Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 82: Feed Hong Into His Mouth, 4 Hit 5 And Hit The Middle Of The Road!

The bdd snake girl didn't feel any danger at all.

Instead, he took the risk to turn around and chase after Ye Qiu's ez, trying to attract ez and keep ez.

Let him continue to chase him and fall into the encirclement of his own home.

The distance between Snake Girl and Ye Qiu has been shortened.


The time has come!

Ye Qiu pressed his q skill and hit the bdd snake girl.

The distance between Snake Girl and Ye Qiu is exactly a distance of q.


He directly lost a lot of blood.

After ez's q skill hits, it's almost as good as cd's e skill.

Ye Qiu pressed his e skill again and leaped forward, almost coming to Snake Girl.

Bdd was startled, and hurriedly released a skill, turned around and wanted to escape.


【Walk to the right, release skills to the left!】

Snake Girl's q and W skills did not hit ez, but ez's w skill hit him again.


Both ez's q skill and W skill hit the snake girl, and there is also damage from the e skill.

The damage of the three skills is all full.

The q skill and the e skill are both single-target damage, and they have a magic cut damage bonus.

The level of W skills is very high, and Ye Qiu's ez ability is not low.

Under this terrible injury.

Snake Girl has only a trace of blood left.

After ez added another flat a, the snake girl of bdd directly became a corpse.

It all happened so fast.

It's almost impossible to react.

Ez, who had already given up on turning his head to leave, turned around and killed a carbine, killing the snake girl in seconds.

There is no chance of resistance at all.

Bdd himself didn't think of it either.

Could it be that ez didn't want to give up retreating at all, but deliberately wanted to seduce him!


The purpose of ez is fully realized.

He was also fooled, and he actually wanted to ambush and kill ez, so he was anxious, and gave the opponent another chance 04.

Once again, he sent out one of his own heads.

Regret means not listening to Big Mouth's signal.

Uzi is really harmful!

Even if his big mouth is dead, his teammates still had a chance to run, but they were dragged into the water again.

The Dragon Ball players behind BDD were also frantically patting the back of his chair.

I couldn't believe the scene just now, and I was dissatisfied with the operation of bdd just now.

They were all shouting beside them.

Just let bdd run straight away, just save your life, don't turn back.


Bdd still didn't listen to what they said, and actually wanted to kill ez, which is simply ridiculous.

Haven't you found out that this ez is so strong that it's outrageous!

And never do anything unsure.

The captain, who was a troll and still had a posture, felt a chill down his back when he saw that the snake girl was just like that.

The damage is too high.

No matter how many times you watch it, you will feel very scary.


The Snake Girl is gone, so just relying on the two of them, it's better to just run away.

If they rush up later, no one will be able to touch them, and they will be kited to death in the end!


The two didn't even dare to take a look at Ye Qiu's ez. They turned their heads and disappeared into the darkness of the wild area, rushing towards the high ground of their home.

at this time.

It seems that even if you stay away from Ye Qiu's ez and go back to the city in the wild area, you still don't feel a little sense of security.

It was reassuring to return to the Blood Spring afterwards.

The captain of the posture can run faster than the troll.

He put the barrel on his way forward, and when he reached that position, the gunpowder barrel had already decayed.

At this time, Ping A destroyed the gunpowder barrel, and rushed towards the high ground with the help of the high speed bonus of the explosion.

Seeing Zi Zi frantically fleeing for his life, his live broadcast room became more lively than ever before.

"I learned, I learned, so the powder keg and passive are used for this!"

"It is indeed very suitable for escaping!"

"Didn't you say that your captain is a c? Why does it look different to me?"

"Could it be that the captain gave c the person who was pushed to the ground by others!"

"Zi-chan, the way you run away is really beautiful

The subsequent bullet screens continued to cover the previous bullet screens.

When Gesture was controlling the captain to escape, he also glanced at the barrage.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it almost blows him up.

The audience's speech is really too annoying.

There have been rules of the rivers and lakes since ancient times.

Don't slap people in the face when you beat them, and don't expose your faults when you curse!

This group of audiences are all holding on to his shortcomings, and they are taking pleasure in it!


He said during the live broadcast that his captain is a c.


This is telling the truth!

When he played the captain himself, the people on the opposite side were all killed by him like paratroopers.

Super God.

Who would have thought that this would encounter such a situation.

The development of this ez is really good, and the damage is too high.

Grabbing the barrel is really too 6, and the skills are too accurate!

There is no way.

His captain turned into a clown, he could only run for his life in a panic, and he couldn't do anything else.

Just as they were escaping, there was a roar of a big dragon coming from the big dragon pit.

There was anger and resentment in that voice.

The heart of the posture trembled.

Knowing this declares that they have completely failed to take the big dragon before, and they have also completely failed to defend the big dragon.

The first big dragon has already been taken down by the opponent.

Uzi was originally staring at the gray and white screen, keeping his body leaning forward.


Snake Girl was killed in battle, Ueno retreated and fled, and Dalong was captured by the opposite side.

ez still maintains a record of never dying, and the head development has reached a point where it is terrifying to Aki.


Uzi seemed to have been sucked out of his body, unable to maintain his figure anymore, he leaned back heavily.

There was a loud sound when the body touched the back of the chair.

This rng's training room is very quiet, and a needle dropped on the quiet ground can be heard clearly.

Xiaohu and the others held their breath at this moment, not daring to make any loud noises at all.

He tiptoed back to his position, afraid of getting burned.

The troll and the captain had already run away, so Ye Qiu was naturally too lazy to go.

And chasing is not necessarily able to catch up.

Take the big dragon and go home to get some equipment, and directly gather a wave in the middle.

When news of Dalong's death sounded, Ye Qiu immediately chose to return to the city.

At this time, a signal for assembly was also issued in the middle.

That is, after everyone comes out of the blood spring, don't go anywhere, just come directly to the middle road.

Faker will also press the return button when he is in the Dragon Pit.

The bull head has the special effect of the dragon buff.

Don't look at the fact that he was always in Dalong just now.


He saw Ye Qiuez's performance clearly.

It is true that one person guards the dragon gate and completely blocks the four people on the opposite side.

Moreover, he successfully killed two and scared away two.

How rare it is.

This ez is really too strong.

"Taking down the dragon."

"ez is the number one hero!"

After finishing speaking, he coughed.

"It was assisted by my bull head!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"As expected of melon skin, I have never been direct!"

"Ye Qingjie, I didn't expect someone to be able to drive Guapi's bull head!"

"I always thought that uzi was very strong, but I didn't expect that it would be so miserable when I met this ez!"

"I'm really looking forward to the next scene. After getting the big dragon, it's just delaying time, and it's still a slow death."

"Still relying on this great dragon to counterattack peerlessly and complete a shocking comeback!"

All four people on Ye Qiu's side returned to the Blood Spring.

With the blessing of the big dragon buff, the speed of returning to the city is fast enough.

A hint appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.


【Choose the best killing book!】


Without any hesitation, he just bought the book of murder.

The original Little Killing Ring already had full floors, that is, 10 floors.


The big murder book also went directly to the 10th floor.

The money on my body has not been spent.


【Choose the best way to wear shoes!】


The straw sandals, which were only first-level, were immediately upgraded to a second-level killing book!

I have some money left on me.

Ye Qiu filled up the real eyes, and then rushed towards the middle road.

The male gun oppressed a little earlier than he went out from the blood spring.

It has already reached the red buff, and the red has been beaten to half blood.

He sent a signal to Ye Qiu, and clicked the red buff!.

Ye Qiu directly reached the red zone first, and a skill took the red down.

It seems that his performance just now has completely conquered his teammates.

That's why it was the teammates who took the initiative to beat Hong into residual blood, and then let him eat it.

Faker's barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, this male gun is a man with a high score!"

"Feed the red buff into ez's mouth to eat."

"To be honest, I'm a bit sour. When can I play games like this!"

"When you carry, there will definitely be pitfalls!"

After taking the buff, the four gathered directly in the middle.

The middle tower on uzi's side hasn't fallen yet.

However, with the bonus of the big dragon buff, the minions have become extremely brave.

The four people added the minions, and just like this, they knocked down a tower in the middle.

When they dropped the first tower, the people on Uzi's side just gathered in the middle.

The wave of big dragons just now beat the five of them into a little confusion.

Ye Qiu and the others are already in the collection.

As a result, the reaction of the five of them was still a beat slower.

Just like that, Yita was let out for nothing.

After knocking down a tower, Ye Qiu has no intention of giving up at all.

Instead, it is still continuing to move forward with 810.

The target is the second tower in the middle.

Because Ye Qiu knew very well that after getting Dalong now, it was their best chance.

The opposite is not a real colored pen, if it develops to the late stage.

Everyone is already in Liushen outfit, so his ez can't move.

It is almost impossible to make a comeback after playing 4 against 5.

You can only seize the opportunity now.

Ye Qiu first put his real eyes aside to line up his field of vision.

In this way, the smaller the opponent's field of vision, the greater the pressure they bear.


[Release skills to the right!]


Ye Qiu directly pressed his qw skill.

The two skills were released almost at the same time.

Luo, who stood at the forefront on Uzi's side, lost a lot of HP.

In an instant, it turned into residual blood.

Luo simply didn't dare to continue standing in front, so he hurriedly used his W skill to answer his teammates, keeping away from Ye Qiu's ez.

Luo stepped back, but the troll was still standing in front.

Ye Qiu didn't panic at all.


【Release the skill to the front left!】


The w skill is not good yet, so Ye Qiu just put a q skill.

It's just this single q skill that knocked out a lot of blood from the troll.

Although not to the point of particularly cruel.

But after a few more bites of Aozhi, he just couldn't stand it anymore.

With the passive ability of q skill to reduce cd, the next q skill will soon be good again.

The troll still didn't retreat, and stood at the forefront.


[Release skills to the left side of the front!]


Another q skill hit the troll.

The blood volume of the troll is reduced again.


He was really a little scared.


In the Dragon Pit, the scene where Ye Qiu lost a set of skills in seconds is still vivid in my memory.

Once bitten, twice shy.

The troll couldn't hold on any longer and chose to retreat.

The second tower in the middle of the blue side completely opened its arms to Ye Qiu.

Cooperate with the upper line, especially the cannon with the dragon buff.

Three down, five down and two down, that is, the second tower in the middle road will be demolished!

The moment the tower fell, a reminder appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes again.


[Use the e skill to enter the dark fog. 】

[Release the skill at 45 degrees to the side, hitting five enemies!]


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