Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 81: Everyone Is Shocked, The Game Is Over, Right Now!


After flashing, uzi let out a long breath.

Just now he took a look out of the corner of his eye, and his flash was very timely.

ez's q skill just fell on the place where he was standing just now.

If you don't use the flash to open the distance and dodge it.

Now he has already turned into a corpse.

Such a scene was definitely not what he wanted to see.

There was one more thing that made him feel happier.

That is after he flashed, his body has surpassed BDD's snake girl.

Snake became the closest person to Ye Qiuez.


Uzi didn't have time to be happy for long, and immediately discovered that Ye Qiu's ez was already in a state of accumulating power.

A huge energy light wave flew from ez.

Uzi tried to control the big mouth to move, trying to avoid this big move.


He twisted left and right, but was still scratched by the edge of the ultimate move.

Big Mouth was already full of residual blood, and when he was hit, he immediately turned into a corpse.

Still a moving corpse.

The only thing uzi can do is to control the corpse and charge towards Ye Qiu's ez.

Ye Qiu didn't seem to see Dazui's corpse, after releasing his ult, he continued to chase Snake Girl.

Several Dragon Ball players behind bdd [At this time, they all moved to the front of the computer screen.

what did they just see

Big Mouth is Uzi playing, they know this.

They still know uzi very well, and they also admire uzi's strength very much.

It is said that I"270"ck is rich in top laners and mid laners, while IPL is rich in top laners.

There are quite a few Ick's ads who were overshadowed when facing uzi.

Even though uzi doesn't have a world champion, it was rated as the world's number one AD.

It can be seen how strong its strength is.


It is precisely because of this that they feel even more surprised.


Uzi is at a disadvantage when it comes to laning, which makes them feel very surprised.

But the bottom lane is not a solo lane, but also has the influence of support. If the support is not good enough, it will still be very uncomfortable for ad to line up.

Generally, after a relatively strong ad has an online disadvantage, he will wait until the team fights to show his strength and play out his advantages.

Maybe the time is too short, this game is also different from other games.

Uzi has not had time to show its strength and regain its advantage in team fights.

It was not easy for the big dragon group to start, and it was time for Uzi to show its strength.

But I can't get any output at all, and I haven't hit a single "skill."

What's more, every step was guessed to death, and the location of the flash was counted.

That's what led them to a conclusion.

Maybe it's not uzi dishes, but this e is too strong.

Several Dragon Ball players shouted in unison: "Run!"

The snake girl didn't dare to turn her head, but continued to run with her head covered.

Hope to stay away from ez.

Let him linger on for a while.


Ye Qiu has no intention of giving up at all, and still wants to continue to catch up.

edg's training room.

iboy, meiko and the factory director were also shocked at this time.

When did uzi become so easy to kill!

Just add a set of skills, and then put another skill casually, throw a big move, and kill UI's big mouth.

iboy: "Brother Qiu, you are too outrageous, when can you teach me!"

Meiko: "I feel like I'm suffering from amnesia, and I forgot what I said to Brother Qiu before."

Scout, who was staying at a distance, was also full of surprise.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Qiu not only played well in the mid lane, but also played so well in the bottom lane.

It would be great if it was edg who came in as a substitute for the bottom lane.

In this way, he is still edg's mid laner starter!

Inside the canyon.

At this moment.

Uzi Dazui's body wobbled to Ye Qiuez's side.

Ye Qiu still acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Such a scene appeared in the canyon.

Snake girl ran in front, ez chased behind, and the corpse of Big Mouth followed behind ez's ass.

This scene is indescribably weird.

The time for Dazui finally came, and the corpse exploded directly, turning into nothing.

This damage also caused Ye Qiu's ez to lose some blood.

This is almost all the damage uzi dealt to Ye Qiu in this wave of big dragon team battles.

It's all based on this passive.

Uzi's eyes were blank, looking at the grayed out screen in front of him.

He never thought that he dodged the q skill in a flash.

In the end, he died under ez's big move.

In the past, he didn't know how many ez's big moves he had avoided.


Now he is not hiding.

It's really that ez's skills are well connected.

The q skill forced out his flash, and he had already predicted the position of his flash, so the move aimed at that direction.

It can also be said that he flashed into the ez big move himself.

This took a huge blow to his self-confidence.

His every move seemed to have been seen through by the summoner of ez.

The only way to vent is to control the passive to deal damage.

Unexpectedly, ez didn't hide at all, as if he couldn't see Dazui's corpse.


Uzi's live broadcast room was already boiling.

"What kind of god's prediction is this shit!"

"The puppy has really turned into a dog now, following behind ez all the time.

"It seems that uzi flashed and bumped into it by himself, it's simply outrageous!"

The eyes of several teammates who were fighting the dragon in the dragon pit also stared round.

Although they have been in Dalong all the time, they are not idle, they are always paying attention to the situation outside.


It's just that there is no way out, so I choose to believe in Ye Qiu and come to Dalong.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qiu's ez not only guarded the entrance of the dragon pit, but now they are chasing and killing the people on the opposite side.

Uzi's big mouth is helpless in front of ez.

Killed like a chick.

The impact on them was too strong.

It almost broke the concept of uzi invincibility in their hearts.

Faker's heart was finally relieved.

He laughed and said, "Nice!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Is this ez skill outrageous? I haven't seen him empty before.

"Uzi is too miserable to meet such an ez."

"It would be fun if ez went to rng to play ad."

Dalong has the last bit of blood left, as long as he fights for another two or three seconds, the male gun can directly take down Dalong with cj.

Ye Qiu was blown up by Da Zui's corpse, losing a chunk of his health.

Uzi started to frantically point the signal.

The goal is ez.


It's an ez with residual blood, the snake girl and the captain are still alive, what are you running for!

Go straight back!

ez doesn't have e skills now!

And the rest of his teammates haven't come out yet, they are all in the dragon pit.

As long as the captain can blow up to ez, and live to say that the snake woman's skill hit ez, then there is still a chance.

Uzi was completely in a daze at the moment.

Through the black and white screen, he could only see the bloody Ez.

Nothing else can be seen.

Uzi is signaling frantically.

Bdd's snake girl and the attitude of the captain can't completely pretend not to see it.


The ez with residual blood also created a temptation for them.

Escaping is definitely not as enjoyable as fighting back.


They still couldn't make up their minds.

The snake girl and the captain have already run from the river to the wild area at this moment.

It is near the blue buff of the blue side.

If they ran for a further distance, they could already run back to the blood spring.

It turned out that there was only uzi's signal on ez's head, and now there was another crazy signal.

On the way!

The jungle troll has been resurrected, and it has already reached the blue zone. 】

As long as you walk a few more steps, you can join the snake girl and the captain.

Then it's not 2 vs 1.

Instead it becomes 3 vs 1!

The arrival of the troll gave bdd and posture courage, allowing them to slow down from the panic and escape just now.

Made up his mind to fight back.

It's no longer about running away.

The troll did not appear in Ye Qiu's field of vision immediately...

Hide behind the wall in the wild area.

Just wait for ez to come over, then he will rush out immediately.

Use his slowing ability to keep ez in place.

Coupled with the damage of the snake girl and the captain, the ez will be dropped in seconds.

BDD's snake girl is not as anxious to escape at this time as before.

Don't care about anything, don't care about anything.

He just wants to run away.

It means that you can't fight back when you hit, and you can't fight back when you scold!

Absolutely good boy!

Bdd controlled the snake girl to slow down a little, turned her head and released her q skill.

He was afraid that ez would not be able to catch up, so he chose to give up and stop chasing!


【Go to the left direction!】


A hint appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.

He twisted his position and twisted this skill.

Then continue to chase forward.

The troll behind the wall stared closely at Ye Qiu's ez, as long as he got closer, he would suddenly appear.

Use his slowing ability to keep ez in place.


ez's e skill is definitely not good yet.

Because I just finished killing Uzi's big mouth, so little time has passed.

Especially if the qw skills of ez are all like this, then the e skills should only be one level.

Cooldown should be long.

The captain looked at the gunpowder barrel that he had already turned, and at this time he had already figured out the position of the barrel in his mind.

Bdd didn't believe it anymore, and when ez was slowed down by the troll, his C skill still couldn't hit.

Ye Qiu's ez is still continuing to chase.


It's getting closer!

As long as you get closer, you will be within the skill range of the troll.

It's not just the trolls, the three living people are staring at them.

Uzi, who was already dead, stared at the gray and white screen without blinking.

"kill him!"

"Kill him!"

One more step, and Ye Qiu will soon enter the encirclement on the opposite side.

At this time.

A reminder appeared before his eyes.


【Danger, there is an ambush behind the wall

Going forward will be in danger!]


Ye Qiu immediately pressed the s key to stop his hero.

Standing still.

He glanced at his e skill, and now he still has seven or eight seconds of cd.

If he was ambushed, then he would really send his first head here.

Then the layers of the murder ring on him will naturally drop.

The prompt appeared again.

[Before the e skill is not improved, it is recommended to choose to retreat! 】


Originally, Ye Qiu was still struggling in 4.2 just now, and there was an ambush behind the wall, so it was naturally a revived troll.

Then he should choose to stay still or go straight away.

Unexpectedly, the system has given a prompt.

Ye Qiu manipulated ez to step back immediately.

The distance from the snake girl is getting farther and farther.

It looks like he really gave up.


It was the turn of Snake Girl and the others to be dumbfounded.

What's going on.

Just now I was still chasing after him, like a hungry wolf.

Now it stopped suddenly and chose to give up.

If ez chose to give up, wouldn't they be equivalent to failure!

The troll's ambush is completely useless.

The chance to take the head of ez was completely missed.

This makes them unacceptable.

The most unacceptable thing is uzi.

He has already rehearsed ten thousand ez death scenes in his mind.

As a result, ez stopped chasing.

Trolls are also very unacceptable.

Could it be that he stood on the eye, so he was discovered?

He turned on the scan on his body, and there was no other party's vision nearby.

This situation is also directly ruled out.

bdd thought over and over again, he couldn't just watch Ye Qiu's ez go away like that.

He rushed directly in the direction of ez.

Ye Qiu looked at Snake Girl with a smile on his face.

[After one second, release the q skill to the front left, refresh the e skill, and leap forward! 】

This game is over in one wave, just now!.

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