Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 103: Crazy increase of fans, successful promotion (3/5 for subscription!)

#CherishOlavFiveKill# Among the hot search terms, the most popular one is the Rabbit Gaming eSports that mastered the wealth code immediately and issued a report about Cherish Olaf winning the MVP.

In the picture below, Bai Qiu's MVP makeup photo in this year's global finals appears, and the left side is the data that makes people exclaim at a glance.

KDA: 19/1/5.

Participation rate: 75%.

Damage ratio: 65%.

Counterpoint Economic Lead: 5204.

Number of MVP wins: 1.

Nineteen heads are not to be discussed.

The damage accounted for 65%, and Olaf alone directly accounted for 65% of the output, and the remaining 1G four people, on average, each person's average damage ratio is 8.75%!


This is outrageous, all four of IG's are in single digits, and Olaf's damage is much more than theirs!

From this data, we can see how crazy Olaf killed in this game.

In terms of counterpoint economy, Olaf is directly ahead of the opponent by about 5,000!

As soon as this data appeared, it simply shone the eyes of a large group of viewers.

Is there any more perfect and luxurious data than this?

993 "I'll drop a tortoise, Cherish, is this too outrageous?"

"Cherish? Father C!"

"My God, this opponent is five thousand ahead, and one Mount Everest ahead?"

"I have never seen such outrageous data. The IG game ended in thirteen minutes, and Olaf accelerated the process of the game alone!"

"It's terrifying, Cherish, the first five kills, IG found the treasure!"

"Isn't there anything wrong with the top order? Just this Olaf, Duke may be on the bench in the future!"

This data is very gorgeous. Even people who don't understand the game can feel how carry Olaf is in this game just by looking at these numbers.

Tongtiandai, it's not for nothing!

At the same time, someone also posted screenshots of Bai Qiu's post-match interview.

Unsurprisingly, at this juncture, it quickly became popular.

"Ah! Cherish himself is so warm, looking cold and cold, he took the initiative to help round the field during the interview, this person is so charming!

"It turns out I'm not the only one who noticed, Cherish is getting more and more handsome!"

"He's laughing wildly!

(cgej) "Please ask for Cherish's Weibo account, what does the IG club do? Why can't I find Cherish's Weibo?"

"Found it, here @IGCherish, sisters hurry up and follow!"

Bai Qiu's Weibo account was registered by the IG club after the last bubbling match, and it hasn't even been authenticated yet, but the IG official helped "manually authenticate" it.

At present, the number of fans is relatively small, only 9,472, not even 10,000.

But at the end of the game, after someone posted his Weibo @, Bai Qiu's Weibo fans rose from about 9,000 to 30,000+ in just less than an hour!

This terrifying growth rate has not stopped, because Bai Qiu played too few games before, and showed too little face, and he was on the LPL stage, it was actually difficult to attract the attention of the audience. It is even more difficult to get the attention of the audience who notice him.

But the s game is different. The s game is the biggest stage in the world, even if this is just a play-in match, and the opponent is only a wild card team, the game can be finished at the speed of light in thirteen minutes and the five kills of Olaf still made some fame.

People who hadn't paid attention to Bai Qiu before followed, and by the next day, Bai Qiu's Weibo account had already reached about 9W fans.

Unsurprisingly, after this competition, it should be able to rise to 100,000!

One game, 100,000 fans, Bai Qiu finally turned from an ordinary player to a more famous star player in the LPL!

"Wow, brother, go online, you're on fire."

the next day.

When they were about to leave for the competition venue, the teammates also discovered the situation, and they all shouted that Bai Qiu would be invited to treat him.

"It's almost there, isn't it just 100,000 fans." Bai Qiu said, "That's what it is!"


When everyone heard this, they almost couldn't hold back and beat him.

Is that the case?

In the entire IG team, except for Rookie, no one has 100,000 Weibo fans, and Rookie has a reputation that has been accumulated for many years.

As for the rest of IG, although they have grown up for many years, they are still very common professional players.

In the LPL division, those with more than 100,000 Weibo followers are already considered top-tier LPL players.

Bai Qiu didn't play many games, but he achieved this achievement in one go, and his teammates were both envious and blessed.

"Okay, winning the game is everything." Su Xiaoluo next to him sighed, he now understands why all professional players are pursuing the S game.

"You can see it all, play well, the S game is the best stage, if you win the game today and advance to the S7 group stage, everyone will become famous!"

When the words fell, everyone on IG was aggressive and went to the competition venue full of energy.

Today is September 26th, the last day of the 2017 World Finals play-in.

After the baptism of yesterday's competition, IG easily won this day's competition.

Ranked first in the group with a score of 3/1.

The first of the other three groups are: C9, FNC, FB.

In addition to the wild card team FB of Fenerbahce in 1907, the other three group firsts in the play-in match were all swept by the third seed of the five major regions.

This also indicates that the strength of the five major regions is still ahead of the wild cards by too many, and the performance is very strong, and it is a popular team to advance to the group stage.

On the same day, many wild-card teams from various major regions around the world left with regrets, such as the R region, which was smug before the game.

Before the real S7 started, they were already eliminated.

Not to mention the tears on the scene, that night, IG held a lottery for the play-in knockout rounds.

In the end, IG and the second YG team in Group C (Southeast Asia Division) faced off.

After a short off-season, on September 28, the play-in knockout round and the final promotion round officially kicked off.

IG was scheduled to be the first to appear on the first day.

There were no surprises in the result. YG, a wild card team, was only second in Group C. IG played against them. There may be some uncertainties in B01, but B05 is stable and cannot be more stable.

A neat 370,1G won this much-anticipated knockout victory.

Also their last match in the 2017 World Championship Play-In!

On this day, the victorious IG has been confirmed to advance to the group stage of the 2017 Global Finals.

To advance to the main competition, after two years, a week-long play-in career, IG, returned to the stage of the S competition!

Everything is ready, just waiting for the decisive battle to kick off!

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