Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 102 : Fire, no longer unknown (2/5 please subscribe!)

Bai Qiu laughed because of this incident. He felt a little embarrassed and dreamy.

After all, killing the big brother on the opposite side so many times is indeed a little excessive.

He didn't expect that he just smiled, the live broadcast room barrage has brought a new rhythm.

At the scene, holding back his smile, Bai Qiu thought about his words and said, "I'm very happy, I didn't expect it to be like this myself. The opposite side looked very hard to win, maybe it was because they worked too hard, so there would be some mistakes. ,

"That's right." Xi Ran nodded, came back to her senses, and held back her heartbeat. Bai Qiu used to give her and everyone the feeling that she was a very cold and introverted person off the field. Up close, it looks so pretty.

"Well, we know that in this game, you also got the first five kills on this year's S7 in the later stage!" Xi Ran's eyes carried some admiration: "The first five kills! This is very powerful, for this five kills , how were you feeling at the time?"

Bai Qiu picked up the microphone: "Thanks to my teammates, thanks to Rookie.



"Thanks to Rookie it's okay.

"Hey, I suddenly found that Father Qiu is a little humorous!"

"Cold humor!!

"Tu, I want this man, sisters, don't rob me!"

“Chersih! Handsome!!”

Xi Ran was also amused by this answer.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that I really should thank Rookie. If Rookie didn't flash the last wave, he would also come to help Bai Qiu to keep people. Xiaopao will still die, but who will get the head, it's hard to say. .

He calmed down for a while, and let out a long breath: "The last question, yesterday IG lost the game and lost to GMB. Today, they won their revenge very quickly, and they ended the game in 13 minutes at the speed of light. These two days All the LPL viewers are also on a roller coaster, what do I have to say to the audience and the fans who have always supported you?"

"Thank you very much for your support, we will continue to work hard in the future to win the next game!"

The post-match interview should have ended, but it is strange to say that Xi Ran, who was nervous at first, is now standing next to Bai Qiu, who is half a head taller than her, and suddenly let go a lot and played extra: "Then what's the next goal?"

Bai Qiu was stunned, and then said: "Of course it is the group promotion!"

"Okay, congratulations to IG again, we also believe that IG will win the next game, successfully advance to the group stage, and go to the 2017 global finals together with the two teams EDG and RNG!"

The words were over, the interview was over, and Bai Qiu and Xi Ran returned to the backstage together.

"Just now, thank you. I was so nervous. This was the first time I interviewed players in the S competition. As soon as I left the stage, I patted my chest like a pardon, and sincerely thanked me.

It doesn't matter. "I was also very nervous when I was interviewed for the first time." Bai Qiu smiled comfortingly.

"Hey, you still smile a lot in private." Xi Ran joked.

Bai Qiu paused and touched his nose.

Xi Ran also realized that she and the other party were not that familiar yet, but just now, she really couldn't hold back.

"Ah, that's what. Come on after that! I believe you will be able to advance to the group stage!"

After he finished speaking, he quickly covered his face and ran away.

Bai Qiu was stunned, shook his head and smiled, and walked to the lounge.

On the other side, Xi Ran leaned against the wall to calm down for a while, and muttered, "Oh my god, what are you thinking, are they a professional player or a star player?

Shaking my head, I have nothing to do now, the content of the interview just now sounded, I couldn't help but take out my phone and swipe it.

"This Olaf should be on fire, right?

The voice paused, and as soon as Xi Ran clicked into Weibo, she saw the hot word recommended by the official--

#IG thirteen minutes#


The match between IG and GMB has really been on fire.

From the moment IG flattened the GMB crystal base in 13 minutes, the heat from the outside world has already picked up.

In the past two days, IG has been in the center of public opinion because of what they lost yesterday.

The attention of the S competition is too high, even IG, which was not seen by everyone before, will always be more demanding of them once they enter the S competition.

Not to mention that you must qualify for the group stage, at least the play-in stage, and you cannot lose the wild card!

In the past few days, all kinds of scolding and hatred are not discussed, but the topic of "let WE play S7" is still high.

Although the topic is a bit NT, but who makes WE fans more now?

IG fans and other viewers are helpless about this.

Unexpectedly, in today's game, IG directly ended the game at the speed of light in thirteen minutes, killing the GMB who defeated them yesterday as a pig.

This news and record is so shocking.

Weibo hot search list.

Because of the popularity bonus from yesterday's loss, IG-wins the game today and is directly airborne to the top three on Weibo!

The hot search words of #IG13 minutes# are hanging high, followed by 300W+ popularity.

This popularity, IG never dared to think about it before, but now they have done it!

Clicking in and taking a look, countless LPL viewers and fans who are paying attention to today's game have long been excited.

Thirteen minutes!!"

"My God, is there a faster race than this? IG, that's outrageous!"

"Although the opposite is a wild card, but in thirteen minutes, the king can't do it the same way as a bronze, right?"

"What's the situation? I went out to pick up a courier, how did the game end?

"+1, I ate a Wallace at noon, took it, and won't play when I come back to the game? What's going on?"

I laughed so hard, I won!"

"IG cattle batch! cattle batch!

"This should be a record-breaking, right?

The cliff "Broken, IG played so well today, everyone added chicken thighs!"

"The above, wouldn't it be more exaggerated to have zero fill-ups? Cherish, Qiu Daddy! Where did IG (Nuo Nuo Hao) find this person, he is S Saitongtian's power trainer."

"Olav is crazy!"

While talking, inevitably, someone mentioned Bai Qiu.

There is no way not to mention that this game can end in thirteen minutes, and it can be said that it is all because of this Olaf!

Too fat, nearly 20 heads in less than ten minutes, GMB can't control this Olaf at all, otherwise, no matter how inferior he is, how can he stick to fifteen shots.

To be levelled by the base in thirteen minutes, to be honest, it's so ugly!

The ugly loses, the dignity is gone.

So when the topic of Olaf is brought up, the outside audience chats more and more.

Soon, shortly after the thirteen-minute hot search of #IG went up, the hot search words of #ChreishFive Kill Olaf# also followed.

Close to IG, even beyond!

Some people say that Bai Qiu will become popular after this game, which is definitely not a joke.

It's true! Shop,

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