Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 25: You All Went Home In The Middle Of The Road, And You Actually W Flashed Me?

In the commentary seat.

Baby: "Hey, we see that rng wants to open a breakthrough on Xerath at this time."

"The real eye was also made on both sides of the river, but there was no eye in the drafting, so now edg doesn't know at all."

"And player Ye Qiu hasn't returned home yet, we'll see if rng can catch Zebo's chance!"

Miller: "That's right, rng should have discovered an opportunity, and absolutely can't make this Xerath so comfortable."

"His killing book must be destroyed, otherwise rng can vote directly."

Now everyone is watching whether Ye Qiu will be caught or not.

You must know that there is no vision around.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Rng doesn't talk about martial arts, so he directly called so many people."

"Even uzi rushed towards the middle, is this for revenge?"

"There is a TP on the road, but the equipment has not been released yet. I should come back after the equipment is released."

"Xeras doesn't seem to have noticed it yet. He is still clearing the army, and rng's people will be in place soon!"


Ye Qiu is still making up the last few minions.

At this time, the grass on both sides has no vision, so he can't see it either.

But there is a hint, he knows that rng will indeed launch a gank soon.

Looking at the map, rng's bot lane has not yet reached the 1 line, and I don't know what to do.

The location of the wild wine barrel is also unknown.

Look at rng's top laner Kenan again. After pushing the pawn line under the mouse's tower, he entered the grass on one side, as if he wanted to choose to go home.

"mouse, interrupt Kenan, don't let him go home!"

"I'll be right there."

After hearing Ye Qiu's words, mouse didn't even care about the soldiers under the tower, and rushed to letme's Kenan directly.

He has been suppressed under the tower by Kenan all the time, and now someone is here to help, so of course he can't hesitate and go straight up.

What is a soldier.

Getting angry is what matters.

Of course, the most important thing is to develop the thigh Xerath in the middle.

Now it is the 16th floor of the murder book, and it is not far from the full floor.

After clearing the last pawn, Ye Qiu retreated directly into his tower.

He has no intention of grinding the blood volume of the middle road tower at all.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "Ye Qiu is very steady, although I don't think this word fits him very well."

"In the case of no vision in the middle, it is still eating soldiers."

"However, his position has always maintained a relatively safe position."

"Now I don't have any nostalgia, I just chose to enter the tower and return to the city."

"Even the position of returning to the city is so stable."

Miller: "Yes, but I feel a little regretful right now."

Wawa: "What a pity, do you just want to see Ye Qiu get arrested?"

That's a bit of a bad word.


Miller will naturally not be troubled, "I'm sorry that Xerath's murder book is not full, if he goes home now and takes out his big hat."

"There is no way to achieve our previous vision."

"Before we didn't speculate whether player Ye Qiu would be able to cover all the killing books, and then expose the big hat."

"Then it can't be achieved, it's time to go home."

Voice in the rng team.

"Letme, you don't have to go home, TP is here, Xerath has already entered the tower and went home." Uzi said.

"Okay, got it!" Letme was interrupted by the big bug before going home, so he had no choice but to leave, hoping to get rid of the big bug.

Now that he can't gank the middle lane, he doesn't need to go home so eagerly.

Instead, he turned around and chose to fight the big bug.

This time it was the big bug's turn to escape, running towards the bottom of his tower in a panic.

Uzi directly took the assistant Bron and went back to the bottom lane to match the lane.

He didn't choose to go to the bottom lane, but went directly to the middle lane, but he had no chance.

It was a waste of time.

Wine Barrel chose to return to his own wild area and continue to farm.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I laughed so hard, rng and a few people chose to grab the middle lane together, but in the end they didn't get anything."

"Not making money and losing money."

"My brother Ye is too steady, I didn't give him a chance at all."

"I don't know if Xerath can make the big hat directly when he returns home this time."

The commentary, including the audience, is guessing.

Wawa: "That's not right, after player Ye Qiu entered the tower, he didn't choose to press b to go home, but directly went up through his own red zone."

Miller: "Is this finally a matchup?"

"Right now, letme in the audience has never experienced how powerful Ye Qiu is, so put on a mask of pain!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"666, I thought I was going home."

"As a result, after resolving a wave of gank, I directly chose to gank Kenan."

"How many skills can this wave hit?"

"I guess it's all hits."

"Poor Kenan."

hit the road.

Kenan suppressed the big bug so much that he couldn't lift his head, so he could only promise in the tower.

Power up A from time to time, to take revenge for interrupting the return to the city just now.

mouse is having a miserable time right now.

"mouse, I'm here." Ye Qiu said briefly.

Under EDG's tower, a golden light flashed, and Letme realized that he had been silenced.

It's the w flash of the big bug!

He has only one feeling.

"Is this big bug crazy?"

"Who can help him?"

"Xeras in the middle lane has already gone home!"

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