Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 97: Ye Qiu's Advice, The Director's Highlight, Replay Begins!

When the factory manager was speaking, his position had already moved not far in front of the wine barrel.

Ye Qiu's Verus was also getting closer to the wine barrel under the effect of sprinting.

The e skill of the wine barrel is not good at this time.

The flash on his body has already been used.

It's kind of a desperate situation.

In the commentary seat.

"Still chasing!"

"Verus from player Ye Qiu is still chasing!"

"The factory manager's sister pig is also in place."

"Mountain player's wine barrel seems to be a bit doomed!"

The doll yelled excitedly.

Originally, when I saw the wine barrel coming, I was very worried.


Ye Qiu successfully killed the murloc first, and then went after the wine barrel.

The advantage is now on edg's side.

How can you not be happy!

Miller is also a little bit unable to control his emotions.

"Player Ye Qiu has already won a kill. If he can get another one, then the early advantage will be completely confirmed!"

"Be sure to kill the wine barrel!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

#666. Brother Qiu took a blood!"

"The wine barrel asked you to catch me, now you look like a lost dog!"

"The position of the factory director is very good, he should be able to keep people!"

"I want to watch the replay, but I feel like I didn't see clearly the wave in the middle lane!"

All eyes are now on this chase in the wild.

Is it possible to save the mountain's wine barrel and give Ye Qiu another head!

The only variable is that the e skill of the wine barrel is about to be completed.


If the wine barrel can successfully pass through the wall with the e skill, it is really possible to escape.

To know.

Ye Qiu dodged the wine barrel's e dodge before, but he didn't dodge on his body, and he couldn't dodge the wall.

two seconds...

Ye Qiu was still chasing the wine barrels, and the factory manager was about to arrive to intercept the wine barrels.

at this time.

The wine barrel was already near the wall.


[Two seconds later, the wine barrel's e skill has improved, and it is about to escape through the wall! 】


A hint appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.

The barrel is about to escape through the wall!

There was no flash on him, and it was completely too late for him to stop it.

Factory manager, the wine barrel is about to go through the wall, prepare to flash to block him!"

Ye Qiu shouted directly in the earphone.

Although he has no way to interrupt the wine barrel and leave the person behind.


Someone can do it!

The factory manager's pig sister is finally about to arrive.

There is a flash on him, and Zhumei's e skill itself is a displacement.

"okay, got it!"

The factory manager replied quickly, and at the same time he was also staring closely at Mountain's wine barrel.

Watching his every move, just waiting for the distance is enough, and immediately do it.

Mountain regrets it very much now.

If I had known earlier, I would not have gone to the wild area, and walked directly to the direction of the tower.


What he considered was that the wave of gank in the middle had already failed, so he could only retreat.

If you choose to go in the direction of the tower, you cannot avoid facing Ye Qiu's Verus.

Will always be a.

And Verus had just killed the little murloc, just triggered his passive, and his attack speed skyrocketed.

His wine barrel will be directly maimed.

Originally, his blood was not full, and if he was hit by Verus again, he would be crippled and couldn't be crippled any more.

If you are lucky, you will go home directly. If you are unlucky, you may be stuck by Verus all the way.

Finally, he was killed by the passive beheading of the W skill triggered by the skill.

This path was given up by him.

Another option is to go straight away from Ye Qiu's Verus.

Retreat from the wild side.

I believe that Ye Qiu just got the first blood of the Ximen murloc, so he will choose to eat the remaining minions in the middle.

Instead of chasing and killing him, the half-blooded wild wine barrel.

Who would have thought.

Ye Qiu didn't even look at the remaining small soldiers in the middle, taking advantage of the effect of sprinting, they rushed straight at him.

It's just a big mess for me.

There is no other way.

He could only choose not to turn his head, and just run with his head depressed.

At the same time, he waited for the cooldown of his wine barrel e skill.

When escaping, he was always staring at the cd of his skills.

Watch the cooling time decrease second by second.

one second!

The icon of the e skill is already basically bright, with only a little shadow left.

The remaining cooling time displayed is one second.

Mountain was overjoyed.

This means that he can immediately use his e skill to pass through walls and get rid of Ye Qiu's pursuit!


He knew that the factory manager was in the wild.

When the factory manager sees this situation, he will definitely choose to support it.

It might be here soon.


He wanted to run away quickly, away from Ye Qiu's Verus.

In the commentary seat.

Both Doll and Miller's hearts are being tugged at the moment.

"The e skill of the wine barrel is about to be completed!"

"He's just going to run!"

"Is there any chance to keep people behind!"

"Can you!"

The doll yelled nervously.

So did Miller.

"Can the factory manager do it!"

The scene of the stadium also became a little quieter.

Everyone is very nervous.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Be sure to leave people behind!"

"If I can kill the wine barrel, I would like to come to Japan with an electric fan on speed 10!"

"I would too!"

"I think I can kill the wine barrel, you guys remember to live broadcast when the time comes."

The barrel was only a step or two away from the wall.

A prompt appeared before Ye Qiu's eyes again.


【The opponent is about to escape through the wall!】


He yelled directly into the headset:

"Director, flash!"

at the same time.

Ye Qiu released his e skill and landed at the foot of the wine barrel.

Slow effect triggers.

To make the wine barrel want to go to the position where it can pass through the wall, it needs to go a little longer.

It's just that little time.

The factory manager is here!

The wine barrel just had an action to use the e skill!

A golden light flashed.

Mountain found himself not able to escape through the wall, but bumped into something.

made him stop.

nothing else,

It is the pig sister of the factory manager.

The e skill of the wine barrel hits the hero, so it will naturally stop.

It is equivalent to being interrupted.

Mountain's wine barrel tried to escape with the e skill but failed.

He was left behind.

He stayed in the encirclement circle formed by Pig Girl and Verus.

"Oh My God!"

"At the last second, Mountian's barrel was about to escape through the wall!"

"EDG succeeded, they managed to keep people!"

The doll was about to jump up for joy.

It has reached the heart of the throat just now, and finally it can be put back again.

Miller: "Exactly!"

"Without the flash and e skills, the wine barrel is already a dear friend of Daibao!

"Look at whose body this head will be given to!"

The stadium scene has been depressed just now.

The moment the barrel was interrupted!

The scene exploded!

"Ye Qiu!"


"The factory manager!"

"Ye Qiu!"

The sound is deafening!

It's like trying to lift up the entire stadium.

Mountain still can't believe it.

I am going to run away.

The result was interrupted by a flash.

This time is also well grasped!

It really gives people hope, and then it makes people feel desperate!

The other ahq players are also watching this wave in the jungle.

When they see the cask broken, they know it's over.

The head of the wine barrel is already equivalent to giving it away.

Nakano linkage, both return home!

Ximen Ye said that now is the most difficult time.

His screen had just stopped being a gray screen of death.

The mountain asked for it.

The result is such a fate.

People are not killed, and skills are not destroyed.

He collapsed by himself, and then brought the jungler with him.

What a failure!


He spoke softly into the headset.


No one answered him!


The headphone channel is already a mess.

It's just a matter of knowing exactly who said what.

"Brother Qiu, cowhide!"

"of course!"

"Brother Qiu, wait for me to level six, I'll "you!"

"It's not Xiaoqiu's reminder, I really can't interrupt him!"

The factory manager couldn't hide the joy in his tone.

This wave is worth a replay anyway!

Definitely one of the highlights of his career.


It was completed under the prompt of Ye Qiu.

Ever since the 4396 incident, the factory manager has always wanted to prove himself.

However, there is an instinctive resistance to comparison operations.

One is willing because I am indeed old, and my operation level is a little behind.

Another reason is that amazing operations are often accompanied by amazing mistakes.

Limits and mistakes are twin brothers.

The two are interdependent and inseparable.

You also don't know which one you're seeing.

He was really a little afraid that another one like 4396 would come out.


He believed in Ye Qiu and dared to operate.

Completed this wave of wonderful flash interruptions!

Very extreme.

"I just raised a wake-up call!"

"If you thank me, then I will take the head!"

Ye Qiu said half-jokingly.

He wouldn't be arguing with the factory manager for credit.

This wave in the end is his reminder important.

Or is it important that the factory manager dare to operate.

If the factory manager has the confidence to dare to operate, then he will be even happier.


"Heads for you to eat!"

The factory manager said with a smile.

In the previous edg competitions [often the most headed Hiroshi.

Without hesitation, he gave the head of the barrel to Ye Qiu.

Mountain saw that he had no power to fight back, and finally died in the hands of Ye Qiu Verus!

Take another head.

Another 300 gold coins came in!

Ye Qiu's record of 273 has come to a gorgeous 2:0:0.

This is just the beginning of the game.

Such data, it can be said that it is not gorgeous!

Cheers broke out again at the scene.

"Ye Qiu!"


In the commentary seat.

"There is no doubt that this head was won by player Ye Qiu again."

"Verus is fat and fat now!"

"Compared to him, the little murloc is simply shabby!"

Doll said with a smile.

A smirk formed at the corner of Miller's mouth.

"Baby, aren't you curious?"

"What are you curious about?" Doll asked with some doubts.

Miller seems to have succeeded in a trick.

"Are you wondering what equipment Ye Qiu will produce when he returns home?"

After finishing speaking, Miller couldn't control himself to laugh anymore.

Going home to guess the equipment link is simply a nightmare that the dolls don't want to mention.

That's right, they were all slapped in the face by Ye Qiu.

After hitting the left side of the face, hit the right side again.

Then kick two feet up the buttocks.

They beat people with bruised noses and swollen faces.

"How about it, baby, do you want to guess what equipment Ye Qiu will produce when he returns home?"

Miller isn't about to let go of the doll.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Miller is so bad!"

"But I like it!"

"I don't know why, but every time I see the commentator guessing brother Qiu's equipment and getting slapped in the face, I feel very refreshed!"

"It's not just you!"



The doll scratched her head and smiled.

"The part of guessing the equipment, wait until later!"

"We have more important things to do!"

This time, it directly aroused everyone's interest.

"What is more important than guessing the equipment!"

Miller asked with some doubts.

"that is!"

"that is!"

The barrage in the live broadcast also echoed.

"That is naturally the replay link that everyone wants to watch the most!"

The doll said loudly.

This wave of Ye Qiu's middle lane is really too beautiful!

One word awakens the dreamer!

Everyone just remembered.

Haven't played back yet!

Just after the doll had just finished speaking.

The screen of the live broadcast just changed.

What appeared was the picture captured by ahq just now.

The vision on both sides disappears.

The wine barrels in the mountain are already squatting in the grass.

The factory manager's pig sister is about to go to school.

Playback to see this time.

What did Ye Qiu say!.

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