Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 6: Factory Manager, Will The Prince's Eq Flash (First Update)

In the grass on the right, Ye Qiu has no vision.

So he can't see it either.


Now, the system reminds him that the spicy pot is in the grass on the right, which means it must be true.

The second level of Mala Xiangguo directly came to gank him.

Is this directly out of frustration?

Ye Qiu also noticed the surrounding of the little tiger Lucian, intentionally or unintentionally approaching the grass on the right.

And it is also standing on the same line with the minion line, which is to allow Ye Qiu's Xerath to consume him with skills while clearing the line.

Ordinary mid laners would absolutely not be able to resist such a temptation.

In the grass.

When Mala Xiangguo saw Xiaohu's surroundings, he also boasted directly: "Well done, Xerath must not be able to bear it."

"As long as he dares to charge you, I can e flash him directly, and we will kill him in seconds."

When Xerath's q skill is charged, there will be a significant deceleration.

Mala Xiangguo believes that no matter who it is, if they want to use skills and are slowed down, they will be unable to parry the gank launched from blind vision.

Wawa: "Now Xiaohu's Lucian is seducing, it depends on whether player Ye Qiu will be fooled."

Miller: "Be sure to hold back. If you choose q to consume Lucian at this time, it will be dangerous."

Ye Qiu controlled Xerath, and didn't make a move to move away from the grass on the right.

Instead, he was still calmly mending the knife with flat a as if nothing had happened.


His mouth was not idle.

"Director, the wine barrel is now in the grass on the right side of my middle road."

The factory director who was wearing the red buff was stunned, "Xiaoqiu, how do you know?"

"I just snatched the red buff from Mala Xiangguo. With his character, he will definitely come and catch me."

Ye Qiu didn't directly say that the prompt system told him, but found another reason.

And this reason is very possible.

The factory manager's red is almost finished.

"Xiaoqiu, hold on tight, I'll be right there." He said anxiously.

"No, you can go directly to grab it. We may not be able to fight 2v2, but if we go to the bottom lane, we will definitely not be able to fight 3v2."

The factory manager pulled the camera of his screen to the bottom lane, and saw that uzi's ez was playing fiercely. It was indeed a good opportunity.

"Okay, Xiaoqiu, I'll go grab it right away, you stay in the middle."

The factory manager decided to follow Ye Qiu's advice, and after finishing playing red, he rushed straight down the road.

At this time, a reminder appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes again.

[uzi will use flash to hide from the prince eq! 】

[uzi will use flash to hide from the prince eq! 】

[uzi will use flash to hide from the prince eq! 】

Ye Qiu was taken aback, he was not in the bot lane now, and the system actually gave him a reminder.

It turns out that the system will also remind him of what he said.

Although he didn't go off the road now, the factory manager followed his advice and decided to catch it, so the system also gave a prompt directly.

Ye Qiu's eyes lit up, and the reminder system is too strong.

"Director, will your prince know eq flashes?" He said directly.

The factory director, who was on his way down the road, was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "I still know how to do this, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just think that uzi's ez may directly dodge your eq with dodge, if you use eq dodge, you can guarantee to fly."

If you were an ordinary person, you might be angry when you heard Ye Qiu say that, I play the jungler or you play the jungler.

The factory director is a veteran for many years, and has already passed this stage, so he will listen to it if he thinks it makes sense.

"Okay, I see." He remembered what Ye Qiu said.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa and Miller saw that the factory manager had finished beating red, but instead of approaching the middle, they went straight down.

"Oh, it's a pity, the factory manager didn't realize that the wine barrel is in the middle." Waowa said regretfully.

Miller continued: "Although the factory manager didn't realize that the barrel was in the middle, he found an opportunity in the bottom lane."

"It's still the factory manager's classic second-level capture, and uzi's position is also very dangerous now, giving us a great opportunity."

"It's impossible for the barrel to support in the middle now. If uzi doesn't realize it, if he doesn't leave, the two rng will definitely not be able to beat the three edg and the jungler."

"Now it's time to see where the first blood breaks out first in the middle and bottom lanes."

"After all, it was the rookie mid laner Ye Qiu who couldn't bear the temptation to consume Lucian, and was caught by the barrel."

"It's still uzi who is still crazily oppressing people, and accepts if it doesn't work out, so that the factory manager can seize the opportunity."

There was a burst of sound in the stadium.

There are quite a few people cheering for the teams they support.

Everyone who bought a ticket felt that their ticket was worth it.

Ever since Ye Qiu came on the field, the game has not been sloppy at all.

From the very beginning, there was going to be a burst of blood.

It used to be the operating rhythm of lck, and it might not be possible to explode a head in 20 minutes, and the audience almost fell asleep watching it.

Now, this game is so exciting, how can the audience not be excited.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also dense.

"The factory manager is worthy of being a dog-beating expert, and the classic level two was caught."

"Hit rng, catch it and it's over."

"Come, come, take a gamble and see who will send first blood first."


The factory manager is familiar with the road, and once again bypassed the eye position arranged by rng's lower road, and reached the area of ​​​​the triangle grass.

Meiko, who had received the signal a long time ago, also directly showed a small flaw to seduce Uzi.

And Ye Qiu in the middle also moved a little to the grass on the right.

It is about to enter the range of Mala Xiangguo e Shan.

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