In the commentary seat.

Doll and Miller also noticed.

"Hey, player Ye Qiu didn't choose to go back to the middle lane after killing the wine barrel, but continued to choose to go down."

"However, this wave of uzi is full of blood, so it can't be killed if it is so large."

"I don't understand it." The baby was very surprised.

Miller: "Exactly!"

"At this position, even if edg's small cannon in the bottom lane directly uses the rocket to jump, it will not be able to reach ez."

"Besides, ez still has the e skill in his hand this time!"

In the eyes of the two, this wave of expansion is completely unreasonable.

It is impossible to kill uzi at all, and it is impossible to reproduce the previous kill.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"How many big moves can Brother Qiu get in this wave?"

"Hahaha, uzi is probably confused this time, and he's here to mess with him!"

"I didn't understand this wave, why did Brother Qiu do this?"

edg's in-team voice.

"Brother Qiu, uzi retreated too fast just now, we didn't have a chance to output." Meiko said.

"It's okay, I didn't expect to be able to kill uzi directly in this wave."

"It made him feel worse than death."

"You just cross the line and push over, and keep driving uzi away, so that he won't even get experience." Ye Qiu said.

After meiko and iboy heard it, they quickly followed what Ye Qiu said.


Uzi had no choice but to continue to retreat, and he couldn't even see the soldiers.

This change has once again attracted the attention of the commentators and the audience.

Wawa: "I seem to know what player Ye Qiu wants to do."

Miller: "I seem to know it too. Let's see if it's what I think."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, what, just say it directly, what's the point?"

"Dog commentary, rely on."

"I don't understand, but the cowhide should be right!"

Everyone is waiting for the next development.

Uzi also had an ominous premonition.

All he can do is move around.

Even if all the big moves are hit this time, he won't die, and the pressure is much less.

People are also much calmer than the previous wave.

[The opponent is going to move down! 】

[The opponent is going to move down! 】

[The opponent is going to move down! 】

Ye Qiu directly pressed his ultimate move, and a meteor fell from the sky, directly hitting uzi's ez.

In an instant, more than a quarter of the blood was wiped out.

After seeing the hit, there were bursts of cheers in the stadium.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "Ye Qiu's skills are still so accurate."

Miller: "There are still two big moves now, let's see if Uzi can escape by moving."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Buy and leave!"

"See if you can hit all of them!"

"I bet I can."

"I bet I can't!"

"I won, and I'll just turn on the electric fan on gear 12!" Tang Dong said while typing in front of the computer.

In the edg team.

"Brother Qiu, when will you come and help me on the road." Mouse said aggrievedly.

The factory manager's Canyon Pioneer has already finished playing, and he clicked a thumbs up emoji on the way.

"Thank you Brother Qiu for coming!" Meiko said.

Several other members of the rng team also pulled their cameras down.

Support cannot be supported.

You can only live by watching uzi move and hide skills.

[The opponent is about to move to the lower right! 】

[The opponent is about to move to the lower right! 】

[The opponent is about to move to the lower right! 】

Ye Qiu pressed his second ult again, and the moving uzi was hit again.

The blood volume is only half left.

If you want to fight back, you can't even pay it back.

In the commentary seat.

"Uzi's blood volume is only half, and he still has a big move."

"Can you hit it?" Doll said with a smile.

Miller: "It's hard, uzi still has e skills."

Wawa: "Then let us wait and see if the third shot can hit!"

Everyone is waiting to see if a miracle can be performed again.

At this time, Ye Qiu moved his mouse directly to the assistant Xiao Ming.

[The other party didn't move! 】

[The other party didn't move! 】

[The other party didn't move! 】

He pressed the third big move, and the meteor appeared over the Summoner's Canyon again.

The explorers on the ground used the jump to hide to the side.


But the meteor directly hit Bron, who was watching the show.

This makes the explorer look very dumb.

It's a bit frightening.

Uzi still has the e skill on his body, and half of the blood volume is just what he needs.

Therefore, the third big move did not aim at him at all, but chose to lower Braum's bloodline.

After pressing the third r skill, Ye Qiu didn't even look at the result, so he chose to go back to the middle lane directly.

The line in the middle has arrived, and it is a good opportunity to farm troops.


This is showing off to everyone.

uzi: "The third big move doesn't hit me, I still turn in the e skill, doesn't it make me look stupid?"

Xiao Ming: "I like to watch a movie next to me and watch it well. It's just that such a big meteorite fell on me from the sky."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Ah, why didn't you hit uzi in the third round? I just guessed right."

"Now I don't even understand what Ye Qiu's wave is for."

"Maybe I just want to tease Uzi for fun!"

"I don't know if uzi is so funny, at least I know, we were all shown off, and we didn't guess it at all."

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "This didn't aim at uzi at all, but it scared his e skill out."

Miller: "I think that's exactly what player Ye Qiu wanted."

"Just now we guessed that player Ye Qiu wanted to beat uzi home."

"However, what I didn't expect was that what he wanted was to lower rng's bloodline in the bottom lane, but not let them go home."

"Uzi is half-blooded now, there is no potion on his body, and he can't get a soldier, so he can only rely on the hero's own life to recover."

"And Bron is also left with residual blood."

Look at the situation on the field at this time.

Before, rng pushed the line, and the pawn line went to edg.

Now, edg and the two in the bottom lane are directly carrying the line of soldiers, not letting uzi eat soldiers, not even experience.

Doll suddenly realized.

"Uzi is half blood, why would he be willing to go home to replenish?"

"There is still a great possibility that once he chooses to go home, the factory director Chang will come directly to dismantle the lower road tower."


"The soldiers couldn't eat, and they were unwilling to go home, and there was no support."

"This wave, player Ye Qiu is here to put a pain mask on uzi!"

over time.

edg the first minions start dying.

But uzi can't make up for it, and can't gain experience, so he can only watch with a level-one pain mask.

The second creep dies!


The tenth minion dies!

Uzi wears a level ten pain mask.


The thirtieth soldier died!

Put on the level 30 pain mask directly!

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