Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 101: Xi Ran interviewed, he was laughing wildly (1/5 for subscription!)

"Cow batch!"

"Oh, this game has shown me the climax several times. I'm a bit of a tortoise. Brothers, it's too strong!"

"Brother Qiu, Dad, how many have you killed this game? Are there fifteen?"

"Nineteen, my mother.

"Xiaoqiu, bring it up to me, you must give out a bonus.

Backstage, the management of IG Club gathered around.

Just like outside, everyone's faces were dazed and confused at the moment, and then it was ecstasy.

Su Xiaoluo grabbed Bai Qiu and looked like he had found the big baby: "Tell me, how much bonus do you want, I'll go and apply for it with the principal!"

Bai Qiu hesitated: "Not so good..

"You're welcome, just say it and it's over." Su Xiaoluo looked like a laborer and wealthy.

"Then, give a million one?" Bai Qiu asked tentatively.

"Pfft. Cough." Su Xiaoluo almost got eaten, touched his nose, and said embarrassedly: "This Xiaoqiu, don't worry, this is the play-in match, when we advance to the group stage, if you play as well as you are now The same, let alone one million 26, five million, ten million is no problem!"

"I'm dying of laughter, is this President Su?" A Shui muttered beside him.

"Huh?" Su Xiaoluo stared at her deathly, and everyone immediately pretended to be nothing and stopped talking.

Just kidding, the atmosphere in the IG team is very lively.

The eyes of everyone looking at Bai Qiu are full of kindness and kindness.

They know that the first show of the S game is this performance. Although this game is full of surprises and uncertainties, as long as Bai Qiu can maintain one-tenth of this level, his future prospects are unlimited!

And it took 13 minutes to win the game, which gave everyone in IG who had never played well in international competitions an unprecedented sense of excitement and achievement.

Don't think about it, today's limelight, their IG is out!

After saying a few words, the MVP of this game was also given. There was no accident. Olaf killed 19 heads on the opposite side in a game and deservedly became the MVP of this game.

This is also Bai Qiu's first MVP at the 2017 World Finals!

The teammates said congratulations, and the team leader also came over to inform, and said softly: "Cherish was invited to interview."

Glancing at Bai Qiu, let's go "."

Bai Qiu nodded, Olaf's performance, the LPL chief interviewer must have invited him.

However, other teammates are not busy. The World Championship is different from other competitions. There are dozens of national competition areas around the world, and there are more than a dozen interview seats. Five people in IG are not enough.

Of course, the most watched and paid attention is definitely the LPL interview booth under the home court.

Bai Qiu came to the interview booth with a little excitement all the way.

Just seeing the host who interviewed him, he was stunned.

I originally thought that the one who interviewed him in the S game would be LPL's current host, Yu Shuang, but I didn't expect it to be an unfamiliar figure.

A closer look, some familiar.


Seeing Xi Ran's nervousness and Zhilian, she was still looking at her hand card, for fear that she would be too nervous for an interview later.

This is the first time!

Bai Qiu was a little surprised. It seems that it is only a play-in match, so he can come up and exercise.

"Hello." After Bai walked over to Qiulai, he waited for a while before he found him nervously, and hurriedly bowed and greeted him, be as polite as possible.

"No, no, we've met before." Bai Qiu said with relief.

Suddenly it occurred to him, isn't he a newcomer himself?

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry about what happened last time." Xi Ran said embarrassedly, and after correcting the question with Bai Qiu, the director gave the camera, and immediately smiled with a bright face and a little stiff: "Welcome to the post-match interview. Hello everyone, we are inviting IG's top laner, Cherish.

"Cheirsh, say hi to everyone?"

Bai Qiu said cooperatively: "Hello everyone, I'm the top order of IG, Cherish.



"Qiu Dad!!

"C baby C baby, mother's baby!"

Too strong "Brother, Qiu Ge Niubi!"

"What the hell is the end game in thirteen minutes?"

"Ah! So handsome! Why so handsome!"

The enthusiasm of the audience off the field was beyond imagination, and all kinds of cheers followed one after another. Standing on the stage, Bai Qiu could feel a wave of sound coming to his face.

This is the home court. Even if it is a B01 in a play-in match, after winning, the home audience will give enthusiastic support.

Compared with Bai Qiu's previous scene, the treatment gap is also very obvious. After so long of struggle, now I finally have some gains.

He has gained something, but now Xi Ran is so nervous that he is about to suffocate.

There were too many people, and Cherish's popularity was too high, so she was shocked and nervous.

"Yes, then, let's ask Cherish first, this game was won in thirteen minutes, oh no, congratulations to IG first. When this person is nervous, so many spectators watch him on stage for the first time, and he is a bit incoherent. .

Upon seeing this, the scene was quiet.

Bai Qiu calmly picked up the microphone: "Well, it's really surprising to win the game in thirteen minutes. I didn't expect even the host to be so excited, and we didn't expect it ourselves. Now we're more happy and excited.

"Huh.. She looked at Bai Qiu gratefully. She completely forgot to speak just now, and the scene was completely cold. Bai Qiu's words directly came back to her.

993 attributed her mistakes to the thirteen-minute record is too exaggerated. As the host of the LPL competition area, it is inevitable that she will be excited. Not only will she not be scolded by others, but it may also achieve unexpected results.

"So it is." Xi Ran stabilized and said with a smile: "Thirteen minutes is really too fast to end the game. The Cherish player took thirteen minutes and won nineteen heads. I would like to ask about this. , Is it because you are too strong? What do you want to say?"

Hearing the sound, the attention of the scene was immediately diverted.

Nineteen heads!

This is Bai Qiu's record in this game, and it is a shocking statistic. Everyone wanted to know what Bai Qiu, a rookie who played the S competition for the first time, had to say.

"Uh. This... When mentioning this, Bai Qiu couldn't help himself, and laughed directly.

Unexpectedly, his smile raised a question mark directly in the live broadcast room.


"He's laughing wildly!"

"Mom, Father Qiu, what a beautiful smile, I usually feel so cold and don't smile.

"Cold Noodle Killer?"

"Introverted? I feel like Cherish looks a little introverted.

"Good guy, did I just see that Cherish gave the new host a round? This guy has a very high emotional intelligence. He is either introverted or simply cold."

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