Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 62: Shocked Again, Full Of Details, Is This An Operation That Humans Can Perform? ! !

The news of the deaths of the two Ueno, this is even worse for rng.


This result can be said to be what uzi hopes to see deep in his heart.


He may not have noticed it himself.

If you choose to continue, there may not be so many things!

Do not go to the middle.


Be dumbfounded now!

Ue Nakano collapsed directly.

The original letme can still be played.


This time he chose the tp middle lane, he didn't get anything, he even handed in the flash, and he died.

I don't know how to face Rambo when I get back online!

Xiaohu in the middle lane managed not to be solo-killed this time.

Although this wave did not die, the time to reach level six had to be delayed again.

Then the time to go to support has to be postponed.

The experience level difference with Ye Qiu Morgana is even greater, and it is even more difficult to fight against the lane!

The worst thing is the spicy hot pot.

At the beginning of this round, Ye Qiu finally didn't have any wild monsters coming against him, so he brushed it with peace of mind.


The bottom lane and the middle lane failed two consecutive waves of gank and died, and then surrendered his own flash.


His experience level is behind the factory manager's pig sister, and the wild area is now occupied.

In fact, it has been suppressed by the factory manager.

This wave of three guarantees in the middle is a complete defeat of heavenly doctors.

"We managed to get off this wave, and the factory manager didn't come to catch it."

"Originally, we still hoped to be able to fight against the opponent."

"This time, I was overwhelmed by the opponent!"

Uzi's face was gloomy, but there was a faint excitement in his voice.

Although they didn't name names, it was clear who they were talking about.

Mala Xiangguo stared at the grayed-out screen, upset.


Hearing what uzi said, he couldn't help it.

"If it wasn't for Morgana getting first blood at the start, why would I be in such a hurry?"

"Didn't Morgana get the first blood, can she directly expose the 04 five-speed shoes, and directly support the bottom lane?"

"If you don't liberate Galio in the middle lane, let me catch it alone?"

Mala Xiangguo said coldly.

Uzi was taken aback.

After talking and talking, it actually came to the matter of First Blood again.

Who would have thought that Morgana would squat in the grass at the first level.

He even found a chance to give it to q.

this wave.

Whoever comes down the road will have to be tricked.

Because there is no defense at all.

There is only a thousand days to catch thieves, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves.

Everyone's attention is focused on not being invaded in the wild area, who would think of directly playing with people on the route!

"Can this blood blame me?"

Uzi's temper immediately came up.

The spicy hot pot is really a pot that is not open and which pot to lift!

Xiaohu fell silent at this moment.

Don't dare to speak!

I have already cheated two, and this third one is not much better.


He was the one who called for people to catch Ye Qiu's Morgana.

The biggest reason for his lack of success was that his w flash didn't taunt Ye Qiu's Morgana.


If the prince and the wine barrel are connected with skills, then it will be a success.

The atmosphere in the team is getting more and more irritable, and the sparks between uzi and Mala Xiangguo are also bursting out more and more.

If it doesn't cool down.

It is very likely that there will be some radical actions.

"Everyone, stop arguing."

"We still have a chance, everyone develops for a while."

"When I was playing in a team, I cooperated with Xiaohu's entry, and the opposing heroes didn't move, so it was difficult to deal with.

Letme, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

He can't speak anymore.

Neither Xiao Hu nor Xiao Ming came out to stop him.

Seeing that rng is about to break out in civil war, he is the only one who stands up.

Letme's words were like a cooling agent, which eased the already tense situation.

Anyway, they are all professional players, and they still have a bit of professional ethics.

Knowing that you are playing a game, the goal is to win the game and win the final championship.

It's not like playing rank as usual, if there is a quarrel, it will hang up and give away the ending.

If there are conflicts between professional players, the game will continue to be played.

Moreover, the rules of the game do not allow it.

Only a very small number of professional players cannot control their emotions.

for example.

Pick a support with a shield!

One hand Pan Sen made an ad player never laugh again.

The quarrel has stopped, and the rng's earphone channel has returned to silence.

It cannot be said to be quiet, but it can be said to be silent, and no one speaks.

Letme sighed.

It seems.

There is already a problem with the mentality of everyone in rng.

It's just that you may not realize it.

Obviously they all became irritable, and they were also very irritable.


After going from heaven to hell suddenly, few people can keep their heart and stabilize their mentality.

With two wins in the opening game, the 3:0 opponent is almost a certainty, and the summer championship is already within easy reach.

I thought it was a person playing.

Ye Qiu!

Everything is different.

He lost two games in a row, and they all lost within twenty minutes.

That's straight to hell.

Letme already had a bad premonition in his heart.

I just hope that some miracle will happen with this one.

If Ye Qiu could make any big mistakes, it would be the opportunity ing had been waiting for.

That is a miracle!

Successfully dealt with rng's three-person gank, killing the prince and the barrel.

Xiaohu's Galio also hid under the tower and went home.

Ye Qiu controlled Morgana to clear the last few pawns in the middle. After clearing, he was ready to go home, spend the money on his body, and sell equipment.

Continue to expand your positional advantage!


The doll Miller on the commentary seat became excited at this moment.

The audience at the stadium and the audience in the live broadcast room also became excited in an instant.


The anxiously awaited replay finally came.

I see.

As soon as the big screen of the live broadcast turned, the scene of ng three guarantees and one package just now appeared.

The first is Xiaohu's Galio's superb acting skills.

Pretending to eat the cannon car, deliberately hit the skill, and four times attracted Ye Qiu's Morgana to approach.

Opening w makes the opponent mistakenly think that it is to reduce damage and eliminate the opponent's wariness.

And Ye Qiu seems to have successfully taken the bait, and let himself get close to Xiaohu's Galio.


This is where the benefits of playback come in.

That is, some details that everyone ignored before can be presented again.

The factory manager's sister Zhu was originally hunting wild monsters, but she just gave up on the wild monsters that she had beaten so badly, and rushed towards the middle without hesitation.

It seems that a second late is not allowed.

"My God, we were attracted by the middle lane before, but we didn't notice this wave."

"When the factory manager gave up the wild monsters and came, it was the time when the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo came to the grass in the middle road."

"I'm afraid player Ye Qiu had already realized it at that time, so he called the factory manager directly.

"Before, I was a little doubtful that edg's support speed was too fast."

"It turns out that I already knew it a long time ago. This is the result of desperate support!"

The doll's face was full of surprise, and her voice was very loud.

Miller: "That's right, Xiaohu's acting skills seem to have fooled Ye Qiu."

"However, in fact, it was player Ye Qiu who directly followed his plan and cooperated with Xiaohu's performance.

"Secretly, I called all my teammates directly."

"Contestant Ye Qiu is the real drama star, and his acting skills are simply impeccable."

"The other party didn't find out at all!"

The two commentators were very excited, and their voices even trembled a little.

It's like discovering a new continent!

If it wasn't for the playback, they would have almost missed this detail.

There was a burst of cheers at the stadium.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"As expected of Brother Qiu, his acting skills even fooled me."

"I thought Brother Qiu's fame would be ruined."

"The factory manager doesn't even want wild monsters, so go to support, Qingjie!"

"This shows that Brother Qiu has a high status in the team!"

"After only two matches, you already have the right to speak, cowhide!"

The barrage instantly became densely packed.

Playback continues.

The first wave of key points is coming.

Morgana's q skill is over, Xiaohu's Galio directly used W flash, Letme's prince and Malaxiangguo's wine barrel also rushed out of the grass.


At the moment when his q skill was about to end, Ye Qiu put on the e skill black shield for himself.

After Xiaohu's w flashed, the ridicule had no effect on him at all.

"This wave of e skill card points is really too strong!"

"It happened to be stuck at the moment when my q skill ended."

"If you release the e skill for yourself earlier, then Xiaohu will give up the W flash when he sees it, and then the three of rng will leave!"

"If you use your e skill later, you will not be immune to control, and will be controlled by the opponent, and you will be dropped immediately."

Doll said in surprise.

Miller added on the side: "So, to sum it up, this e-skill is so quintessential!"

An important reason why the hero Morgana is not very afraid of gank online is because she has the e skill and can be immune to control.

"I was told by the doll Miller, it turns out that this e skill is so exquisite!"

"I just want to say one thing!"

"Brother Qiu is really too thin!"

Playback is still going on.

However, Morgana did not mock Ye Qiu.


Xiaohu has already flashed, that is, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired!

Anyway, Morgana who is going to kill Ye Qiu today.

Letme's prince and Mala Xiangguo's wine barrel rushed towards Ye Qiu's Morgana without hesitation.

First, the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo used the e skill to move, and threw his q skill, trying to knock out the remaining black shield on Ye Qiu.

Make it immune to control.

at the same time.

Letme's prince also flashed first, and then used eq to rush to Ye Qiu's Morgana.

While playing control, it is also playing damage.

Eq is the main source of the prince's damage.

The skills of the prince and the wine barrel can be said to have arrived in an instant, and they firmly blocked Ye Qiu's Morgana.

It must be cut under the horse.

this wave.

The most critical wave came.

It was also the life and death crisis of Ye Qiu Morgana.

I see.

A wonderful move made him come to the edge of the barrel q skill, no

Has been bombed.

at the same time.

This move to 863 positions also prevented him from being on the straight line of the prince's eq.

The eq of the prince in this position only has the knock-up effect.

Happily, it does no harm!

The skills of the two rng Ueno played a lonely.


Ye Qiu is to live among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf will touch your body!

Just relying on walking, let myself get out of this desperate situation.

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of fairy move is this!"

"The skills of the wine barrel and the prince have no effect at all!"

Seeing that Ye Qiu is not chaotic in the face of danger, in this desperate situation, relying on a detailed positioning, he turned the crisis into safety.

All he felt was a tingling scalp.

Such a move, I am afraid that only scripts can operate it!

Is this something people can come out of?

However, someone did it, and this person is none other than Ye Qiu!

Doll: "Miller, how do you feel after watching it!"

Miller: "All I can say is scalp tingling, I can't find another word for it!"

"Is this really an operation that humans can perform?"

"It is recommended to perform a urine test on player Ye Qiu!"

Playback is still going on.

Then this is the harvest time of edg,

Mouse's Lambo TP landed, and the factory manager's pig sister arrived, and they had all the skills.

And rng's movement skills are all handed over to Ye Qiu alone.

Facing them is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no way to fight back!

at last.

That is, rng dropped two rounds of corpses, and edg won a big victory here.

Playback ends.


Everyone still has a feeling of being unsatisfactory.

It seems that there is still more to say.

"This player Ye Qiu has already cleared the line and returned home. Let's see what equipment he will produce in this wave!"

As soon as the replay ended, the scene that appeared showed that Ye Qiu had returned to the Blood Spring.

The doll also yelled directly after seeing it.

This is clearly the repertoire again.

Guess the equipment link!

Miller: "Come on, baby, this time you guess what equipment Ye Qiu will produce!"

After finishing speaking, a smirk appeared on his face.

In the part of guessing the equipment, the baby had already been beaten by Ye Qiu, and her face was swollen like a pig's head.


It's just that before the doll could speak, the stadium shouted.

The voice was surprisingly consistent.

"Murder book!"

"Murder book!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room has already completely covered every inch of the screen.

It is only vaguely distinguishable.




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