Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 24: What Sufferings In The World, Uzi's Five Bottles Of Red!

How to torture an adc.

Kill him ten times?

Steal ten of his heads?


This is nothing compared to the pain of letting him watch soldiers but not be able to eat!

The more pawns missed, the pain level increases exponentially.


Uzi is experiencing this pain.

Afraid that the tower will be pushed, the blood is not particularly low, and he is unwilling to go home.

Just like that, he watched the little soldiers die one by one in front of him.

And him?

Don't say that these little soldiers are replaced, and they don't even get experience.

This is really annoying.

It's like serving a bowl of noodles.

No need to eat noodles, not even soup.

Who can stand this?

What kind of human suffering is this!

He can't take it anymore.

Uzi yelled in the headset: "The bottom road is like this, no one will take care of it?"

"Several waves of lines, thirty soldiers, none of them were captured."

"I can't play anymore!"

At this time, Xiaohu had no choice but to play dead.

Now he can only hide under the tower and be beaten, and he has to go home from time to time, so he can't support him at all.

As for the spicy pot...

"Your blood line, how do I get there? I don't have any vision in the bottom lane now, and I don't even know where the prince is."

"How to fight."

"Can't you go home first?"

Shouted Mala Xiangguo, who was in the jungle.

"Then you just watch that I can't eat a single soldier?"

"Tm is not playing anymore." Uzi blushed and shouted.

at this time.

Letme on the road can no longer play dead.

"I still have an advantage in the top lane. Lu Zelas has no displacement in the middle. When I play a team, if I can go around the back, I still have a chance."

Xiaohu: "Okay, later, Xiangguo and I will both buy real eyes, make a good vision of the middle lane, and let's play a wave."


The voice in the rng team fell silent.

No one spoke.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "The impact of player Ye Qiu's ult is huge. I just looked at it, and uzi lost almost 30 pawns, and he can't even gain experience."

"I noticed just now that Uzi's ez was originally over a dozen knives from the small cannon."

"Now it has been directly counter-pressed by more than a dozen, and the level is also one level behind."

Miller: "That's right, player Ye Qiu supported the bottom lane several times, which has helped edg's bottom lane determine enough advantages."

"I don't know where he will choose to go in the next wave."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Is this the number one ADC in the world? Under the tower, you can't even eat soldiers."

"I like to oppress people, have you been sanctioned this time?"

"I've seen it through. It's good to have a big brother."

"The middle lane is the advantage, it doesn't matter if you can't beat the bottom lane, someone can help!"

"Did anyone think that Uzi's expression was very interesting when he missed the soldier just now?"

"It's really like putting on a mask of pain."

"It's very interesting."

magic capital.

In a university dormitory.

Tang Dong sat on the seat, ate a mouthful of potato chips fed by his roommate, and drank a mouthful of fat boy happy water held by his roommate.

It was all a bet he had just won.

At this time, he saw the pain mask barrage, and remembered what he explained earlier.

I think the word pain mask is very interesting.

"We've already sent a few videos to the hot search for bibs."

"Look, there's another one."

He directly edited Uzi's expression when he missed the soldier.

What's more.

When every pawn is missed, it is edited out.

With subtitles, one level of pain mask, and then all the way to level 30 pain mask.

Then put Ye Qiu Xerasi's cannon-bombing uzi at the beginning.


[Thirty-level pain mask, what kind of human suffering is this! 】

As soon as he uploaded this video, it immediately had a high number of views.

It turned out that because of his previous videos, many people followed him.

So, after seeing him release a new video, many people immediately clicked in.

"Woc, this is interesting, the pain mask is so vivid!"

"There are soldiers who can't eat it, it's really too painful for AD!"

"What's wrong with uzi, he insists on using his big move to grab Ye Qiu's blue buff, isn't that making himself guilty!"

"How important the blue buff is to the mid laner, I dare to grab it, now I have been educated!"

"This tells us a truth, ad don't mess with the mid laner!"

The comments below the video are rapidly increasing.

On the scarf, it was once again the airborne hot search.

Who let the key word be Ye Qiu?

"This Ye Qiu is too fierce."

"So this is murder and death?"

"How many hot searches about player Ye Qiu is this today?"


Originally, the barrage in the live broadcast room was normal, but now it suddenly became very uniform.

"Thirty-level pain mask, what kind of human suffering is this!"

"Thirty-level pain mask, what kind of human suffering is this!"

"Thirty-level pain mask, what kind of human suffering is this!"


And Doll and Miller in the commentary booth also got the news that the word pain mask became popular.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed very appropriate.

Inside the canyon.

Uzi's pain mask had deepened, merging with his face.

No one dares to talk to him now, for fear of getting burned.

After so long of controlling the line, the pawn line on edg's side finally came slowly.

Xiaopao seemed to have enough money for equipment, so he chose to go home with his assistant Lulu.

The director's shots were also given to Xiaopao's equipment column.

"Infinity Blade!"

After iboy returned home, he directly touched this piece of equipment.

After uzi replenished the few soldiers who finally broke through the blockade, he also chose to go home.

The director lens was given to uzi's equipment column.

Tears of the Goddess, Yaoguang, Little Wooden Hammer and...

Five bottles of red!

There was an uproar in the audience.

The equipment of ez is not as good as that of small cannons, which he had expected a long time ago.


These five bottles of red are what they did not expect.

And there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Isn't this the outfit of Tiger Lucian?

Great magic resistance, five bottles of red!

Now uzi actually steals the teacher!

In the commentary seat.

Baby and Miller couldn't help laughing anymore.

After laughing for more than ten seconds, he slowed down and continued to explain.

Doll: "Ahem..."

"There is nothing wrong with this medicine."

"Think about it, everyone. In the two bot lane situations just now, if Uzi had medicine on his body, it would definitely not be such a result."

Miller: "So there is no problem with this outfit!"

After the two finished speaking, they couldn't help laughing again.

Baby: "You are..."

Miller: "You still say that I..."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Isn't this just cowardice?"

"It's over, uzi was beaten out of the shadow by Ye Qiu."

"Have you given up on moving!"

Inside the canyon.

Ye Qiu didn't choose to go home, he was still fighting in the middle, and now he didn't have a big move.

"Ding!" "Ding!" twice.

A real eye was inserted into each of his left and right grass.


Ye Qiu looked at the prompt that appeared in front of his eyes.

[The opponent is about to launch a gank! 】

[The opponent is about to launch a gank! 】

[The opponent is about to launch a gank! 】

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