Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 7: Uzi Sent A Blood, Did You Get Something In The Middle (Second Update)

Although Ye Qiu's Xerath leaned towards the grass on the right, the distance was not too great.

Just after the wine barrel came out of the grass, use the e flash to add a little distance to reach Ye Qiu's position.

Give it a chance.

But it was not fully given.

This made the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo very uncomfortable.

Get out of the grass and use e flash directly, the distance is a bit short.

If I go straight away, I will be a little bit unwilling, just a little short of that.

Judging from Ye Qiu's current performance, he didn't realize that he was squatting on him, otherwise he should just stay away from this side.

If you knew you were there, you would definitely not dare to do this.

After all, he didn't know his specific position, so it was impossible for him to be stuck at the limit distance of the barrel's e flash.

Wait, as long as Xiaohu seduces him, there should be a chance.

[50 yards to the right will be gank! 】

[50 yards to the right will be gank! 】

[50 yards to the right will be gank! 】

Ye Qiu looked at the reminder in front of him and smiled.

No matter how good Mala Xiangguo is, I never imagined that he has a reminder system, which can just get stuck to the gank distance of the wine barrel.

Ye Qiu could indeed choose to stay away from the grass on the right when he first saw the prompt.

In this way, the spicy hot pot will not be able to gank him no matter what.

However, Ye Qiu did not choose to do this, but continued to act like he didn't know.

A great mid laner.

What you should do is to attract the opponent's jungler to the middle, but you will not die.

In this way, the role of the mid laner is fully played out.

Contain the opponent's jungler and relieve the pressure on his teammates.

Now, Ye Qiu has done it.

Mala Xiangguo was tied to the middle lane, unable to farm the jungle or gank Ye Qiu's other teammates.

You can only gain experience with Xiaohu's Lucian in the middle lane, and the experience of both of them will be very low.

It can be said that the longer Mala Xiangguo stays in the middle lane, the more money Ye Qiu will make.

In the commentary seat, the two commentators also spoke excitedly.

"The player Ye Qiu in the middle moved to the grass on the right. The current distance can be said to be a chance for rng."

"It seems that he is completely unaware of the danger now. As long as he moves a little more, the incense pot will definitely attack."

"Now we'll see when Ye Qiu moves this distance." Wow said loudly.

After the doll finished speaking, Miller's voice sounded.

"Now, the prince of the factory manager on the next road has bypassed the field of vision and has already taken his place in the triangular grass."

"Uzi still hasn't retreated, and is suppressing EDG's bot lane, and now Meiko has shown a little flaw. It depends on whether Uzi can't help but want to go up."

"If it goes up, the factory director's prince will appear directly from behind, and Uzi will be in danger."

The screen in the live broadcast room is now a big screen, and then there is a small screen in the corner.

Both the mid lane and the bottom lane are revealed.

Moreover, the pictures of the middle and lower lanes are also enlarged in turn, and Baby Miller is also dividing the work at this time.

After the picture in the middle lane is enlarged, it will be explained by the doll.

After the picture of the bottom road is enlarged, Miller will explain it.

Right now, everyone's hearts are beating.

It was as if he had become the person in the game.

Who will send the first blood of this game.

The screens of the middle and bottom lanes were constantly switching, and when it was switching to the bottom lane, Uzi finally couldn't bear it at this time.

The flaws revealed by Meiko successfully seduced him, and Uzi's position at this time has completely given him a chance.

The factory director, who had been waiting for a long time, controlled the prince and walked out of the triangle grass, while the small cannon controlled by iboy directly chose the rocket to jump and rushed towards Uzi's face.

Miller shouted excitedly: "Uzi gave me a chance, let's go down the road!"

"Woc, why is the prince down at this time, uzi shouted loudly in the earphones."

After seeing the prince, Uzi immediately backed away, facing the face-jumping cannon, he didn't dare to fight back.

All he wanted now was to get back to his tower as soon as possible.

However, the factory director's prince came from behind the triangular grass bag, and the retreating uzi inevitably entered the range of the prince's eq.

A flag fell from the sky and landed directly at uzi's feet, and then the prince rushed over with a dragon impact.

When the flag just landed, Uzi flashed forward, avoiding the straight line between the prince and the flag.

At the same time, he shouted: "My flash..."

Forced to hand over his flash, Uzi felt very distressed, but it was worth it to be able to avoid this gank.

As soon as Uzi's flashing yellow light landed, a light appeared next to him.

When he landed, he was directly knocked into the air.

He had just uttered a half-sentence of complaints, but was immediately interrupted with a loud "Ah!".

His teammates were also taken aback by his sound.

"Wow wow wow!"

The sound of the gymnasium was about to knock the roof off.

Miller was also a little speechless, "Wow, the prince's eq flashed!"

"When the uzi flashed to the ground, the factory manager directly followed the flash and knocked the uzi into the air."

"This operation is very good."

The baby also explained from the side: "You can't dodge the knock-up of the prince's eq flash, but when it is knocked into the air, there is no damage."

"I'm afraid that when the factory manager eq made a move, he had already thought about using eq to flash."

"If uzi doesn't flash, then it will be knocked into the air by eq. If it flashes, the prince will immediately follow the flash, which is also guaranteed to be knocked into the air."

"When the competition is over, we will interview the factory manager and ask him what he thought at the time."

"How was this whole second-level arrest planned?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also overwhelming.

"The factory manager is amazing. I used 4396 before. I was wrong."

"Who said the factory manager can't operate, is this wave of EQ flashy?"

"This is not like a factory, why is it different from the previous performance?"

"I'll know after the interview after the game."

Uzi was shot into the air by the factory manager's prince, so there was no chance of escape.

The small cannon that kept up with the prince's damage directly killed uzi.

And Xiaopao also got first blood.

Wine Barrel squatted Ye Qiu in the middle, unable to support, so edg won a big victory, and this first blood was very easy.

Uzi, whose screen turned gray, looked irritably at Mala Xiangguo aside.

"There is someone coming from the opposite side of the road, how can we play without teammates."

"It's been in the middle, did you get something?"

At the same time, the director's camera was directly fixed in the middle.

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