Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 46: F6'S Chicken Feathers Are All Bald, And The Oriole Is Behind!

If Ye Qiu was already bleeding, then there was nothing to fear.

When he came out of the house, he had already bought a real eye and stuck it in the triangle grass.

Make sure you don't have eyes!

Mala Xiangguo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey, edg's bottom lane sent a signal, player Ye Qiu directly canceled the recall and came to the position of f6, what is he trying to do?"

"The punishment on him hasn't healed yet, so he won't be directly beaten to death by f6!"

The doll yelled in surprise.

Miller: "On this side, Mala Xiangguo also went directly to the bottom lane after beating the stone man. Is this trying to attack the bottom lane?"

"It hasn't been discovered yet, it seems that there is a chance!"

The bottom lane is now the focus.

However, the director put the camera on Ye Qiu's body.

The male knife with only more than 100 blood, threw out his w skill, scraped all f6, and then went straight away.

Make sure you don't get hit once,

A miracle happened.

When chasing Ye Qiu at f6, Nandao began to restore blood crazily, which was visible to the naked eye.

"No, that's okay too?" Doll shouted again in surprise.

"This should be using the effect of the Hunter's Talisman. The skill hits the wild monster to recover blood."

"And f6 has six wild monsters!" Miller explained on the side

After f6 got far away from their lair, they couldn't catch up with Ye Qiu, so due to the mechanism, they all went back directly.


Looking at Ye Qiu's male sword now, it has recovered from more than 100 blood to half blood.


Ye Qiu still doesn't seem to want to let go of the opportunity to squeeze f6's feathers.

Turn back.

Wait until the cd of the w skill is ready, release it again, and scrape f6.

Green light flashed on his body again, and he began to recover blood frantically.

The Rake game of the factory manager appeared on the road at this time.

The last wave of mouse prevented letme from going to support, and beat the big tree into residual blood.

And because the spider was killed on the road, the prince can also push the line directly.

Now it's time to push the thread into the tower.

The factory manager chose to go on the road and climb the tower.

Dashu doesn't have much blood, as long as he cooperates well with Mouse's prince, he can successfully climb the tower.

get off the road.

Uzi's Verus, a q directly hit iboy's small cannon, lowering his blood volume again.

The blood volume is only one-third.

good chance!

The factory manager is already on the road, and the male knife in the middle road has already returned home.

It is a good opportunity to cross edg and get off the road.

The hero spider is arguably one of the few heroes most suitable for tower jumping.

"You push the line directly, we passed them, no one can support them!" Mala Xiangguo shouted.

Immediately afterwards, he went directly to the back and waited for uzi to push the pawn line into the tower.

iboy and meiko also noticed something was wrong.

"Brother Qiu, come quickly!"

"They seem to be overtaking us!"

The two shouted anxiously.

However, they were helpless against uzi's line push, they could only watch their minions die, and rng's line of soldiers entered the tower.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there!"

Ye Qiu said in a deep voice.

The moment the pawn line first entered the tower, the spider of Mala Xiangguo appeared directly from behind edg's tower, cutting off the retreat of edg's bot duo.

"Brother Qiu, help!"

iboy manipulated his small cannon, kept moving around, and then shouted in the headset.

As soon as Ye Qiu controlled the male knife to scrape f6 with the second w, he directly used the e skill to turn down the dragon pit, and then rushed towards his home.

His body is still glowing with green light, and now he has recovered most of his blood.

"Rng saw the factory manager appearing on the road, so he directly chose to fight an eye for an eye."

"You move my top lane, then I'll move your bottom lane."

"The spider in Mala Xiangguo is already in the back."

The doll said excitedly and quickly.

Miller: "But they made the fatal mistake of ignoring a man!"

"That's Ye Qiu's male sword. It's full of blood now, and I can support it later!"

"This wave is going to explode, quickly retreat!"

"If the spider is sold now, only one person needs to die."

"When the male knife arrives, it won't be a dead person!"

The stadium burst into bursts of cheers again.

So exciting!

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.

The three of rng went down the road, completely unaware that there was a male sword coming behind them.

"Who would have thought that there was only a male knife with more than 100 blood left, and it was almost full of blood without returning home?"

"Wori, is this the power of punishing male knives? Isn't this too shameless?"

"If you run out of blood, go to the wild area to fight wild monsters. Isn't this a perpetual motion machine?"

"Both return blood and return blue!"

"Wait, I want to try it too, it's too strong!"

At this moment, all eyes are on.

Ye Qiu's male sword ran from the dragon pit towards his home.

Edg's tower.

The spider in Mala Xiangguo went directly to fight the tower first.

Xiao Ming's Lulu directly turned into a sheep and gave it to iboy's little cannon, so that he couldn't use his skills.

Before the sheep-changing effect was about to end, E in the form of Spiderman directly hit the small cannon and tied it up.

The rng trio output crazily to it.

Meiko's wind girl can only put a shield on the small cannon, blow it with q, and can't do anything else.

I can only stand aside and watch.

iboy's small cannon was directly killed in the beating, and no skills were released.

The spider in Mala Xiangguo directly switches its form to fly to avoid the damage of the tower.

Meiko's Fengnv can only stay under the tower alone, facing the next wave of attacks from RNG.

iboy looked at his grayed out screen and shouted loudly:

"Brother Qiu, I've seen you!"

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