide a loneliness.

At the same time, he sent himself to a more dangerous position.

The situation in the middle lane suddenly came to a favorable situation for Ye Qiu.

The scene burst into cheers again.

"Oh, this is really kind of weird."

"Seeing it again, I still feel that this kind of operation is not something that humans can do.

"However, player Ye Qiu did it.

Doll sighed.

Miller nodded in agreement.

"That's right, player Ye Qiu has already maxed out his operations."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, this is really handsome."

"Whoosh, I used the flash to dodge the e of the wine barrel."

`~Ah, I didn’t see it clearly!”

"It was really fast."

"Can you watch it in slow motion again!!"

The director seemed to hear the voices of the people.

The wave of Ye Qiu dodging the wine barrel just now is clearly slowed down.

In slow motion.

Everyone can see it clearly.

When the wine barrel used the e skill and just rushed out of the grass [that is, there was a moment in edg's field of vision.

Ye Qiu just pressed his flash.

His Verus immediately moved away from the grass.

He even aimed the reverse of his q skill in the direction of the grass.

Just such a small time difference.

But it produced a completely different effect.

Mountian's barrel e flashed empty and was successfully dodged by Ye Qiu.

at the same time.

Ximen's little murloc looked very dull under playback.

He surrendered his life-saving e skill, but Ye Qiu didn't aim at him at all.

It is completely hiding a loneliness!

this time.

Under the slow replay, everyone saw this wave clearly.

In the commentary seat.

The doll already didn't know what to say.

"Looking at it again, I still feel very shocked."

"The reaction of player Ye Qiu is really fast, there is no problem with the operation of the wave of mountain wine barrels."

"But the e flash was empty and didn't drive to Verus.

"From a successful gank to a failed gank.

At this moment.

Miller on the side also picked up

The words said:

"Through the wave in the middle, I feel even more that the previous speculation is correct."

"If player Ye Qiu hadn't realized that the barrel was there, it would be impossible to avoid the barrel's e dodge in this wave."

"Didn't he focus on the little murloc at all? Instead, he (Zhao's) was always in the direction of the grass."

"The moment I saw the figure, I immediately released my own flash, without any hesitation!"

Miller said confidently.

this time.

Everything is explained.

But Ye Qiu Verus, in this case, the direction of the q skill release is not the direction of the little murloc, but the direction of the wine barrel.

This is further evidenced.

Playback is still going on.

When Ye Qiu dodged the barrel's e flash, the initiative was firmly in Ye Qiu's hands.

He started sprinting immediately, chasing down the little fish who didn't have the e skill.

Then I didn't intend to let go of the mountain's wine barrels.

Relying on the acceleration of the sprint on his body, he chased the wine barrel to the wild area.

At this moment.

The factory manager in the field played a role.

He became a magic trick to intercept the barrel.

Just when Wine Barrel's e skill was ready, and he was about to use his e skill to escape through the wall, the factory director descended from heaven.

It flashed to the front of the wine barrel and stopped the person.

The e skill of the wine barrel hit the hero, so it was naturally interrupted.

This is the highlight moment for the factory manager.

The timing is quite good.

It's too early or too late to have such an effect.

The factory manager proved it to the world.

He is not old!

There is also a small detail in this, that is, Ye Qiu's e skill slows down the wine barrel, which is dragged to the arrival of the factory manager's pig girl.

Everything is clear.

This has been Ye Qiu's design from the very beginning.

The ahq people are like puppets, sending out their own heads.

Playback ends.

Ye Qiu had already returned to the Blood Spring, and the director's camera was directly shown in his equipment column. .

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