Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter Forty-Seven: Two Heads Paid Off, He Couldn't Catch Up With Me In A Flash?

"Do not worry!"

"Leave everything to me!"

Ye Qiu said in a deep voice.

He is now about to come to the wall of the lower road, as long as he climbs over the wall, he can enter the tower of his own house.

The spider of Mala Xiangguo flew to the sky and landed, and already eliminated Ta's hatred for him.


The three of RNG surrounded Meiko's Fengnv group, like three brutal men.

Feng Nu is that extremely delicate woman who can only be slaughtered by others!

This time it was Xiao Ming's Lulu who launched the first attack, and he was the one to resist the tower.

Uzi and Malaxiangguo followed the output.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "rng still can't hold back from attacking Meiko's wind girl!"

"Ye Qiu's male sword has arrived!"

Miller: "I don't know if the three of rng can escape successfully this time!"

Lulu launched an attack on Fengnv, and Fengnv slowed down her w and handed it to Lulu.

At the same time, he stored his Q skill directly under his feet, ready to blow up those who approached him.

Xiao Ming's Lulu was attacked by the tower, so he had to put the shield on himself first, so that he could resist the tower a few more times.

The spider of Mala Xiangguo was not polite either, and directly q'd up, biting Xiao Ming's Feng Nu.

Uzi's Verus didn't use his skills, but instead waited until the third floor was passive before using his skills in Ping A Fengnv.

The charged q skill under Meiko's feet was activated, blowing up the spider in the spicy pot and temporarily interrupting his output.


There is nothing he can do about the output of uzi, he can only bear it silently.

"I have reached the limit, I will withdraw first!"

Xiao Ming shouted in the earphone.

Even though he gave himself a shield, he still couldn't bear it after withstanding a few attacks from the defensive towers.

After the last attack of the defensive tower fell, Lulu, who was already standing on the edge of the tower, walked out directly and escaped from the attack.

This is a wave of very extreme anti-tower.

After he walks out, the next target of the tower is the nearest spider.

When Xiao Ming controlled Lulu to withdraw from the tower, people cheered in the stadium.

I saw a figure appearing directly from the shadow under EDG's tower.

"Woc, how did the male knife come out of this position, shouldn't he have gone home already?"

"Isn't it possible to appear in this place now?"

This was the first reaction of the rng three when they saw Ye Qiu.

The sense of horror that first appeared in my heart was no less than watching ten horror movies!

When Xiaohu in the middle lane made up the knife, he also put his camera on the bottom lane, watching the scene of his teammates jumping the tower.

When seeing the male knife, the whole person was dumbfounded.

When the male knife left before, he only had more than 100 HP, so he must go home.

But if it is coming home, then at this point in time, it should not appear in the bottom lane, especially from that position.

But if he didn't go home and went directly to support the bot lane, the blood volume would be wrong.

How can it change from more than 100 blood to almost full blood?

Could it be cheating in the game?

However, this is also impossible!

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "This wave is praying mantises catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind!"

Miller: "The male sword of player Ye Qiu is now like a magic weapon descended from the sky, completely resolving rng's offensive."

"It also directly reversed the form, and came to a situation that is beneficial to EDG."

"If the factory manager on the road can also kill Letme by leaping over the tower, it will be a flowering of both up and down."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I'm dying of laughter. When brother Qiu appeared, the faces of the three of rng were all green."

"Now Xiaohu has become an internal traitor again, providing false information. I guess he would never have imagined that when the male knife left, he had more than 100 blood. When he appeared in the bottom lane, he was almost full of blood."

"Can Brother Boqiu take all of them, so that there will be five heads on him?"

"How many minutes has the game started?"

"Are you playing rank?"

A prompt appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.

【Kill Lulu first, you can kill three times! 】

【Kill Lulu first, you can kill three times! 】

【Kill Lulu first, you can kill three times! 】

He didn't kill the spider first in order to save Meiko's wind girl.

Instead, a w was thrown towards the spider, taking damage, and then a q skill was moved to Xiaoming Lulu's body.

Lulu's blood was really low, and she had already handed over her shield when she was fighting the tower just now.

Unexpectedly, he was directly killed by the Q skill of the male knife.


Ye Qiu came to play the first head to earn money.

300 yuan!

After Xiao Ming quit the tower, the spider in Mala Xiangguo was already fighting the tower.

However, he doesn't have the e skill of the spider form.

The blood volume is decreasing crazily.

Ye Qiu's w skill hit him in the first stage, and he still has about 200 health.

As soon as the attack from the tower fell, the spider was directly beaten to a trace of blood.

Just right.

The second part of the male knife w turned back and took away the bloody spider.

Ye Qiu's second kill came in.

Another 300 yuan!

Mala Xiangguo looked at the live broadcast screen that had turned gray, and the finger holding the mouse turned white.

I don't know how much force it took to pinch the mouse.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't the male knife come home with a trace of blood?"

"In the future, can you not provide false information!"

Xiaohu said in a low voice: "I watched him return to the city with more than 100 blood. Who knows why he is full of blood and still appears in the bottom lane at this time."

The three of rng crossed the tower, and now there is only one uzi left.

Uzi passed through meiko's wind girl with a q skill, but unfortunately, the damage was a little bit worse.

The bloody Fengnv had already hid far away, and it was already impossible for Uzi to reach him.

At the same time, after the spider in Mala Xiangguo died, the hatred of the defense tower was also transferred to Uzi.

Facing the attack of the defense tower, there is also Ye Qiu who is not far away.

He directly chose to flash, and while getting rid of the hatred of the defensive tower, he also distanced himself from Ye Qiu's male sword.

"uzi handed over his own flash, away from Ye Qiu's male knife."

"And now Ye Qiu has no flash."

"Fortunately, the three of rng jumped the tower, and one of them survived, which is the most important ad." Waowa shouted excitedly.

Miller: "It's just a small loss. In this wave, player Ye Qiu is really a magic weapon."

"Directly resolve this wave of offensive by rng."

"Although we didn't win three heads, it's not bad to win two."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"It's a pity that Uzi's Verus ran away."

"There's no way around it. Brother Qiu didn't flash, and even if his Q skill is good, he can't catch up."

"But it's still very profitable."

After Uzi flashed himself, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

The distance has been widened.

It is impossible for a male sword without a flash to catch up with him.

A reminder appeared before Ye Qiu's eyes again.

[Killing the little bloody soldiers next to you can reach level six! 】

[Killing the little bloody soldiers next to you can reach level six! 】

[Killing the little bloody soldiers next to you can reach level six! 】

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