Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 63: The Art Of Skill Release, It's Hard To Persuade The Damn Ghost!

Wawa and Miller looked at each other and smiled.

Even the scene started to shout the murder book.

It seems.

The audience also thought that it was right for Ye Qiu to go home and publish a murder book.

The doll didn't hide her smile anymore.

"Like everyone in the audience, I also think that the equipment Ye Qiu will release when he returns home is...

"Murder book!"

The cheers at the scene grew louder.



"Murder book!"

The commentator and the audience surprisingly reached an agreement on this issue.

have to say.

This is a very rare thing to see!


Whether the guess is correct or not, it still needs Ye Qiu to give the answer!

A hint appeared in front of his eyes.


【Murder book has the biggest benefit!】


Ye Qiu's equipment bar flickered.

It was originally just a killing ring, but it was directly upgraded to a killing book in an instant!


In the ring of killing, one head is two layers, and one assist is one layer.

Ye Qiu had four kills and one assist.

This is directly to the ninth floor.

And after upgrading to the Great Murder Book, there are also nine floors.

This is still different from directly naked without words.

The number of layers on Ye Qiu's body is already enough gold coins for killing books.


Every level of growth in his killing book is pure profit!

Ye Qiu still has some gold coins on his body after the big killing book is finished.

The equipment bar flashes again.

This time he bought an augmentation code and a blue crystal.


The equipment is almost ready!

Relying on the high movement speed of the five-speed shoes, Ye Qiu left the blood spring and rushed towards the middle!

"My old face is finally saved this time!"

The doll made a gesture of stroking her face, and said with a smile.

It's not easy!


Every time it was his turn to guess the equipment, Ye Qiu slapped him in the face frantically,

The equipment that came out was completely different from what he predicted!

If he didn't guess right this time, then the old face was really beaten so badly that he couldn't see anyone.


This time I finally guessed correctly, and did not let the tragedy happen!


The audience and him are not just guessing this time.

Rather, it is well-founded.

This Ye Qiu pretends to be a little murder ring when going out!

The first time I went home, I also directly took out the five-speed shoes.

When I returned home this time, the killing ring had already reached the ninth floor.

at last.

This is Ye Qiu's performance from the beginning of the game.

Comprehensive judgment.

There must be a murder ring!

Miller: "Congratulations to the doll for saving her face, hahaha!"

"You man!"

The doll scolded with a smile.

I don't know if the director is doing something on purpose.

The camera was originally placed on Ye Qiu's equipment slot.


Ye Qiu had finished delivering his equipment and came out of the house directly.

The footage was not given elsewhere.

It was actually given to Xiaohu who was in the blood spring of RNG at this time.

Xiaohu is also producing equipment at this time!

There is no harm without comparison.

After seeing Xiaohu's equipment column, the whole audience boiled again.

"This is too miserable, it is the difference between landlords and peasants!"

"Xiaohu's gold coin is really tight!"

"Still Brother Qiu's atmosphere!"

"Buy the equipment directly, don't feel bad at all!"

When Xiaohu came home for the first time, he had a magic resistance.

Thinking of Morgana in the middle and pig girl in the jungle.

this time.

In his equipment bar, a shoe lay quietly next to the magic resistance.

It is a first-class shoe.

Also known as straw sandals!


The two small outfits didn't have a synthetic upgrade.

Both Doll and Miller felt a little embarrassed looking at the equipment.

This is really too bad!

I just finished watching Ye Qiu's equipment, and then I will look at Xiaohu's equipment.

It's really indescribably pitiful!

"Xiaohu hasn't come out of the blood spring yet, is he struggling with something~?" Waffle asked curiously.

Miller: "Maybe I'm struggling with how to get the equipment out!"

"The mercury shoes are of course the best choice now, so there is no need to hesitate."

"The opposite is Morgana and the pig girl..."

At this moment.

The baby suddenly said something.

"Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to come out, but that he doesn't have enough money!"

"I'm very curious now, how much money does he have on him!"

The director was very obedient this time.

As soon as the doll finished asking, the number of gold coins on Xiaohu appeared on the big screen!

Oh My God!

The distance from the mercury shoes is almost 100 gold coins!

No wonder Xiaohu is very entangled!

Quicksilver shoes are just around the corner.


I don't have enough money on me!

It really is a penny that beats a hero!

Wait for the money at the Blood Fountain!

The time required seems to be a bit long.

Go straight to the line!

The key equipment, mercury shoes, can't come out, which is a bit empty.

No wonder Xiaohu got into a tangle.


If nothing else happens, Xiaohu may continue to struggle.

Because Ye Qiu has five-speed shoes, he moves very fast.

Already ran from the blood spring to the middle lane!

When he appeared in the middle.

It directly stimulated Xiaohu.

Can't be bothered anymore.

His task is to keep an eye on Ye Qiu's Morgana.

If Ye Qiu is allowed to run around again, his other teammates will not have to play.

This game just click surrender and it's over.

Mercury shoes are still a few tens of gold coins away, and Xiaohu doesn't wait any longer.

He walked out of the Blood Spring in a big stride and headed for the middle road tower.

The body is still straw sandals plus a magic resistance.

"Don't wait, Xiaohu, he's going back to the middle lane!"

The doll smirked.

"If Ye Qiu came online later, maybe Mercury Shoes would have come out."

Miller: "Well...

"Although the mercury shoes have not been made, Galio should be careful, and he should not die!"


It's also to help Xiaohu smooth things over.

However, this is also the true thought in his heart.

He didn't think Xiaohu would be solo killed by Ye Qiu's Morgana later.

Again and again, not again and again.

The first two have already been single-killed twice.

this time.

If Galio is selected to face Morgana, if he is killed solo, it will be a bit unreasonable!

After hearing what Doll and Miller said.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also increased instantly.

"If this is killed by Morgana solo, Xiaohu should not play solo."

"Just switch the line directly, maybe it will shine in other positions!"

"It feels like Miller is setting the flag!"

"The first two times when Brother Qiu killed Xiaohu solo, it was also when we thought it was impossible!"

"It won't notify us in advance, watch out, I'm going to kill this alone!"


Xiaohu couldn't see these words.

He has only one thought in his heart now, and that is to hurry to the middle.

Keep a close eye on Ye Qiu's Morgana.

Don't let them run around and interfere with the other four people in rng.

This is his most urgent task now.

Xiaohu is on the road from Xuequan to the middle road.

His heart became more and more impatient.

The speed at which Ye Qiu cleared the line was really too fast.

Why do the two ws go down, and the line of soldiers disappears directly.

This is bad.


Ye Qiu finished pushing the line, so it's not just walking casually!

Xiaohu clicked on Ye Qiu's Morgana, and immediately saw the extremely conspicuous murder book.

Nine floors!

No wonder the damage is so high.

With one w down, the pawn line will disappear immediately.

Then let's not let Morgana, who has published the murder book, wander around.


The good news is that there is still a wave of lines behind him.

Even Ye Qiu's Morgana wiped out all the pawns in the middle.


If he chooses to roam, he will not be able to eat the pawn line that is about to reach.

This is also a bargaining chip for Xiaohu to stop Morgana later.

When Xiaohu just arrived at the tower, Ye Qiu took the last minion away.

A bunch of soldiers from EDG are about to enter under the tower of RNG.

Xiaohu had to return to the familiar life of Buta Dao.

If you want to clear everything, it will take a while.

Ye Qiu ignored Xiaohu, who had just arrived, and was about to leave the middle lane and enter the fog of war.

Embrace the dark.

That's it.

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly!

Go wherever you want.

No one can stop him.

Seeing that Ye Qiu was about to leave the middle lane without looking back, Xiaohu became impatient.

If Ye Qiu's Morgana were to leave, wouldn't it be a joke for him to be tight-lipped?

At this moment.

He couldn't care less about anything.

Keeping Ye Qiu is the most important thing.

Xiaohu had just arrived under the tower.

Seeing that the line of soldiers is about to enter the tower soon.

He directly used his e skill, first took a small step back, and then rushed forward!

Came in front of Xiaobing.

He controlled Galio's position, leading the pawns to sway from side to side, and stuck the pawns in front of the tower.


He is waiting for two things.

The first thing is that Ye Qiu turned around instead of wandering, but returned to the middle lane and continued to match.

Second thing.

That's where the creeps behind him arrive on the line.

Let your own soldiers say that this wave line is stuck.

It's still a bit difficult to let him come by himself.

Never ignore minion damage.


The damage of a small soldier is not high, but if there are too many of them, they will add up.

That damage can be high.

Especially in the early stage, the hero's level is not high, and the attributes are also very low.

This is particularly obvious.

Xiaohu's Galio is now suffering from such injuries.

His blood volume has already dropped significantly.

This is the price to pay for hero card lane.

Fortunately, the soldiers behind him are already here, so he doesn't need to fight.

Xiaohu retreated behind his little soldier, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Qiu was already going to leave the middle lane and swim away.


I saw that Xiaohu blocked the pawn line in the middle.

He stopped involuntarily.

If the push line is not pushed into the tower, it is a failure.


You went to swim away, the little soldier who was supposed to be eaten by you was killed by your family

All the soldiers were killed.

You can't get the economy and experience.

If you go wandering and get something, that's fine.

If you can't get something, it is very likely that you were originally an advantage online, but when you return to online again, you find that you are a disadvantage.

The level is lower than the opposite.

The line is still controlled by others, you need to be alert to the opponent's jungler at all times.

for a moment.

The relationship between pros and cons is reversed.

This is also a mistake that many players will make. They feel that they have an advantage and can still support them.

Why did it become a disadvantage when he came back, and he couldn't beat the opponent.

The reason is here.

Of course Ye Qiu would not make such a mistake.

He turned around and walked back.

Back to the middle line again.


They have already planned to let you go, not just kill you.


You have to get stuck.

If you want to die yourself, you can't blame others.

Xiaohu felt happy when he saw that he had successfully stuck the thread.

Later, I saw that Ye Qiu was back online, and I was even happier.

His purpose has been fully achieved.

"`~ Xiaohu handled this wave quite well!"

"He passed the card line, so player Ye Qiu had to come back.

"Little Tiger still has something."

Wawa affirmed Xiaohu's operation.

"(Wang is good) cough cough!"

Miller coughed a few times.

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something is wrong."

"I don't know if you noticed.

"Just now I saw player Ye Qiu from the camera, and he seemed a little unhappy.

Wawa: "You mean, it's going to happen again in the middle?"

Ye Qiu returned to the middle lane, and Xiaohu hid behind the pawns.

There is a big gap between the two little soldiers, and Xiaohu's Galio is right behind.


[Release the skill from the left front, you can pass through the minions and hit the opponent! 】


A hint appeared in front of his eyes.

Ye Qiu directly pressed the keyboard, releasing his q skill.

A strange scene appeared.

This q skill actually passed through the gap in the minions.

It directly hit Xiaohu's Galio.

At the same time as the hit, Ye Qiu also released his W skill.

Galio's blood began to drip off.

The characteristic of Morgana's w skill is that the lower the opponent's blood loss, the higher the damage.


Tiger Galio's blood volume is not high.

In order to block the pawn line, a lot of blood has been lost.

who I am?

where am I?

Didn't he hide behind the little soldier?

How did you get Morgana's Q skill?

In the commentary seat.

"Oh My God!"

"Ye Qiu's skill actually passed through the minions and directly hit Xiaohu's Galio.

"This skill is too accurate!"

The doll yelled loudly.

Miller: "This is the art of skill release.

"In this wave, Galio should lose a lot..."


Miller fell silent, as if seeing something unbelievable.

Then he roared directly:


"Open big?!!!".

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